Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Children and Families
DCF 201-252 - Early Care and Education
Chapter DCF 252 - Day Camps For Children
Section DCF 252.08 - Pets and other animals
Current through August 26, 2024
(1) Pets that are kept on the premises of a day camp shall be maintained in good health and appropriately vaccinated against rabies. Rabies vaccinations shall be documented with a current certificate from a veterinarian.
(2) A pet that is suspected of being ill, or infested with external lice, fleas, ticks, or internal worms shall be inaccessible to children.
(3) In the event that an animal bites a child, the parent shall be notified and a veterinarian shall be contacted by center personnel to determine a course of action in the diagnosis of possible rabies in the animal. Procedures for emergency care of children shall be followed. Parents shall be notified of any action taken by the veterinarian.
(4) Turtles, skunks, exotic animals, wild animals and poisonous reptiles may not be kept as pets on the premises of the day camp.
(5) Animal pens shall be kept clean.
(6) All contact between pets or animals and children shall be under the supervision of a camp counselor who is close enough to remove the child immediately if the pet or animal shows signs of distress or the child shows signs of treating the pet or animal inappropriately. Pets shall be kept and handled in a manner which protects the well-being of both children and pets.
(7) Pets in rooms used by children shall be confined in cages while food is being prepared or served. Pets, cages and litter boxes are prohibited in kitchens, lunch rooms and other food storage areas. Pet and animal feeding dishes and litter boxes may not be placed in areas accessible to children.
(8) No horses or other livestock may be permanently quartered closer than 500 feet from any building in which the day camp is located.
(9) Pets that pose any risk to the children shall be restricted from the areas used by children.
(10) Procedures to be followed when children have contact with animals, other than pets, while in the care of the camp shall be included in the camp's health policy.
Service animals used by a person with a disability to assist that person are not considered pets under this rule while they are working as a service animal.