Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Corrections
Chapter DOC 350 - Jails
Section DOC 350.12 - Sanitation and hygiene
Current through November 25, 2024
The jail shall have policies and procedures relating to sanitation and hygiene, including the following components:
(1) Facilities are required to be clean and in good repair.
(2) Blankets shall be laundered monthly and before reissue.
(3) Sheets, pillowcases, and mattress covers shall be changed and washed at least weekly and before reissue.
(4) Clean towels shall be issued to each inmate twice a week.
(5) Mattresses shall be provided where there is a need for overnight detention. Each mattress and each pillow, if used, shall be covered with a fire retardant, waterproof, easy-to-sanitize material. Mattresses and pillows shall be kept in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. The sheriff shall provide adequate bedding. Mattresses shall be cleaned and sanitized before reissue.
(6) Suppliers of mattresses and pillows shall provide evidence to the sheriff that the products are fire retardant, waterproof, and easy to clean.
(7) Mattresses shall be of proper size to fit the bed.
(8) The sheriff shall provide an inmate whose clothing has been confiscated with adequate and appropriate clothing, including footwear, for use while the inmate is in custody. Footwear shall be cleaned and sanitized before reissue.
(9) Laundry schedule shall be established to meet daily needs. All issued and allowed clothing items are laundered twice weekly.
(10) Vermin and pests are controlled with an effective, documented program. Containers of poisonous compounds used for exterminating rodents or insects shall be prominently and distinctly labeled for easy identification of contents. Poisonous compounds shall be stored independently and separately from food and kitchenware in a locked area not accessible to inmates.
(11) After 24 hours, inmates shall be provided with toilet articles sufficient for the maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene, including toothpaste and toothbrush, soap, and comb. Basic feminine hygiene materials for females and toilet paper shall be provided to inmates upon request. There shall be no common use of toothbrushes, combs, shaving materials, or feminine hygiene materials.
(12) Inmates are provided cleaning materials daily. Tables used for common use and meals shall be kept sanitized. Door traps used for passing meals or other items shall be kept sanitized.
(13) Safety and sanitation inspections of the jail are completed and documented at a minimum of once monthly.
(14) Common use grooming tools are disinfected and cleaned before reissue and are stored in a secure area.
(15) Property storage containers shall be sanitized before reuse.
(16) Trash is removed daily from all dayrooms.
(17) Hazardous waste shall be disposed of according to government regulations.