Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Corrections
Chapter DOC 350 - Jails
Section DOC 350.18 - Security
Current through November 25, 2024
The jail shall have policies and procedures relating to jail security, including all of the following components:
(1) INMATE SUPERVISION. The jail shall have a system providing for well-being checks of inmates. Policies and procedures shall provide that all inmates are personally observed by jail security staff at staggered intervals not to exceed the following:
(2) SUPPLEMENTAL OBSERVATION. A video monitoring system may be used to supplement but not replace personal observations.
(3) DOCUMENTATION. Each observation shall be documented.
(4) INMATE COUNTS. Description of the system for physically counting inmates. Formal counts shall be completed and documented at least three times per day, with a minimum of one count per shift.
(5) SECURITY INSPECTIONS. Description of procedures for conducting and documenting facility and area searches.
(6) INMATE SEARCHES. Description of procedures for conducting and documenting inmate pat down, strip, and body cavity searches.
(7) DOOR AND LOCK INSPECTIONS. Monthly inspections shall be made to determine if all jail doors and locks within and to the secure perimeter of the facility are in good working order. Each inspection shall be documented.
(8) KEY CONTROL. Control and use of jail keys, including all of the following:
(9) WEAPONS CONTROL. Introduction, availability, control, inventory, storage, and use of firearms, chemical agents, electronic control devices, or other related security devices and specification of the level of authority required for their access and use.
(10) TOOL AND SHARPS CONTROL. Introduction, availability, control, inventory, storage, and use of tools and sharps within the facility.