West Virginia Code of State Rules
Agency 126 - Education
Series 126-148 - Professional Field Experience Agreement
Section 126-148-2 - Professional Field Experience Agreement and Responsibility
The licensure of teaching personnel in West Virginia requires certain field experiences, and the provision for such experiences is a responsibility of the teacher preparation institutions and local education agencies of West Virginia.
Under the Provisions of Chapter 18, Article 2, Section 6 of the Code of West Virginia, as implemented by regulations passed by the West Virginia Board of Education, titled "Standards for Student Teaching", the West Virginia Board of Education and Board of Education of the County of ______________, West Virginia concur with the conditions set forth in this agreement as revised and adopted for the use of the schools and agencies of said county in establishing and maintaining the program of professional field experiences. These experiences may include prestudent teaching, student teaching, clinical experience, and inservice or other cooperatively developed field experiences, required or deemed desirable of persons completing a program of teacher preparation.
Standards for the Accreditation of Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Programs in West Virginia, West Virginia Department of Education, 1967, Rev. ED., p.p. 131-136.