Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
ATCP 1-9 - General
Chapter ATCP 1 - Administrative Orders And Contested Cases
Subchapter IV - General Provisions
Section ATCP 1.16 - Record of oral proceedings; transcripts
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) RECORD OF ORAL PROCEEDINGS. Oral proceedings in a contested case shall be stenographically or electronically recorded. Oral proceedings in a contested case shall be electronically recorded unless the administrative law judge determines that a stenographic record is necessary and the department approves the creation of a stenographic record.
(2) ELECTRONIC RECORDING; COPIES. If an oral proceeding in a contested case is electronically recorded, a copy of the recording shall be furnished at cost to any party who requests a copy.
(3) WRITTEN TRANSCRIPT. Upon request by any party, the department shall provide the requester with a written transcript of oral proceedings in a contested case. The written transcript may be made from an electronic recording of the oral proceedings. The department shall charge a fee for the written transcript as provided under sub. (4). If the department provides a written transcript of a contested case proceeding to any requester, the department shall inform every party to that case that the written transcript is available.
(4) TRANSCRIPT FEES. If the department provides a written transcript to a requester under sub. (3), the department shall charge a fee as follows:
(5) INFORMATION PROTECTED FROM DISCLOSURE. This section does not require the department to disclose information in violation of an order under s. ATCP 1.25(2) (b).