Washington Administrative Code
Title 415 - Retirement Systems, Department of
Chapter 415-104 - Law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system
Section 415-104-482 - How are the different LEOFF Plan 2 disability benefits calculated?
Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
(1) Line of duty: As a line of duty disability retiree, you may choose between:
Calculation of monthly disability benefit:
Example 1: Chris was approved for line of duty disability. The final average salary (FAS) was $10,000. Chris had 20 years of service credit at the time of retirement. To determine the line of duty disability benefit amount:
Example 2: Pat was approved for line of duty disability. The final average salary (FAS) was $10,000. Pat had 2 years of service credit at the time of retirement. To determine the line of duty disability benefit amount:
(2) Catastrophic duty disability: As a catastrophic duty disability retiree, you may choose between:
Calculation of monthly disability benefit:
Example 1: Terry was approved for catastrophic disability. The final average salary (FAS) was $10,000. Terry was not receiving benefits from LNI or Social Security disability insurance (SSDI). Terry had 20 years of service credit at the time of retirement. To determine the catastrophic benefit amount:
Since there is no offset and the monthly disability benefit is greater than the earned benefit, Terry's benefit will be $7000 a month.
Example 2: Pat was approved for catastrophic disability. The final average salary (FAS) was $10,000. Pat was receiving benefits from LNI and Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) in the amounts of $5,000 and $2,000. Pat had 2 years of service credit at the time of retirement. To determine the catastrophic benefit amount:
Since the reduced monthly benefit amount is greater than the earned benefit, Pat's benefit will be $3,000 a month.
Example 3: Chris was approved for catastrophic disability. The final average salary (FAS) was $10,000. Chris was receiving benefits from LNI (Title 51 RCW) and Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) in the amounts of $5,000 and $2,000 respectively. Chris had 20 years of service credit at the time of retirement. To determine the catastrophic benefit amount:
Chris is entitled to the greater of the catastrophic retirement calculation or the earned benefit. Since the earned benefit is greater than the reduced catastrophic benefit, Chris' benefit will be $4,000 a month.
(3) Nonduty disability: As a nonduty disability retiree, you receive a benefit of two percent times your final average salary times your service credit years. This disability benefit will be actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in age at the time of disability retirement and age fifty-three.
Calculation of monthly disability benefit:
Example 1 - Full actuarial reduction:
Chris, age 47, was approved for a nonduty disability. The final average salary (FAS) was $10,000. Chris had 20 years of service credit at the time of retirement. To determine the nonduty disability benefit amount:
Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050(5) and 41.26.470. 09-17-035, §415-104-482, filed 8/10/09, effective 9/10/09.