West Virginia Code of State Rules
Agency 126 - Education
Series 126-042 - Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs (Policy 2510)
Section 126-42-12 - Severability

Current through Register Vol. XLI, No. 38, September 20, 2024

12.1. If any provision of this policy or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this policy.


Acceptable Use Policy -- Implemented by counties to ensure safe and acceptable use of technology (Policy 2460).

Advanced Career (AC) -- Courses in a specific career field that ensure that the course is rigorous enough for students to meet college- and career-readiness standards. Two of the courses are considered foundational and two are more advanced, with the potential for students to earn dual credit.

Advanced Placement® (AP®) -- College-level courses offered in high school that provide students the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most of the nation's colleges and universities.

Advisory Council -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

The Arts -- The programs of study for dance, music, theatre, and visual art.

Career Awareness -- The opportunity for students to learn about and develop an appreciation of the broad concepts related to work, career, and educational preparation.

Career Cluster -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

Career Development -- The process through which a student comes to understand the world of work.

Career Exploration -- The opportunity within the education program for students to conduct self-assessment, access career information, examine multiple career options, and initiate education planning based on a tentative career focus.

Career Integrated Experiential Learning (CIEL) -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms

Career Portfolio -- A compilation of student work assembled for the purpose of helping students reflect on their academic goals and progress and creating an archive of accomplishments of educational products and other documentation.

Career Technical Education (CTE) Centers -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

County Board of Education Members (CBEM) -- The locally elected governing body charged with the operation of public schools in a county.

County Board of Education Staff (CBES) -- Office staff, including the county superintendent, employed by CBEM.

Class Period -- A block of time provided for instruction in a course within a program of study.

Co-curricular Activities -- Are closely related to identifiable academic programs and/or areas of study that serve to complement academic and technical curricula. Students should be permitted to participate in co-curricular activities, directly tied to the standards and/or programs of study, during the school day and beyond.

College Course -- Any course for which college credit is awarded (e.g., dual credit, regular college course).

Community Readiness -- Allows students with the most significant cognitive disabilities to earn four credits through community-based instruction and community-based work experiences. The four courses may count as electives or to fulfill the students four credit requirements for post-secondary goals as required by the Personalized Education Plan (PEP).

Comprehensive High School -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

Comprehensive Middle School -- Connects middle school learning to high school programming by providing learning opportunities for all students integrating academic, social/emotional, and occupational standards.

Comprehensive School Counseling Program -- A program coordinated by a certified school counselor and delivered collaboratively by stakeholders to assist students in achieving academic, personal, and career goals (Policy 2315).

Content Standard -- A broad description of knowledge and skills that students are expected to acquire in a content area.

County/Counties -- Any reference to a county or counties within this policy includes the 55 county boards of education members and county board staff, and the WVBE as the supervisory authority of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind and schools/programs serving incarcerated youth and adults when applicable.

County Leadership Team -- Responsible for supporting the continuous improvement of all schools and for identifying target support and assistance to schools falling below acceptable performance.

County Strategic Plan -- Specifies how the county intends to strengthen the county education program in order to increase student achievement and positively impact other student outcomes (see section 7.1.d.2).

Curriculum -- An intentional learning plan to ensure students achieve the goals of the standards and is the responsibility of the CBEM, CBES, school administrators, and teachers. The curriculum represents the learning experience.

Diploma -- Formal documentation and recognition that a student has satisfactorily completed the graduation requirements of the state and county.

Regular Diploma is awarded to all students who have satisfactorily completed the graduation requirements for the state and county.

The state-defined alternate diploma is standards-based, aligned with state requirements for the regular high school diploma, and can be obtained within the time period for which the state ensures the availability of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).

Dual Credit -- Provides students enrollment in both high school and college coursework. Such coursework must meet both the specified course content standards for secondary offerings and the college course requirements.

Dual Enrollment -- Provide students enrollment in both the high school and Career Technical Center.

Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher (ECCAT) -- Instructional support personnel for Pre-K through Grade 3 classrooms as outlined in Policy 5202.

Education Program -- A structure for defining, delivering, and being accountable for a thorough and efficient system of education. This structure is applicable at the state, county, and school levels.

Educational Equity -- The duty and responsibility of the education system to create environments, provide access, and structure supports for the individual child that will assist them in their social/emotional/ academic growth, regardless of their identity or background.

Electives -- Courses students may choose to study based on interest.

Eligible Students with Disabilities -- Students having one or more of the disabilities defined in 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et. seq., The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Policy 2419 and who, by reason thereof, require special education and/or related services.

Eligible Students with Exceptionalities -- Students who are gifted or exceptional gifted as defined in the Policy 2419 and/or who meet the definition of eligible students with disabilities in this policy and the Policy 2419 and who, by reason thereof, need special education and related services.

Embedded Credit -- Incorporation of content standards for an embedded credit from one credit bearing high school course into another (host) course(s) and allows students to earn credit for both. There must be an 80 percent alignment of standards between the host course and original course to warrant embedded credit. Embedded credit does not allow for two courses in the same content area (e.g., English 11 and English 12) to be embedded into one course.

End-Of-Course/Program of Study Tests (EOC) -- Assessments that measure student achievement in a course based on the approved content standards for each course/program of study.

English Learners -- Students who, in accordance with the requirements of Policy 2417, have been determined to be Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and in need of specially designed instruction.

Exploratory CTE Course -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

Extended Learning Opportunities -- The primary acquisition of knowledge and skills through instruction or study outside of the traditional classroom.

Extracurricular Activities -- Activities that are not part of the required instructional day or curricular offerings but are under the supervision of the school. School facilities may be used for athletics, non-instructional assemblies, social programs, entertainment, and other similar activities. All rules and policies that apply to the instructional day also apply to extracurricular activities (Policy 2436.10).

Extra-curricular/Interscholastic Physical Education Graded -- A blended learning approach that combines a free online Physical Education (PE) course, monitored by the physical education teacher, with an extra-curricular/interscholastic activity or sport fulfilling the high school PE credit requirement. The physical education teacher may issue and transcript a grade for this course if the county chooses to utilize this option.

Extra-curricular/Interscholastic Physical Education Non-Graded -- Utilization of a sport or a physically active extra-curricular/interscholastic activity to fulfill the one credit PE requirement. The course must be transcribed as non-graded (pass/fail) if the county chooses to utilize this option.

Formative Assessment Process -- Used by teachers to guide daily instruction. Appropriate formative assessment processes provide data to inform classroom instruction. Various forms of evidence demonstrating students' progressions of learning across content areas are utilized to personalize learning.

Grade Level -- The class structure that is used to organize and deliver education within West Virginia public schools. The public school education experience is divided into levels, Pre-K-12.

Graduation Requirements -- The number of required and elective units of credit that must be earned by a student in order to be graduated from high school (see section 6.1).

High School Equivalency (HSE) Test -- Definition found in Policy 2444.4.

Homebound/Hospital Services -- Educational services for a student, due to injury or illness as certified in writing by a licensed physician who specializes in the health condition, temporarily confined to home or hospital for a period of more than three consecutive weeks.

Individualized Education Program (IEP) -- A written statement for each eligible student with a disability, gifted (Grades 1-8), and/or exceptional gifted student (Grades 9-12) that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with Policy 2419.

Individual Work Ready Competencies (IWRC) -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

Instructional Day -- Time allocated within the school day for the teaching and mastery of content standards.

Integrated Physical Education (PE) -- A blended learning approach that combines a free abbreviated online PE course, monitored by the PE teacher, with a physically active credit-bearing elective course (e.g. Show Choir, Dance, etc.). Students will receive both a PE credit and a credit for the physically active course if the county chooses to utilize this option.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) -- A comprehensive two-year international curriculum designed for highly motivated secondary school students aged 16-19. IB is a rigorous pre-university course of study that leads to examinations. IB students may receive college credit for successful completion of IB courses.

Intervention -- Additional instruction and time, utilizing multiple strategies and assessments, to ensure student mastery of the content standards. The practice of removing students to receive extra support while attending any required course for intervention is discouraged.

Learning Skills -- The skills of information gathering, organizing, and communicating, critical thinking and problem-solving, personal and workplace productivity skills, and proficiency in the use of technology tools. Learning skills enable students to acquire new content knowledge and skills, connect new information to existing knowledge, and learn new ways of completing tasks using technology tools.

Literacy-rich Environment -- An environment that emphasis the importance of speaking, reading, and writing in all content areas. This environment involves the selection of materials that will facilitate language and literacy opportunities, reflection and thought regarding classroom design, and intentional instruction and facilitation by teachers and staff.

Local School Improvement Council (LSIC) -- A school advisory group composed of three teachers, three parents, two service employees, the principal, two at-large members appointed by the principal, and one student from a school enrolling students in Grade 7 or higher. The LSIC focuses on improving the education program and operation of the school; has authorization to request waivers of policy and State Superintendent of Schools interpretations; assists in the development of the Strategic Plan; and can apply for grants and awards.

Mastery -- Student has met the grade or course level expectations for the content standards.

Multi-county Center -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms. Refer to Policy 3232.

Multicultural Education -- Educational strategies that provide students with information about the histories, cultures, and contributions of diverse groups.

Personalized Education Plan (PEP) -- A plan developed to guide students and their parent/guardian to thoughtfully explore individual interests and aptitudes in relation to academic and career planning. Each student's course selections are based on individual career aspirations and post-secondary plans.

Personalized Learning (PL) -- A process that counties and schools must use to ensure every learner is engaged in learning experiences that are relevant to their needs and maximize their growth.

Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) -- The voluntary education program for all four-year-old children and for three-year-old children with identified special needs that addresses the growth and development of children in the areas of social/emotional growth, the arts, physical health, language and literacy, mathematics, social studies, and science. West Virginia's Pre-K is a readiness system designed to promote the success of children in Kindergarten and lifelong learning (Policy 2525).

Prescribed Credits -- The required credit courses that are specifically prescribed to meet high school graduation requirements.

Personalized Course Credit Options -- Courses that may be personalized by student and school staff to meet graduation requirements based on the student's post-secondary plans.

Program of Study -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

Programmatic Level -- A component of the Pre-K-12 educational spectrum that addresses the developmental needs of one age group of students. Programmatic levels described in this document include Early Learning Programs (Grades Pre-K-5), Middle School Programming (Grades 6-8), and High School Programming (Grades 9-12).

Required Courses -- Courses that all students must complete.

School Curriculum Team -- Provides professional opportunities for teachers, administrators, and other school personnel that allow them to have a direct voice in the operation of their schools and to create a culture of shared decision-making focused on the ultimate goal of raising student achievement (W. Va. §18-5A-6).

School Day -- The time, inclusive of the instructional day, homeroom, class changes, breaks/recess, lunch, and other non-instructional activities.

School Improvement -- A continuous process to increase student achievement and positively affect other student outcomes. School improvement builds the capacity of all entities, both state and county, to improve student success at the school level.

School Strategic Plan -- Specifies how the school intends to increase student achievement and positively impact other student outcomes. The School Strategic Plan must be developed and implemented using a continuous improvement process, be based on all available data regarding student achievement, and align with the goals of the County Strategic Plan.

Seal of Biliteracy -- An award given by a school, county, or state recognizing students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages.

Section 504 -- Section of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §701) that prohibits discrimination by recipients of federal financial assistance. Section 504 provides a broad spectrum of protections against discrimination, which includes instruction, athletics, and extracurricular activities.

Semester -- A block of instructional time that is equivalent to at least one-half of the school year. For example, 90 instructional days are equal to a semester in a traditional school term of 180 instructional days.

Simulated Workplace -- Definition found in Policy 2520.13, Explanation of Terms.

Student Assistance Team (SAT) -- A school-based team consisting of at least three persons, including a school administrator or designee to serve as the chairperson, a current teacher(s), and other appropriate staff, who have specialized training in multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), alternate educational placements, procedures for multidisciplinary evaluations, disciplinary procedures, and other school processes. This team meets regularly to conduct the problem-solving process for individual students whose academic, mental health, or behaviorial struggles are impeding their success in the school environment.

Technology Integration -- The use of technology throughout content areas to help students master the approved content standards, including standards found in Policy 2520.14, and become lifelong learners.

Technology Tools -- Electronic and digital resources that can support students and teachers in the delivery and testing of content. Technology tools, when integrated into classroom instruction, enable students to access, manage, integrate, and evaluate information across content areas, construct new knowledge, and communicate efficiently with others.

Transcript -- A transcript is an official document that serves as a record of a student's academic journey issued by an entity authorized to provide education to a student. The transcript shall include the following information: entity issuing transcript (county/school, if applicable), courses taken, grades and credits earned, cumulative GPA, and date of graduation (if applicable).

Waiver -- The ability of the CBEM to grant exemptions from county policy requirements; and the ability of the WVBE to grant exemptions from state policy requirements.

West Virginia Early Learning Reporting System (WV ELRS) -- A data reporting system based on the formative assessment process that allows Pre-K through Grade 2 educators the opportunity to gauge the extent to which students are working toward development of proficiency across standards.

West Virginia Balanced Scorecard -- Information provided to parents and the general public on the quality of education in the public schools that is uniform and comparable among schools within and among the counties as defined in W. Va. Code § 18-2E-4.

West Virginia Tiered System of Support (WVTSS) -- A framework which suggests flexible use of resources to provide relevant and appropriate academic, behavioral, and mental health support to enhance learning for all students.

Work Day for Teachers -- Time allocated for the instructional day and other activities such as homeroom, class changes, lunch, planning periods, and staff development that may not exceed eight clock hours.

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