Washington Administrative Code
Title 516 - Western Washington University
Chapter 516-38 - Access to campus services
Section 516-38-051 - Computer use
Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
First priority for computer use shall be given the scholarly pursuits of the university's students and staff in research and instructional processes. The computer center may, at commercially competitive rates or for value received, sell services to noncampus clientele when, in the opinion of the director of the computer center,
(1) The sale will not in any way jeopardize, dilute or compromise the center's service to campus clientele, and
(2) Similar services are not available elsewhere in the community, and
(3) The service involves an appropriate, sensible, and nontrivial use of the computer relating to some university program or goal.
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12), 34.05.220(1)(b), 34.05.250, 28B.15.600, 42.17.310, 42.30.070 - 42.30.075, chapters 69.41 and 43.21C RCW. 90-10-042, § 516-38-051, filed 4/27/90, effective 5/1/90; Order 72-10, § 516-38-051, filed 11/17/72.