Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 1-99 - Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreation
Chapter NR 10 - Game And Hunting
Subchapter I - General Provisions
Section NR 10.02 - Protected wild animals
Current through August 26, 2024
The following wild animals are designated protected. No person may take, attempt to take, transport or possess any protected wild animal or its carcass at any time except as authorized by state or federal law.
(2) Endangered or threatened species listed in ch. NR 27.
(3) Albino and white deer which have a coat of all white hair except that the hair on the tarsal glands, head or parts of the head may be a color other than white. For the purposes of this paragraph, white hair that has been discolored or stained by blood, soil or similar materials shall continue to be considered white hair.
(8) All wild birds.
(9) Timber rattlesnake of the species Crotalus horridus, except that a timber rattlesnake may be killed in emergency situations involving an immediate threat to human life or domestic animals. It is requested that each person who kills a rattlesnake under this provision provide to the department no later than 48 hours after the kill, not to include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, factual information related to the kill including the location, date of the kill and the name and address of the person who killed it.
Note: Possession of the timber rattlesnake or any part lawfully taken in Wisconsin prior to April 1, 1998, lawfully purchased or lawfully taken outside the state of Wisconsin is not prohibited by this section, but the person possessing it has an obligation under s. 29.971, Stats., to prove such facts.
Note: The department's conservation program for the timber rattlesnake, under s. 29.039 (1), Stats., includes a department response and assistance element for occupants or owners of land, or other persons, requesting assistance because of the presence of rattlesnakes. In addition, upon complaint, the department may, under s. 29.885, Stats., investigate and authorize removal, relocation or destruction if the species constitutes a nuisance. Requests for assistance, or complaints, should be directed to the Bureau of Endangered Resources, Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707, telephone 1-888-74SNAKE.
(10) Gophersnakes Pituophis catenifer, gray ratsnakes Pantherophis spiloides, and the North American racers Coluber constrictor.
(11) Blanding's turtles Emydoidea blandingii.
(12) On private land, the landowner, lessee or occupant of the land, or any other person with permission of the landowner, lessee or occupant may shoot and kill any bear in the act of killing, wounding or biting a domestic animal, other than dogs used to hunt or pursue bear during an open bear hunting season or bear dog training season. Shootings shall be reported within 24 hours to a department conservation warden. The carcass of the bear shall be turned over to the department.
(13) Any other wild animal for which a closed season, bag limit, size limit or possession limit is prescribed.