Washington Administrative Code
Title 51 - Enterprise Services, Department of (Building Code Council)
Chapter 51-11C - State Building Code adoption and amendment of the 2021 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, Commercial
- Section 51-11C-10000 - Chapter 1 CE - Scope and administration
- Section 51-11C-10100 - Section C101-Scope and general requirements
- Section 51-11C-10140 - Section C101.4-Applicability
- Section 51-11C-10143 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-10150 - Section C101.5-Compliance
- Section 51-11C-10200 - Section C102-Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment
- Section 51-11C-10300 - Section C103-Construction documents
- Section 51-11C-10400 - Section C104-Fees
- Section 51-11C-10500 - Section C105-Inspections
- Section 51-11C-10600 - Section C106-Notice of approval
- Section 51-11C-10700 - Section C107-Validity
- Section 51-11C-10800 - Section C108-Referenced standards
- Section 51-11C-10900 - Section C109-Stop work order
- Section 51-11C-11000 - Section C110-Board of appeals
- Section 51-11C-11100 - Section C111-Violations
- Section 51-11C-11200 - Section C112-Liability
- Section 51-11C-20000 - Chapter 2 CE - Definitions
- Section 51-11C-20100 - Section C201 - General
- Section 51-11C-20200 - Section C202 - General definitions
- Section 51-11C-20201 - Section C202.1-A
- Section 51-11C-20202 - Section C202.2-B
- Section 51-11C-20203 - Section C202.3-C
- Section 51-11C-20204 - Section C202.4-D
- Section 51-11C-20205 - Section C202.5-E
- Section 51-11C-20206 - Section C202.6-F
- Section 51-11C-20207 - Section C202.7-G
- Section 51-11C-20208 - Section C202.8-H
- Section 51-11C-20209 - Section C202.9-I
- Section 51-11C-20210 - Section C202.10 - J
- Section 51-11C-20211 - Section C202.11 - K
- Section 51-11C-20212 - Section C202.12-L
- Section 51-11C-20213 - Section C202.13-M
- Section 51-11C-20214 - Section C202.14-N
- Section 51-11C-20215 - Section C202.15-O
- Section 51-11C-20216 - Section C202.16-P
- Section 51-11C-20217 - Section C202.17 - Q
- Section 51-11C-20218 - Section C202.18-R
- Section 51-11C-20219 - Section C202.19-S
- Section 51-11C-20220 - Section C202.20-T
- Section 51-11C-20221 - Section C202.21-U
- Section 51-11C-20222 - Section C202.22-V
- Section 51-11C-20223 - Section C202.23-W
- Section 51-11C-20224 - Section C202.24 - X, Y, Z
- Section 51-11C-30000 - Chapter 3 CE - General requirements
- Section 51-11C-30100 - Section C301 - Climate zones
- Section 51-11C-30200 - Section C302 - Design conditions
- Section 51-11C-30300 - Section C303 - Materials, systems and equipment
- Section 51-11C-30310 - Section 303.1-Identification
- Section 51-11C-303131 - Table C303.1.3(1)-Default glazed window, glass door and skylight U-factors
- Section 51-11C-303132 - Table C303.1.3(2)-Default door U-factors
- Section 51-11C-303133 - Table C303.1.3(3) - Default glazed fenestration SHGC and VT
- Section 51-11C-303134 - Table C303.1.3(4) - Default U-factors for skylights
- Section 51-11C-303135 - Table C303.1.3(5) - Small business compliance default table
- Section 51-11C-30315 - Table C303.1.5-U-factors for spandrel panels and glass curtain walls
- Section 51-11C-30320 - Section C303.2-Installation
- Section 51-11C-30330 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40000 - Chapter 4 CE - Commercial energy efficiency
- Section 51-11C-40100 - Section C401-General
- Section 51-11C-40200 - Section C402 - Building envelope requirements
- Section 51-11C-40210 - Section C402.1-General (Prescriptive)
- Section 51-11C-40211 - Section C402.1.1-Low energy buildings
- Section 51-11C-40212 - Section C402.1.2-Equipment buildings
- Section 51-11C-402121 - Table C402.1.3-Opaque thermal envelope assembly R-value requirements
- Section 51-11C-40213 - Section C402.1.3-Insulation component R-value method
- Section 51-11C-402131 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-402132 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-402133 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-402134 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40214 - Section C402.1.4-Assembly U-factor, C-factor, or F-factor-based method
- Section 51-11C-402141 - Table C402.1.4-Opaque thermal envelope requirements, U -factor method
- Section 51-11C-402142 - Table C402.1.4.2-Effective R-values for steel stud wall assemblies
- Section 51-11C-40215 - Section C402.1.5-Component performance alternative
- Section 51-11C-40220 - Section C402.2-Specific insulation requirements
- Section 51-11C-402200 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40221 - Section C402.2.1-Roof assembly
- Section 51-11C-402211 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40222 - Section C40222-Above-grade walls
- Section 51-11C-40223 - Section C402.2.3-Floors
- Section 51-11C-40224 - Section C402.2.4-Slab-on-grade
- Section 51-11C-40225 - Section C402.2.5-Below-grade walls
- Section 51-11C-40226 - Section C402.2.6-Insulation of radiant heating systems
- Section 51-11C-40227 - Section C402.2.7-Airspaces
- Section 51-11C-40228 - Section C402.2.8-Above-grade exterior concrete slabs
- Section 51-11C-40229 - Section C402.2.9-Vertical fenestration intersection with opaque walls
- Section 51-11C-40230 - Section C402.4-Fenestration
- Section 51-11C-402300 - Table C402.4-Building envelope requirements- Fenestration
- Section 51-11C-40231 - Section C402.4.1-Maximum area
- Section 51-11C-40232 - Section C402.4.2-Minimum skylight fenestration area
- Section 51-11C-40233 - Section C402.4.3-Maximum U-factor and SHGC
- Section 51-11C-40234 - Section C402.4.4-Doors
- Section 51-11C-40240 - Section C402.5-Air leakage-thermal envelope
- Section 51-11C-40241 - Section C402.5.1-Air barriers
- Section 51-11C-40242 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40243 - Section C402.5.5-Rooms containing fuel-burning appliances
- Section 51-11C-40244 - Section C402.5.6-Doors and access openings
- Section 51-11C-40245 - Section C402.5.7-Air intakes, exhaust openings, stairways and shafts
- Section 51-11C-40246 - Section C402.5.8-Loading dock weatherseals
- Section 51-11C-40247 - Section C402.5.9-Vestibules
- Section 51-11C-40248 - Section C402.5.10-Recessed lighting
- Section 51-11C-40250 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40260 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40300 - Section C403 - Mechanical systems
- Section 51-11C-40310 - Section C403.1-General
- Section 51-11C-40314 - Section C403.1.4-HVAC heating equipment
- Section 51-11C-40320 - Section C403.2-System design
- Section 51-11C-40321 - Section C403.2.1-Zone isolation
- Section 51-11C-40322 - Section C403.2.2-Ventilation and exhaust
- Section 51-11C-40323 - Section C403.2.3-Fault detection and diagnostics
- Section 51-11C-403231 - Table C403.3.2(1)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Electrically operated unitary air conditioners and condensing units
- Section 51-11C-403232 - Table C403.3.2(2)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Electrically operated unitary and applied heat pumps
- Section 51-11C-403233 - Table C403.3.2(3)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Electrically operated PTAC, PTHP, SPVAC, SPVHP, room air conditioners
- Section 51-11C-403234 - Table C403.3.2(4)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Warm air furnaces and unit heaters
- Section 51-11C-403235 - Table C403.3.2(5)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Gas-and oil-fired boilers
- Section 51-11C-403236 - Table C403.3.2(6)-Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403237 - Table C403.3.2(7)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Water chilling packages
- Section 51-11C-403238 - Table C403.3.2(8)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Heat rejection equipment
- Section 51-11C-403239 - Table C403.3.2(9) and Table C403.3.2(10)-Minimum efficiency requirements
- Section 51-11C-40324 - Section C403.2.4-Variable flow capacity
- Section 51-11C-403241 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403242 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403243 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403244 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403245 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403246 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403247 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403248 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403249 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40325 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403251 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403252 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403253 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403254 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40326 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403261 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40327 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40328 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403281 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40329 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403291 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403292 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403293 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403294 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-403295 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40330 - Section C403.3-Equipment selection
- Section 51-11C-40331 - Section C403.3.1-Equipment and system sizing
- Section 51-11C-403321 - Table C403.3.2(1)-Electrically operated unitary air conditioners and condensing units
- Section 51-11C-403322 - Table C403.3.2(2)-Electrically operated air-cooled unitary heat pumps-Minimum efficiency requirements
- Section 51-11C-403323 - Table C403.3.2(3)-Water chilling packages- Minimum efficiency requirements
- Section 51-11C-403324 - Table C403.3.2(4)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Electrically operated PTAC, PTHP, SPVAC, SPVHP, room air conditioners
- Section 51-11C-403325 - Table C403.3.2(5)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Warm air furnaces and unit heaters
- Section 51-11C-403326 - Table C403.3.2(6)-Minimum efficiency requirements-Gas-fired and oil-fired boilers
- Section 51-11C-403327 - Table C403.3.2(7)-Heat rejection equipment-Minimum efficiency requirements
- Section 51-11C-403328 - Table C403.3.2(8)-Electrically operated variable refrigerant flow air conditioners-Minimum efficiency requirements
- Section 51-11C-403329 - Tables C403.3.2(9) through C403.3.2(16)-HVAC equipment minimum efficiency requirements
- Section 51-11C-40332 - Section C403.3.2-HVAC equipment performance requirements
- Section 51-11C-40333 - Section C403.3.3-Hot gas bypass
- Section 51-11C-40334 - Section C403.3.4-Boilers
- Section 51-11C-40335 - Section C403.3.5-Dedicated outdoor air systems
- Section 51-11C-40336 - Section C403.3.6-Ventilation for Group R-2 occupancy
- Section 51-11C-40337 - Section C403.3.7-Hydronic system flow rate
- Section 51-11C-40338 - Section C403.3.8-Hydronic coils
- Section 51-11C-40340 - Section C403.4-HVAC system controls
- Section 51-11C-40341 - Section C403.4.1-Thermostatic controls
- Section 51-11C-40342 - Section C403.4.2-Off-hour controls
- Section 51-11C-40343 - Section C403.4.3-Hydronic systems controls
- Section 51-11C-403431 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40344 - Section C403.4.4-Part load controls
- Section 51-11C-40345 - Section C403.4.5-Pump isolation
- Section 51-11C-40346 - Section C403.4.6-Variable flow controls
- Section 51-11C-40347 - Section C403.4.7-Combustion heating equipment controls
- Section 51-11C-40348 - Sections C403.4.8 through C403.4.10-Group R requirements
- Section 51-11C-40349 - Sections C403.4.11 and C403.4.12
- Section 51-11C-40350 - Section C403.5-Economizers
- Section 51-11C-40351 - Section C403.5.1-Integrated economizer control
- Section 51-11C-40352 - Section C403.5.2-Economizer heating system impact
- Section 51-11C-40353 - Section C403.5.3-Air economizers
- Section 51-11C-40354 - Section C403.5.4-Waterside economizers
- Section 51-11C-40355 - Section C403.5.5-Economizer fault detection and diagnostics
- Section 51-11C-40360 - Section C403.6-Requirements for mechanical systems serving multiple zones
- Section 51-11C-403610 - Section C403.6.10-High efficiency VAV systems
- Section 51-11C-4037 - Section C403.7-Ventilation and exhaust systems
- Section 51-11C-40371 - Section C403.7.1-Demand control ventilation
- Section 51-11C-40372 - Section C403.7.2-Occupancy sensors
- Section 51-11C-40373 - Section C403.7.3-Ventilation air heating control
- Section 51-11C-40374 - Section C403.7.4-HVAC serving guestrooms
- Section 51-11C-40375 - Section C403.7.5-Loading dock and garage ventilation system controls
- Section 51-11C-40376 - Section C403.7.6-Energy recovery ventilation systems
- Section 51-11C-40377 - Section C403.7.7-Exhaust systems
- Section 51-11C-40378 - Section C403.7.8-Shutoff dampers
- Section 51-11C-4038 - Section C403.8-Fan and fan controls
- Section 51-11C-4039 - Section C403.9-Heat rejection and heat recovery equipment
- Section 51-11C-40391 - Section C403.10-Construction of HVAC system elements
- Section 51-11C-40392 - Section C403.11-Mechanical systems outside the building envelope
- Section 51-11C-40393 - Section C403.12-High efficiency single zone VAV systems
- Section 51-11C-40394 - Section C403.13-Dehumidification for plant growth
- Section 51-11C-40400 - Section C404-Service water heating and pressure-booster systems
- Section 51-11C-40401 - Section C404.1-General
- Section 51-11C-40402 - Section C404.2-Service water-heating equipment performance efficiency
- Section 51-11C-404021 - Table C404.2-Minimum performance of water-heating equipment
- Section 51-11C-40403 - Section C404.3-Efficient heated water supply piping
- Section 51-11C-40404 - Section C404.4-Heat traps
- Section 51-11C-40405 - Section C404.5 - Water heater installation
- Section 51-11C-40406 - Section C404.6-Pipe insulation
- Section 51-11C-40407 - Section C404.7-Heated-water circulating and temperature maintenance systems
- Section 51-11C-40408 - Section C404.8-Demand recirculation controls
- Section 51-11C-40409 - Section C404.9-Domestic hot water meters
- Section 51-11C-404091 - Section C404.10-Drain water heat recovery units
- Section 51-11C-40410 - Section C404.11-Pools and spas
- Section 51-11C-40413 - Section C404.13-Service water pressure-booster systems
- Section 51-11C-40414 - Section C404.14-Demand responsive water heating
- Section 51-11C-40415 - Section C404.15-Service water heating commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40500 - Section C405 - Electrical power and lighting systems
- Section 51-11C-40501 - Section C405.1-General
- Section 51-11C-40502 - Section C405.2-Electrical power and lighting systems
- Section 51-11C-405021 - Section C405.2.1-Occupant sensor controls
- Section 51-11C-405022 - Section C405.2.2-Time switch controls
- Section 51-11C-405023 - Section C405.2.3-Manual controls
- Section 51-11C-405024 - Section C405.2.4-Light-reduction controls
- Section 51-11C-405025 - Section C405.2.5-Daylight responsive controls
- Section 51-11C-405026 - Section C405.2.6- Additional lighting controls
- Section 51-11C-405027 - Section C405.2.7-Area controls
- Section 51-11C-405028 - Section C405.2.8-Advanced lighting controls
- Section 51-11C-405029 - Section C405.2.9-Exterior lighting controls
- Section 51-11C-40503 - Section C405.2.10-Parking garage lighting control
- Section 51-11C-405030 - Section C405.3-Lighting for plant growth and maintenance
- Section 51-11C-40504 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40505 - Section C405.4-Interior lighting power requirements
- Section 51-11C-405051 - Section C405.4.1-Total connected interior lighting power
- Section 51-11C-405052 - Section C405.4.2-Interior lighting power requirements
- Section 51-11C-405053 - Table C405.4.2(1)-Interior lighting power allowances-Building area method
- Section 51-11C-405054 - Table C405.4.2(2)-Interior lighting power allowances-Space-by-space method
- Section 51-11C-40506 - Section C405.5-Exterior lighting
- Section 51-11C-405061 - Section C405.5.1-Exterior building grounds lighting
- Section 51-11C-405062 - Section C405.5.2-Exterior building lighting power
- Section 51-11C-405063 - Table C405.5.3(1)-Exterior lighting zones
- Section 51-11C-405064 - Table C405.5.3(2)-Individual lighting power allowances for building exteriors
- Section 51-11C-40507 - Sections C405.6 and C405.7-Electrical energy consumption
- Section 51-11C-40508 - Section C405.8-Electric motors
- Section 51-11C-40509 - Section C405.9-Vertical and horizontal transportation systems
- Section 51-11C-40510 - Section C405.10-Controlled receptacles
- Section 51-11C-40511 - Section C405.11-Voltage drop
- Section 51-11C-40512 - Section C405.12- Alternating current-output uninterruptible power supplies (AC-output UPS)
- Section 51-11C-40513 - Section C405.13-Electrical commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40600 - Section C406-Efficiency and load management measures
- Section 51-11C-40602 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40603 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40604 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40605 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40606 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40607 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40608 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40609 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40610 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40611 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40612 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40620 - Section C406.2-Additional energy efficiency credit measures
- Section 51-11C-40621 - Section C406.2.1-Dwelling unit HVAC measures
- Section 51-11C-40622 - Section C406.2.2-HVAC measures
- Section 51-11C-40623 - Section C406.2.3-Lighting measures
- Section 51-11C-40624 - Section C406.2.5-Renewable energy measures
- Section 51-11C-40625 - Section C406.2.6-Service water measures
- Section 51-11C-40626 - Section C406.2-Envelope measures
- Section 51-11C-40627 - Section C406.2-Other measures
- Section 51-11C-40630 - Section C406.3-Load management credits
- Section 51-11C-40700 - Section C407 - Total building performance
- Section 51-11C-40701 - Section C407.1-Scope
- Section 51-11C-40702 - Section C407.2-Mandatory requirements
- Section 51-11C-40703 - Section C407.3-Performance-based compliance
- Section 51-11C-407031 - Tables for Section C407.3
- Section 51-11C-40704 - Section C407.4-Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40705 - Section C407.5-Reserved
- Section 51-11C-407051 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-407052 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-407053 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-407054 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-407055 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40706 - Section C407.6- Reserved
- Section 51-11C-40800 - Section C408 - System commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40801 - Section C408.1-General
- Section 51-11C-408012 - Figure C408.1.4.1-Commissioning compliance checklist
- Section 51-11C-40802 - Section C408.2-Mechanical systems commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40803 - Section C408.3- Service water heating systems commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40804 - Section C408.4- Controlled receptacle and lighting control system commissioning
- Section 51-11C-408045 - Section C408.5-Other systems commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40805 - Section C408.6-Metering system commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40807 - Section C408.7-Refrigeration system commissioning
- Section 51-11C-40900 - Section C409 - Energy metering and energy consumption management
- Section 51-11C-40901 - Section C409.1-General
- Section 51-11C-40902 - Section C409.2-Energy source metering
- Section 51-11C-40903 - Section C409.3-End-use metering
- Section 51-11C-40904 - Section C409.4-Measurement devices, data acquisition system and energy display
- Section 51-11C-40905 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-41000 - Section C410-Refrigeration system requirements
- Section 51-11C-41100 - Section C411-Renewable energy
- Section 51-11C-41200 - Section C412-Compressed air systems
- Section 51-11C-50000 - Chapter 5 [CE]-Existing buildings
- Section 51-11C-50200 - Section C502-Additions
- Section 51-11C-50300 - Section C503-Alterations
- Section 51-11C-50400 - Section C504-Repairs
- Section 51-11C-50500 - Section C505-Change of space conditioning, occupancy or use
- Section 51-11C-50600 - Section C506-Metering for existing buildings
- Section 51-11C-60000 - Reserved
- Section 51-11C-600000 - Chapter 6 [CE]-Referenced standards
- Section 51-11C-61000 - Appendix A-Default heat loss coefficients
- Section 51-11C-61010 - Section A101 - General
- Section 51-11C-61011 - Section A101.1-Scope
- Section 51-11C-61012 - Section A101.2 - Description
- Section 51-11C-61013 - Section A101.3 - Air films
- Section 51-11C-61014 - Section A101.4 - Compression of insulation
- Section 51-11C-61015 - Section A101.5-Building materials
- Section 51-11C-61020 - Section A102 - Ceilings
- Section 51-11C-61021 - Section A102.1 - General
- Section 51-11C-610211 - Table A102.1 - Default U-factors for ceilings
- Section 51-11C-61022 - Section A102.2-Component description
- Section 51-11C-610221 - Tables A102.2.4 - Steel truss framed ceiling U[o] values
- Section 51-11C-610225 - Tables A102.2.5 - Default U-factors for metal building roofs
- Section 51-11C-610226 - Tables A102.2.6-Assembly U-factors for roofs with insulation entirely above deck
- Section 51-11C-61030 - Section A103 - Above grade walls
- Section 51-11C-61031 - Section A103.1-General
- Section 51-11C-61032 - Section A103.2 - Framing description
- Section 51-11C-61033 - Section A103.3 - Component description
- Section 51-11C-610331 - Section A103.3.1 - Single stud wall
- Section 51-11C-610332 - Section A103.3.2 - Strap wall
- Section 51-11C-610333 - Section A103.3.3 - Double stud wall
- Section 51-11C-610334 - Section A103.3.4-Log wall
- Section 51-11C-610335 - Section A103.3.5 - Stress skin panel
- Section 51-11C-610336 - Section A103.3.6 - Metal stud walls
- Section 51-11C-610337 - Section A103.3.7-Concrete and masonry walls
- Section 51-11C-61040 - Section A104 - Below-grade walls and slabs
- Section 51-11C-61041 - Section A104.1-General
- Section 51-11C-61042 - Section A104.2 - Component description
- Section 51-11C-61043 - Section A104.3 - Insulation description
- Section 51-11C-61050 - Section A105 - Floors over unconditioned space
- Section 51-11C-61051 - Section A105.1-General
- Section 51-11C-61052 - Section A105.2 - Crawlspace description
- Section 51-11C-61053 - Section A105.3 - Construction description
- Section 51-11C-61060 - Section A106 - On-grade slab floors
- Section 51-11C-61061 - Section A106.1 - General
- Section 51-11C-61062 - Section A106.2 - Component description
- Section 51-11C-61063 - Section A106.3 - Insulation description
- Section 51-11C-61070 - Section A107 - Default U-factors for doors
- Section 51-11C-61071 - Section A107.1 - Doors without NFRC certification
- Section 51-11C-610711 - Table A107.1(1)Default U-factors for doors
- Section 51-11C-610712 - Table A107.1(2) - Default U-factors for revolving doors
- Section 51-11C-610713 - Table A107.1(3) - Default U-factors for steel emergency doors
- Section 51-11C-610714 - Table A107.1(4)-Default U-factors for steel garage and hangar doors
- Section 51-11C-61080 - Section A108 - Air infiltration
- Section 51-11C-61081 - Section A108.1 - General
- Section 51-11C-70000 - Appendix B - Default internal load values and schedules
- Section 51-11C-71010 - Section B101 - General
- Section 51-11C-71020 - Section B102 - Default tables of internal loads
- Section 51-11C-71021 - Table B102 - Acceptable occupancy densities, receptacle power densities and service hot water consumption
- Section 51-11C-71030 - Section B103 - Default schedules
- Section 51-11C-71031 - Table B103(1) - Assembly occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71032 - Table B103(2) - Health occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71033 - Table B103(3) - Hotel/motel occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71034 - Table B103(4) - Light manufacturing occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71035 - Table B103(5) - Office occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71036 - Table B103(6) - Parking garage occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71037 - Table B103(7) - Restaurant occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71038 - Table B103(8) - Retail occupancy
- Section 51-11C-71039 - Table B103(9) - School and warehouse occupancies
- Section 51-11C-80000 - Appendix C - Exterior design conditions
- Section 51-11C-80100 - Table C-1 - Outdoor design temperatures for Washington
- Section 51-11C-80500 - Appendix D-Calculation of HVAC total system performance ratio
- Section 51-11C-90000 - Appendix E- Reserved
- Section 51-11C-90500 - Appendix F-Outcome-based energy budget
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