Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Corrections
Chapter DOC 373 - Youth conduct in Type 1 secured correctional facilities
Subchapter X - Disposition of Conduct Rule Violations
Section DOC 373.69 - Conduct reports
Current through August 26, 2024
(1) Staff who observe or discover a conduct rule violation shall investigate the matter to determine if a conduct rule violation occurred. If staff conclude that a major conduct rule violation has occurred, a conduct report shall be written. If more than one staff knows of the same violation, the superintendent shall designate the staff who shall write the conduct report.
(2) A conduct report may only be written for a major conduct rule violation.
(3) The conduct report shall describe the facts in detail, including information obtained from other staff. The report shall list all conduct rules that were allegedly violated, even if they overlap. All physical evidence and witnesses shall be mentioned in the report.
(4) There shall be at least one conduct report or record for each act that is alleged to be a major conduct rule violation under this chapter.