Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Administration-Division of Personnel Management; Merit Recruitment
Chapter ER-MRS 10 - Limited Term Appointments
Section ER-MRS 10.06 - Violations
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) If the director finds an agency has failed to comply with limited term appointment standards established under this chapter, the director may remove the incumbents of positions for which appointment standards were not followed. Employees subject to removal under this section shall be given notice of removal. The director may also withdraw all delegated authority for making limited term appointments from the agency until such time as, in the judgment of the director, the agency takes appropriate measures to ensure that future limited term appointments will be in compliance with established standards.
(2) Limited term employees who have reached or exceeded the hours or earnings limitations established by s. 230.26(1) or 16.417(2), Stats., respectively, shall be immediately removed from the position.