Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
ATCP 20-54 - Agricultural Resource Management
Chapter ATCP 29 - Pesticide Use And Control
Subchapter IV - Pesticide Dealers and Distributors
Section ATCP 29.15 - Dealers and distributors of restricted use pesticides
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) LICENSE REQUIRED. Except as provided under sub. (2), no person may sell or distribute any restricted-use pesticide unless that person holds an annual license issued by the department under this section. A license expires on December 31 of each year and is not transferable to another person.
Note: See s. 94.685, Stats.
(2) EXEMPTIONS. Subsection (1) does not apply to any of the following:
Note: See s. ATCP 29.20.
(3) LICENSE APPLICATION. A person applying for a license under sub. (1) shall apply on a form provided by the department. The application shall include all of the following:
(4) LICENSE AND SURCHARGES. A person applying for a license under sub. (1) shall pay the following annual license fee and surcharge for each business location under sub. (3) (c), including any new location opened during the license year:
(5) ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS. Before a person licensed under sub. (1) sells a restricted-use pesticide from any additional location not identified in that person's most recent annual license application under sub. (3) (c), that person shall do both of the following:
(6) A ction on license application. The department shall grant or deny a license application under sub. (3) within 30 business days after the applicant files a complete application with the department.
(7) SALES OF RESTRICTED-USE PESTICIDES. A person required to be licensed under sub. (1) may sell or distribute a restricted-use pesticide only to one of the following:
(8) RESTRICTED-USE PESTICIDES; SALES RECORDS. A person required to be licensed under sub. (1) shall keep legible records of all restricted-use pesticides which that person sells or distributes in this state. The person shall retain the records for at least 2 years, and shall make them available to the department for inspection and copying upon request. The person shall keep all of the following records related to each sale or distribution of a restricted-use pesticide:
(9) ANNUAL REPORT. Not later than October 30 of each year, a person required to be licensed under sub. (1) shall report each of the following to the department on a report form provided by the department:
Reports under sub. (9) must include all pesticides, not just restricted-use pesticides. Report forms may be obtained from the department at the following address: Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection; Division of Agricultural Resource Management; P.O. Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911.