Washington Administrative Code
Title 495D - Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Chapter 495D-276 - Access to public records
Section 495D-276-060 - Public records officer
The public records officer will oversee compliance with the act but another college staff member may process the request. Therefore, these rules will refer to the public records officer or "designee." The public records officer or designee and Lake Washington Institute of Technology will provide the "fullest assistance" to requestors; create and maintain for use by the public and college officials an index to public records of Lake Washington Institute of Technology; ensure that public records are protected from damage or disorganization; and prevent fulfilling public records requests from causing excessive interference with essential functions of the Lake Washington Institute of Technology.
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 92-15-081, § 495D-276-060, filed 7/16/92, effective 8/16/92.