Current through Register Vol. XLI, No. 52, December 27, 2024
9.1. Purpose. It is the responsibility of all
school systems and individual schools, regardless of performance, to have
viable structures and processes for improving the quality and equity of student
performance. As specified in W. Va. Code §
continuous improvement shall be addressed as part of the accreditation
9.2. School System
Continuous Improvement. Every school system must model those quality
improvement processes expected of schools. That includes having clear beliefs
about teaching and learning that guide school system decisions, a focused
mission that establishes a unified direction, and goals derived from an
organized process of data analysis and study of programs and processes.
Ultimately, the school system's improvement process must determine how school
system leadership, resources, services, supports, and policies can be best
utilized to improve the school and classroom learning conditions that impact
student performance. W. Va. 126CSR42, WVBE Policy 2510: Assuring the Quality of
Education: Regulations for Education Programs, hereinafter Policy 2510,
outlines specific requirements for managing the continuous improvement
processes at the school system level. For school accreditation and
accountability, the school system continuous improvement process must include
the following:
9.2.a. Requirements.
9.2.a.1. Analysis of Accountability Data. As
a basis for continuous improvement and strategic planning, every school system
must conduct a thorough analysis of accountability data. This includes analysis
of individual school data as well as composite data for the entire school
system. Analysis processes address each area of the WVAS and are designed to
determine both areas that must be addressed system-wide and areas that must be
a priority for individual school support. In addition, school systems must
analyze personnel evaluation data in order to target individualized
professional learning at the school level.
9.2.a.2. Support for Schools earning a D or F
Performance. Schools earning a D or F performance rating are operating below
acceptable standards for a thorough and efficient system of public education.
The school system is obligated to address the needs of these schools through
school system continuous improvement processes and the system strategic
9.2.a.3. Support for Schools
with Accreditation Findings. During annual and cyclical review processes,
schools with accreditation findings are expected to address these areas within
timelines established by the WVBE. It is the responsibility of the school
system to work with these schools to ensure that all deficiencies are
addressed. In cases where deficiencies are widespread within the school system
as noted in the OEPA exit review report, those areas must be addressed in the
school system continuous improvement processes and in the school system
strategic plan.
School System Strategic Planning.
Purposes. The school system strategic plan is the core document for identifying
and communicating the school system's priorities for improvement that lead to
improved performance in all schools and assuring that no school has a
performance designation of less than a C.
9.2.b.2 Development Process. The school
system strategic plan is developed using an electronic format provided by the
WVDE, as approved by the WVBE. The plan is guided and written by educational
personnel and stakeholders in accordance with Policy 2510. Related to
accreditation and accountability processes, the school system strategic plan
includes (1) analysis of accountability data as outlined in the WVAS including
personnel evaluation data in order to target individualized professional
learning at the school level; (2) strategies to provide targeted support and
technical assistance for schools with a D or F performance grade; (3) support
for any schools with findings and directives from the WVBE resulting from an
accreditation review; and (4) strategies for improving the overall performance
of all schools.
9.2.b.3. Contents.
The contents of the school system strategic plan are determined by the school
system under the direction of the county superintendent. At a minimum, the plan
includes core beliefs, mission, goals, measurement evidence, action steps,
professional development and technical assistance.
9.2.b.4. Revision. Revisions to the strategic
plan are made annually as new data and information indicate and in
circumstances when there are directives of the WVBE as outlined in this
9.2.b.5. Approval of the
county board of education. As the core document for school system direction,
the school system strategic plan is approved through formal action of the
county board of education.
Approval of the WVBE. The school system strategic plan, once approved by the
county board of education, is electronically submitted to the WVDE for review
and presented to the WVBE for approval.
9.3. School Continuous Improvement. Each
school is accountable for implementing continuous improvement and strategic
planning as outlined in Policy 2510 and to work toward achieving high levels of
student performance as specified below:
9.3.a. Create a Structure and Process for
Continuous Improvement. Each school must create a process and structure for
managing improvement that is appropriate to the needs and size of the school.
This process should include:
(1) a designated
team or committee(s) who orchestrate the school's improvement efforts;
(2) a process of using data and
information to determine needs; and
(3) on-going professional development and
research on how to best improve school and classroom processes and strategies.
The improvement process is facilitated by the principal but involves teachers,
staff, and stakeholders in decision-making and leadership roles. The principal
makes improvement a focus by developing staff collective knowledge of needs and
by developing an understanding of and commitment to the school's improvement
Analyze Student Performance Data. School improvement priorities are grounded in
analysis of student performance data. Analysis is guided by the school system
but must include in-depth review of school accountability data and other data
sources appropriate to the programmatic level of the school.
9.3.c. Assess School and Classroom Learning
Conditions. To improve student performance, the school staff and stakeholders
must determine how to modify existing school and classroom learning conditions
(as defined in Policy 2322 and other WVBE policies) through thoughtful
self-study, meaningful conversations, and a facilitated decision-making
process. It is recommended that each school use information and data provided
by the school system, RESAs, the WVDE, or other entities to complete the
self-study. Ultimately, the self-study must assist staff in determining the
root causes of student performance deficits and help determine changes needed
in school and classroom practice. At a minimum, every school staff must utilize
(1) the School Monitoring Report (which in part is based on classroom learning
conditions defined in Policy 2322) and (2) summary employee evaluation data and
professional development needs to guide improvement priorities.
9.3.d. Develop and Implement the Strategic
Plan. The school electronic strategic improvement plan is the culmination of a
school's self-study of student performance data and school and classroom
learning conditions. The strategic plan format is determined by the WVDE, as
approved by the WVBE. The school plan is developed according to the following:
9.3.d.1. The plan must include the school's
core beliefs, mission, goals, measurement evidence, action plan, and
professional development needs.
9.3.d.2. The plan is developed under the
direction of the principal with collective involvement and input from the staff
and the LSIC.
9.3.d.3. The
strategies and action plan incorporated into the plan are based on examination
of best practices and innovative approaches to improving student performance
and addressing student needs.
9.3.d.4. All members of the school staff are
responsible for implementing the plan.
9.3.d.5. The principal is responsible for
monitoring the implementation of the plan and for communicating progress to
staff and stakeholders.
The plan is updated and revised as data and information dictate based on the
tenets of continuous improvement. Annual updates to the plan must consider the
OEPA School Monitoring Report when this report identifies deficits in quality
or compliance.
School System Responsibilities for School Continuous Improvement. The school
system has the following responsibilities:
9.3.e.1. Ensure each school is led by a
principal who is knowledgeable of continuous improvement processes and capable
of leading effective improvement efforts. Principal must
understand the value of fair and accurate personnel performance evaluations as
an effective, continuous improvement effort to drive professional learning at
the school level;
9.3.e.2. Build
school capacity for improvement through supporting effective school improvement
teams, self-study processes, and school-based professional
9.3.e.3. Assist
schools in creating schedules and allocating time for staff to work on school
improvement efforts;
Establish direction and expectations through school system goal-setting
grounded in analysis of student performance data;
9.3.e.5. Review and approve school strategic
plans and monitor implementation of the plans including providing direction on
data to be analyzed, information to be reviewed, local priorities to be
addressed, and outcomes to be achieved;
9.3.e.6. Ensure school strategic plans are
developed and implemented through collaborative processes that build staff
knowledge, understanding, and commitment to the school's improvement
9.3.e.7. Differentiate
school system supports and assistance according to school needs in order for
each school to improve and for each school to meet a C or higher level of
student performance; and
Verify to the WVDE that all school plans have been submitted, reviewed, and
approved by the county superintendent or designee.
9.4. WVBE Responsibilities for
School and School System Continuous Improvement. The WVBE is responsible for
creating processes to support and monitor continuous improvement through the
following entities:
9.4.a. The WVDE. The WVDE
is responsible for:
9.4.a.1. Creating and
distributing the electronic template, as approved by the WVBE, through which
the school and school system strategic plan is recorded;
9.4.a.2. Establishing timelines for the
submission of the school and school system strategic plans;
9.4.a.3. Monitoring school system plan
submissions to ensure that plans include the core components outlined in WVBE
Policy and W. Va. Code;
Providing leadership and technical assistance on effective continuous
improvement and strategic planning processes;
9.4.a.5. Providing data, tools, and resources
that support effective continuous improvement and strategic planning processes;
9.4.a.6. Providing input and
feedback on the contents of school system strategic plans for those school
systems that have not achieved Full Approval status, or for any other school
system where the WVDE believes appropriate.
9.4.b. The OEPA. The OEPA is responsible for
monitoring and reporting the submission of school and school system plan
revisions when such plan revisions result from WVBE directives and
accreditation findings.
9.4.c. The
WVDE, RESAs, and the West Virginia Center for Professional Development. These
agencies are responsible for responding to regional and statewide school and
school system professional development needs as identified in the school and
school system strategic plans and from reports compiled as a result of the OEPA
accreditation reviews.