Wisconsin Administrative Code
Law Enforcement Standards Board
Chapter LES 9 - By-laws of the Wisconsin law enforcement standards board
Section LES 9.01 - Membership
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) The board shall consist of 14 members chosen or appointed in accordance with the provisions of the act.
(2) Each member of the board shall take and file the official oath prior to assuming office.
(3) The attorney general is one of the ex-officio members of the board. The act states that the attorney general may designate a member of his or her staff to represent the attorney general. If the attorney general chooses a designee, the attorney general shall advise the chairperson of the board in writing of the designee's identity. This designee may then vote and shall be counted in determining whether a quorum is present. Any other board member who is unable to attend a board meeting may send a representative to present the absent member's views at the meeting. However, such a representative may not vote, and shall not be counted in determining a quorum.