person responsible for administering or monitoring resident use of medications
shall receive a copy of the center policies and procedures required under s.
DCF 52.41(1) (c)
9. for medication administration and
monitoring and shall be knowledgeable of them. The policies and procedures
shall include:
(a) For all medications, all
of the following:
1. Having written informed
consent on file as required under s.
2. Having information in each resident's
health record about any health allergies or health-related
3. Having on file
written authorization from a physician or registered nurse for each staff
person permitted to administer medications or to monitor self-administration of
4. Instructions for
center staff concerning administration of medications and monitoring of
resident self-administration of medications, secure storage of medications and
recording medication administration information as required under sub. (4) (a)
in the resident's health record.
Immediate notification of the resident's attending physician in the event of a
medication error or adverse drug reaction.
6. Medications may only be made available
when an individual authorized by the center is present.
(b) For prescription medications, all of the
1. Requiring that a medication be
administered by center staff to a resident only when:
a. The resident's attending physician or
center medical consultant provides center staff with clear written instructions
for administering the medication and authorizes specific center staff to
administer the medication.
b. The
administration takes place under the general supervision of a physician or
registered nurse.
c. The label on
the medication container gives clear instruction for administration of the
medication and, if not clear, center staff contact the physician or pharmacy
for clarification before administration of the medication.
2. Allowing a medication, including a
self-injectable medication, to be self-administered by a resident only while
the resident is under direct supervision of center staff and if
self-administration is authorized in writing from the prescribing physician or
center medical consultant under s.
DCF 52.41(1) (c)
4., and that authorization is confirmed by
review of the authorization for self-administration by center staff before
allowing self-administration by a resident.
3. Providing information to a resident and
the resident's resident care workers and resident services case manager about
any medication prescribed for the resident and when a physician orders or
changes the resident's medication. Information provided shall include expected
benefits and potential adverse side effects which may affect the resident's
overall treatment and, for staff, what to do if the resident refuses
4. Instructions for
center staff on what to look for in monitoring physical or mental changes to a
resident that may occur from a medication, what to do if physical or mental
changes are observed and recording them in the resident's health
5. Arranging a second
medical consultation when a resident or the resident's parent or guardian or
legal custodian, if any, has concerns about any medication received by the
resident or the resident's medication plan.
6. Having the resident's physician or center
medical consultant review a resident's prescription medications when there are
noted adverse effects from the medication. Documentation showing the date of
review and reviewer's name shall appear in the resident's health
7. Ensuring that any
use-as-needed medication is based on an assessment by a physician or registered
nurse and is approved by either a physician or registered nurse.
8. Arranging for administration of prescribed
medications to a resident when the resident is away from the center, for
example, at school or on a home visit. A resident may not be given access to
medications if there is a possibility that the resident may harm self through
abuse or overdose.