Washington Administrative Code
Title 516 - Western Washington University
Chapter 516-35 - Use of university property - Freedom of expression and assembly
Section 516-35-040 - Unscheduled expression and assembly-University affiliates or a university group or individual
Protecting impromptu and spontaneous peaceable assembly for the purposes of expression, protest, and dissent is essential to fulfilling the university's commitment to freedom of expression and assembly. Thus, the lack of notice to use university property by university affiliates or a university group or individual is not necessarily a sole basis for terminating any expressive activity, including impromptu activities, unless the protest or assembly conflicts with a previously scheduled event in the same location or is in violation of law and/or university policy including, but not limited to, WAC 516-24-130 and 516-52-020.
To ensure space is available for expression or assembly, university affiliates or a university group or individuals are encouraged to provide notice.