Wisconsin Administrative Code
Law Enforcement Standards Board
Chapter LES 9 - By-laws of the Wisconsin law enforcement standards board
Section LES 9.04 - Executive committee
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) The executive committee shall consist of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, and 3 other members of the board to be appointed by the chairperson. The secretary shall also be included, in a nonvoting capacity.
(2) The executive committee shall meet upon the call of the chairperson or the secretary for the purpose of considering matters which require immediate action. The executive committee shall be empowered to take necessary action on behalf of the board in such situations provided that such action does not effect any change in the overall policies or the rules and regulations of the board.
(3) A quorum shall be necessary to conduct business at executive committee meetings.
(4) A quorum shall be duly constituted when 3 voting members of the committee are present.