Wisconsin Administrative Code
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
Chapter Ins 9 - Defined Network Plans
Subchapter II - Financial Standards for Health Maintenance Organizations or Limited Service Health Organizations
Section Ins 9.05 - Business plan
Current through November 25, 2024
All applications for certificates of incorporation and certificates of authority of a health maintenance organization insurer or an insurer licensed to write only limited service health organization business shall include a proposed business plan. In addition to the items listed in ss. 611.13(2) and 613.13(1), Stats., the following information shall be contained in the business plan:
(2) FEASIBILITY STUDIES AND MARKETING SURVEYS. A summary of feasibility studies or marketing surveys that support the financial and enrollment projections for the health maintenance organization insurer or the insurer licensed to write only limited service health organization business. The summary shall include the potential number of enrollees in the operating territory, the projected number of enrollees for the first 5 years, the underwriting standards to be applied, and the method of marketing the organization.
(3) GEOGRAPHICAL SERVICE AREA. The geographical service area by county including a chart showing the number of primary and specialty care providers with locations and service areas by county; the method of handling emergency care, with locations of emergency care facilities; and the method of handling out-of-area services.
(4) PROVIDER AGREEMENTS. The extent to which any of the following will be included in provider agreements and the form of any provisions that do any of the following:
(5) PROVIDER AVAILABILITY. A description of how services will be provided to policyholders in each service area, including the extent to which primary care will be given by providers under contract with the health maintenance organization insurer.
(6) QUALITY ASSURANCE. A summary of comprehensive quality assurance standards that identify, evaluate and remedy problems related to access to care and continuity and quality of care. The summary shall address all of the following:
(7) PLAN ADMINISTRATION. A summary of how administrative services will be provided, including the size and qualifications of the administrative staff and the projected cost of administration in relation to premium income. If management authority for a major corporate function is delegated to a person outside the organization, the business plan shall include a copy of the contract. Contracts for delegated management authority shall be filed for approval with the commissioner under ss. 611.67 and 618.22, Stats. The contract shall include all of the following:
(8) FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS. A summary of: current and projected enrollment; income from premiums by type of payor; other income; administrative and other costs; the projected break even point, including the method of funding the accumulated losses until the break even point is reached; and a summary of the assumptions made in developing projected operating results.
(9) FINANCIAL GUARANTEES. A summary of all financial guarantees by providers, sponsors, affiliates or parents within a holding company system, or any other guarantees which are intended to ensure the financial success of the health maintenance organization insurer. These include hold harmless agreements by providers, insolvency insurance, reinsurance or other guarantees.
(10) CONTRACTS WITH ENROLLEES. A summary of benefits to be offered enrollees including any limitations and exclusions and the renewability of all contracts to be written.