Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Children and Families
DCF 101-199 - Family and Economic Security
Chapter DCF 101 - Wisconsin Works
Section DCF 101.07 - Access to information
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) Individuals inquiring about or applying for W-2 shall be given the following information by the W-2 agency in written form, and orally as appropriate: coverage, conditions of eligibility, scope of the program and related services available, and participants' rights and responsibilities. Bulletins or pamphlets developed for this purpose shall be available at the W-2 agency.
(2) Individuals may examine program manuals and policy issuances which affect the public, including rules and regulations governing eligibility, participants' rights and responsibility and services offered. These documents may be examined at W-2 agency offices or the department's state or regional offices on regular work days during regular office hours.
(3) An individual or the individual's authorized representative may review the individual's entire case record to verify that the content accurately reflects statements and documentation of facts. The W-2 agency may not withhold any part of the record during preparation for a review of a W-2 agency decision under s. 49.152, Stats. When the request is not related to preparation for review of a W-2 agency decision under s. 49.152, Stats., the W-2 agency is not required to show the individual or the individual's authorized representative the entire record unless the reason for reviewing the record requires the full record.