Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Children and Families
DCF 021-99 - Safety and Permanence
Chapter DCF 52 - Residential Care Centers For Children And Youth
Subchapter IX - Rate Regulation
Section DCF 52.68 - Extraordinary payments
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) A licensee may request that a Wisconsin public purchaser pay an extraordinary payment in addition to the rate established under ss. DCF 52.64 to 52.67 for a specific child in care.
(2) A licensee may request and a Wisconsin public purchaser may approve a child-specific extraordinary payment if all of the following conditions are met:
(3) A licensee shall submit a request for an extraordinary payment to the Wisconsin public purchaser on a form prescribed by the department. The request shall be dated and signed and include all of the following:
Note: A extraordinary payment request form is available at https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/ratereg.
(4) The Wisconsin public purchaser shall approve or deny the request or recommend an alternative to meet the child's needs and shall notify the licensee of the determination within 10 working days after receipt of the request form. The Wisconsin public purchaser shall send a copy of the licensee's request, the signed and dated determination, and the justification for the determination to the department within 20 days of the approval or non-approval of the request.
Note: Required information should be sent to Department of Children and Families, Division of Safety and Permanence, Extraordinary Payments Panel, 201 W. Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 8916, Madison WI 53708-8916.
(5) A licensee may not appeal the denial of a request for an extraordinary payment under this section.