West Virginia Code of State Rules
Agency 126 - Education
Series 126-042 - Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs (Policy 2510)
Appendix A - Required County Board of Education Members (CBEM) Policies Resulting from Policy 2510
Policy |
Credit Recovery Policy |
CBEM shall adopt policies and programs that allow students to recover credit for failed high school courses. Researched-based successful credit recovery programs require students to successfully master content rather than repeat an entire course. A county may also choose to offer a face-to-face, teacher-led credit recovery option utilizing their own instructional resources. When a student retakes a failed course through credit recovery both grades shall be transcribed and the county credit recovery policy or grading policy will determine how the GPA is calculated. |
County Virtual Instruction Program Policy |
A full-time or blended virtual school program beyond the WVVS requires CBEM or a multi-county consortium to adopt a virtual instruction program policy (W. Va. Code § 18-5F-1) for one or more schools serving any composition of grades Kindergarten through 12. When there is a multi-county consortium, each county in the consortium shall adopt a policy creating the virtual instruction program. No eligible students in grades Kindergarten through 5 may participate in a virtual instruction program until after the program has been in operation for one full school year. See Appendix C, Virtual Learning, for more information. |
Dual Credit Policy |
CBEM shall adopt a policy (W. Va. Code §18B-1-1) that allows students to earn credit for completion of college courses and other advanced courses outside the school setting. Dual credit policies and revisions must be reviewed by the WVDE. If dual credit courses are used to meet graduation requirements, the alignment documentation must be reviewed by the WVDE. Counties must annually update dual credit course offerings in the online dual credit application. |
Embedded Credit Policy |
CBEM are encouraged to establish policy which permits a student who masters the approved content standards for a credit-bearing high school course that are embedded within a second course to receive credit for both courses. If these embedded credit courses are used to meet graduation requirements, the county policy and alignment documentation must be reviewed by the WVDE and approved by the WVBE. |
Extended Learning Opportunities Policy |
CBEM shall adopt an alternative education opportunities policy that facilitates implementation and participation in extended learning opportunity elective credit programs. |
Grading Policy |
CBEM shall adopt a policy for grading. The Uniform Grading Scale outlined in this policy shall be utilized for all credit bearing courses. The policy should also address GPA calculations. |
Home School Policy |
CBEM shall develop a policy for the process of enrolling a home school student into a public school. Note: A West Virginia student or a student from another state who is eligible to enroll in a public school in this state shall be enrolled in the same grade in a public school in West Virginia as the student was enrolled at the school or program from which the student transferred (W. Va. Code §18-8-la.C). |
Homework Policy |
CBEM shall adopt a policy for student homework. |
Instructional Resources |
CBEM shall adopt a policy regarding the adoption of instructional resources per Policy 2445.40. |