Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
ATCP 55-89 - Food, Lodging, and Recreation Safety
Chapter ATCP 75 - Retail Food Establishments
Appendix - Wisconsin Food Code
Chapter 3 - Food
Subpart 3-203 - Original Containers and Records
Section 3-203.13 - Grinding Log, Ground Beef
Current through August 26, 2024
(A) Grinding records shall be kept for any raw ground beef manufactured in a retail FOOD ESTABLISHMENT as specified under 9 CFR 320.1(b)(4), 320.2 and 320.3. This does not apply to non-intact products such as mechanically tenderized or needle injected raw beef.
(B) Retail FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS, including restaurants, that grind beef for sale as raw ground beef or another not READY-TO-EAT FOOD, shall maintain the following records:
NOTE: A ground beef lot is defined as the amount of ground beef produced during an identified date and time period from one complete clean up to another.
(C) The required records are to be maintained at the grinding establishment and are to be kept for a minimum of 1 year.
(D) If a facility grinds beef and sells it all in the ready to eat form (e.g., cooked hamburger), it is exempt from the requirements of this section.