Wisconsin Administrative Code
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
Chapter Ins 57 - Care management organizations
Section Ins 57.05 - Business plan
Current through November 25, 2024
All applications for permits of a care management organization shall include a proposed business plan. In addition to the items listed in s. 648.05(2), Stats., the following information shall be contained in the business plan:
(1) ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION. All care management organization business plans shall include:
(2) GEOGRAPHICAL SERVICE AREA. The geographical service area by county including a chart showing the number of providers with locations and service areas by county. A description and the method of handling out-of-area services shall also be included.
(3) ENROLLMENT. A description of the target populations being served by the care management organization, in what proportions these target groups are currently being served, what the long range expectations of the care management organization are in serving each target group (i.e., anticipated program growth), and how historical trends or projections are similar to, or different, from program averages.
(4) PROVIDER AGREEMENTS. The extent to which any of the following are included in provider agreements and the form of any provisions that do any of the following:
(5) PROVIDER AVAILABILITY. A description of the care management organization's general plan for delivering care management services to its members. Differences in the delivery of this service across target groups or counties shall be described. Changes in the delivery of care management over time, either completed or anticipated shall be described.
(6) PLAN ADMINISTRATION. A summary of how administrative services are provided, including the size and qualifications of the administrative staff and the projected cost of administration in relation to capitation income. If administrative services are to be provided by a person outside the organization, the business plan shall include a copy of the contract. The contract shall include all of the following:
(7) FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS. A summary of all of the following:
(8) STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS ANALYSIS. An analysis of the CMO's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a description of the major challenges the CMO faces, both internal and external to the organization, in providing services to each target group, and the strategies it is employing, or plans to employ, to address those challenges.
(9) FINANCIAL GUARANTEES. A summary of all financial guarantees by providers, sponsors, affiliates or parents within a holding company system, or any other guarantees which are intended to ensure the financial success of the care management organization. These include hold harmless agreements by providers, stop loss insurance, or other guarantees.
(10) BUSINESS PLAN REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT. The business plan filed with the department pursuant to provisions in the family care contract is acceptable for the purposes of this section.