Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Corrections
Chapter DOC 333 - Intensive Sanctions
Section DOC 333.15 - Mechanical restraints
Current through August 26, 2024
(1) Mechanical restraints which may be used on inmates in DIS placements are limited to handcuffs, handcuffs with restraining belt or chain, restraining chain and leg restraints.
(2) Mechanical restraints may be used only in the following circumstances:
(3) Mechanical restraints may not be used:
(4) A DIS staff member shall observe a DIS inmate in restraints at least once every 15 minutes until the restraints are removed or the inmate is admitted to a state correctional institution, a detention facility, a mental health facility or a medical facility.
(5) If feasible, an inmate shall be released from restraints to perform bodily functions and for meals.
(6) A written record shall be made each time the inmate is placed in restraints. The record shall include:
(7) DIS staff shall periodically examine the supply of mechanical restraints. Any excessively worn or defective restraints shall be removed from the supply. Only commercially manufactured mechanical restraints may be used.
(8) If the DIS inmate is held in a state correctional institution, the mechanical restraints rules under ss. DOC 306.09 and apply 306.10.