Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 1-99 - Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreation
Chapter NR 1 - Natural Resources Board Policies
Section NR 1.211 - Cooperative forestry policy
Current through August 26, 2024
The department shall administer the private forestry program in a manner which will provide management assistance to owners of private forest lands.
(1) The department shall provide technical forestry assistance on privately owned forest lands in Wisconsin.
(2) The department may enter into agreements with any governmental agency, public or private corporation or private owner to achieve improved forest land management.
(3) The private forestry program shall focus on leadership in forestry through management planning, demonstration, education and coordination of forestry activities. The department shall strive to reach a large number of people and effect forest management on the most acreage as is reasonably possible.
(4) Department foresters shall cooperate with other professional foresters, groups and individuals to influence and encourage forest land management.
(5) Department foresters shall recommend integrated management principles that enhance forests, wildlife, aesthetics, recreation and watershed protection through applied silvicultural practices.
(6) The concept of multiple-use of forest lands will be utilized to assure maximum public benefits of wood production, wildlife management, improved watershed protection, recreational use and aesthetics.
(7) Department efforts shall be concentrated on those activities having the greatest potential of providing for present or future multiple use and public economic benefits.