REQUIREMENTS. A youth in an ISP shall have a case plan that specifies the
(a) The goals for the youth and
family for the time the youth is in the ISP.
(b) The community-based treatment services
and educational, vocational, employment and other programs that are expected to
be used to meet the needs of the youth and family.
(c) The number and frequency of supervisory
contacts that the youth shall receive.
(d) The estimated time the youth and his or
her family will participate in the program.
(e) The rules and conditions of the youth's
participation in the program, including the following:
1. Avoiding of any conduct that violates a
federal, state or municipal law.
Reporting any contact with the police to ISP staff within 12 hours.
3. Reporting any arrest or citation to ISP
staff immediately.
4. Cooperating
with ISP staff and fully participating in all aspects of the case
5. Following all curfews
established by ISP staff.
Attending all scheduled educational and vocational programs.
7. Following his or her daily appointment
schedule with ISP staff.
Obtaining advance permission from the lead caseworker to travel outside the
9. Cooperating with
electronic monitoring procedures and refraining from altering, damaging, or
interfering in any way with the operation of the electronic monitoring
10. Refraining from
using or possessing any drug, item, or substance which is illegal to possess,
or any prescription drugs except as prescribed for the youth by a licensed
health care provider.
Refraining from purchasing, owning, carrying or possessing a firearm, knife, or
other weapon, or ammunition, without the advance written permission of an ISP
caseworker. The ISP caseworker may not grant a youth permission to possess a
firearm if the youth is prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or
federal law.
12. Agreeing to submit
to any test ordered by the ISP caseworker that is permitted under law,
including but not limited to, urinalysis, breathalyzer and blood
13. Complying with any
special rules issued by ISP staff including, but not limited to, rules relating
to companions, medical and dental appointments, counseling, therapy or other
mental health appointments, family responsibilities, court-ordered restitution,
participation in community service, educational and vocational programs, job
seeking and job attendance, purchasing, trading, selling, or operating a motor
vehicle, and borrowing money or making a purchase on credit.
(f) The consequences for violation
of a rule or condition, may include, but are not limited to:
1. Counseling and a warning.
2. Changing one or more of the rules or
provisions of the youth's case plan.
3. Placing the youth in a secure detention
facility for not more than 72 hours.
4. Placing the youth in non-secure custody
under s. 938.534, Stats., for not more
than 30 days as a crisis intervention if the youth is in need of crisis
5. Requesting
revision of the dispositional order under s.
938.363 or
938.357, Stats.
6. Imposing a sanction permitted by