Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Corrections
Chapter DOC 393 - Youth Aftercare Conduct And Revocation
Section DOC 393.19 - Return of a youth to a type 1 secured correctional facility
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) If a youth on state aftercare is held on administrative detention at a type 1 secured correctional facility, the signed revocation order of the administrator of the division of hearings and appeals, if there has been a hearing, or the signed revocation order of the administrator, if the hearing has been waived, shall serve to revoke the youth's aftercare and authorize transfer of supervision of the youth to a type 1 secured correctional facility.
(2) If a youth on county-provided aftercare has been held on administrative detention at a secure detention facility, the signed revocation order of the administrator of the division of hearings and appeals, if there has been a hearing, or the signed revocation order of the county director, if the hearing has been waived, shall serve to revoke the youth's aftercare and authorize return of the youth to a type 1 secured correctional facility.
(3) If a youth or the youth's attorney files an appeal of the revocation order, the appeal shall not delay transfer of the youth to supervision at a type 1 secured correctional facility pending outcome of the appeal.