West Virginia Code of State Rules
Agency 126 - Education
Series 126-042 - Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs (Policy 2510)
Appendix E - Policies Cited in Policy 2510
Code of State |
Policy |
Rules (CSR) |
Title |
2315 |
126CSR67 |
Comprehensive School Counseling Programs |
2322 |
126CSR12 |
West Virginia Accountability System |
2330 |
12GCSR13C |
Non-public School Accreditation |
2340 |
126CSR14 |
West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress |
2417 |
126CSR15 |
Regulations and English Language Proficiency Standards for English Learners and Alternate English Language Proficiency Standards for English Learners with Significant Cognitive Disabilities |
2419 |
12GCSR1G |
Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities |
2422.7 |
126CSR25A |
Standards for Basic and Specialized Health Care Procedures and Standards for the Possession and Use of Medical Cannabis By a Student |
2423 |
126CSR51 |
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention |
2436.10 |
126CSR26 |
Participation in Extracurricular Activities |
2444.4 |
12GCSR32 |
Issuance of the State of West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma and the Administration of the West Virginia High School Equivalency Test, Option Pathway, and Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy Graduation Pathway |
2445.40 |
12GCSR35 |
Instructional Resources |
2460 |
126CSR41 |
Educational Purposes and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies, and The Internet |
2510 |
126CSR42 |
Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs |
2512 |
126CSR30 |
Tiered System of Support for Early Literacy and Numeracy |
2520.1A |
12GCSR44AA |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for English Language Arts |
2520.2B |
126CSR44BB |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Mathematics |
2520.3C |
126CSR44CC |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Science |
2520.4 |
126CSR44D |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies |
2520.5 |
12GCSR44E |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Wellness Education |
2520.7 |
126CSR44G |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for World Languages |
2520.8 |
126CSR44H |
West Virginia Driver Education Standards |
2520.9 |
12GCSR44I |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for The Arts |
2520.13 |
126CSR44M |
West Virginia College-and Career-Readiness Programs of Study/Standards for Career Technical Education |
2520.14 |
126CSR44N |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Technology and Computer Science |
2520.15 |
12GCSR440 |
West Virginia Pre-K Standards (Ages 3-5) |
2520.19 |
126CSR44U |
West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Dispositions and Standards for Student Success for Grades K-12 |
2525 |
126CSR28 |
West Virginia's Universal Access to a Quality Early Education System |
3234 |
126CSR73 |
School Calendar |
4110 |
12GCSR81 |
Attendance |
4336 |
126CSR92 |
West Virginia School Bus Transportation Regulations, Procedures, and Specifications for the Design and Equipment of School Buses |
4350 |
126CSR94 |
Procedures for the Collection, Maintenance, and Disclosure of Student Data |
4373 |
126CSR99 |
Expected Behavior of Safe and Supportive Schools |
5100 |
126CSR114 |
Approval of Educational Personnel Preparation Programs |
5202 |
126CSR136 |
Minimum Requirements for the Licensure of Professional/Paraprofessional Personnel and Advanced Salary Classification |
5500 |
126CSR149 |
Professional Learning for West Virginia Educators |
5500.03 |
126CSR147 |
Rules for Required Qualities, Proficiencies, and Leadership Skills for Principals |
6200 |
126CSR172 |
Handbook on Planning School Facilities |
7211 |
126CSR188 |
Conflict Resolution Process for Citizens |