Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
(1) The board, in collaboration with the
office, shall establish a competitive grant and loan program to award funding
to eligible applicants in order to promote the expansion of access to broadband
service in unserved areas of the state.
Grants and loans may be awarded under this section to assist in funding
acquisition, installation, and construction of middle mile and last mile
infrastructure that supports broadband services and to assist in funding
strategic planning for deploying broadband service in unserved areas.
(b) The board may choose to fund all or part
of an application for funding, provided that the application meets the
requirements of subsection (11) of this section.
(3) Eligible applicants for grants and loans
awarded under this section include:
(a) Local
(b) Tribes;
(c) Nonprofit organizations;
(d) Cooperative associations;
(e) Multiparty entities comprised of public
entity members;
(f) Limited
liability corporations organized for the purpose of expanding broadband access;
(g) Incorporated businesses or
(a) The board shall develop administrative
procedures governing the preapplication and award process. The board shall act
as fiscal agent for the program and is responsible for receiving and reviewing
applications and awarding funds under this section.
(b) At least 60 days prior to the first day
preapplications may be submitted each fiscal year, the board must publish on
its website the specific criteria and any quantitative weighting scheme or
scoring system that the board will use to evaluate or rank applications and
award funding.
(c) The board may
maintain separate accounting in the statewide broadband account created in RCW
43.155.165 as the board deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this
(d) The board must provide
a method for the allocation of loans, grants, provision of technical
assistance, and interest rates under this section.
(5) An applicant for a grant or loan under
this section must provide the following information on the preapplication:
(a) The location and description of the
(b) Evidence regarding the
unserved nature of the community in which the project is to be
(c) Evidence that proposed
infrastructure will be capable of scaling to greater download and upload
(d) The number of
households passed that will gain access to broadband service as a result of the
project or whose broadband service will be upgraded as a result of the
(e) Evidence that before
submission of the application, the applicant contacted, in writing, all
entities providing broadband service near the proposed project area to ask each
broadband service provider's plan to upgrade broadband service in the project
area to speeds that meet or exceed the state's definition for broadband service
as defined in RCW 43.330.530, within the time frame specified in the proposed
grant or loan activities;
(f) If
applicable, the broadband service providers' written responses to the inquiry
made under (e) of this subsection;
(g) The proposed geographic broadband service
area and the proposed broadband speeds in the form and manner prescribed by the
(h) Evidence of community
support for the project; and
Any additional information requested by the board.
(6) An applicant for a grant or loan under
this section must provide the following information on the application:
(a) The final location and description of the
(b) Evidence that the
proposed infrastructure will be capable of scaling to greater download and
upload speeds;
(c) The number of
households passed that will gain access to broadband service as a result of the
project or whose broadband service will be upgraded as a result of the
(d) The estimated cost of
retail services to end users facilitated by a project;
(e) The proposed actual download and upload
speeds experienced by end users;
(f) Evidence of significant community
institutions that will benefit from the proposed project;
(g) Anticipated economic, educational, health
care, or public safety benefits created by the project;
(h) If available, a description of the
applicant's user adoption assistance program and efforts to promote the use of
newly available broadband services created by the project;
(i) The estimated total cost of the
(j) Other sources of
funding for the project that will supplement any grant or loan award;
(k) A demonstration of the project's
long-term sustainability, including the applicant's financial soundness,
organizational capacity, and technical expertise;
(l) A strategic plan to maintain long-term
operation of the infrastructure;
(m) If applicable, documentation describing
the outcome of the broadband service providers' written responses to the
inquiry made prior to or during the preapplication phase; and
(n) Any additional information requested by
the board.
(a) The board shall publish on its website
for at least 30 days the proposed geographic broadband service area and the
proposed broadband speeds for each proposed broadband project submitted in the
preapplication period.
(b) The
board shall, within three business days following the close of the
preapplication cycle, publish on its website preapplications as described in
subsection (5) of this section.
The board shall set an objection period of at least 30 days.
(d) The board shall publish objection
information received during the objection period that includes:
(i) The objecting provider;
(ii) the reason for objection;
(iii) a description of how the current or
proposed infrastructure meets or exceeds speeds contained in the definition of
broadband service in RCW 43.330.530;
(iv) existing or planned service plans or
tiers and associated speeds; and
(v) information about the objector's project
status including percentage completed.
(a) Any
existing broadband service provider near the proposed project area may, submit
in writing to the board, an objection to a proposed broadband project. An
objection must contain information demonstrating that:
(i) The project would result in overbuild,
meaning that the objecting provider currently provides, or has begun
construction to provide, broadband service to end users in the proposed project
area at speeds equal to or greater than the speeds contained in the definition
of broadband in RCW 43.330.530(2); or
(ii) The objecting provider commits to
complete construction of broadband infrastructure and provide broadband service
to end users in the proposed project area at speeds equal to or greater than
the speeds contained in the definition of broadband in RCW 43.330.530(2), no
later than 24 months after the date awards are made under this section for the
grant and loan cycle under which the preapplication was submitted.
(b) Objections submitted to the
board under this subsection must be certified by affidavit.
(c) The board shall provide a period, as
specified, for applicants to submit responses to posted objections.
(d) The board may evaluate the information
submitted under this section by the objecting provider and applicant and must
consider it in making a determination on the proposed broadband project
objected to. The board may request clarification or additional information. The
board may choose to not fund a project if the board determines that the
objecting provider's commitment to provide broadband service that meets the
requirements of (a) of this subsection in the proposed project area is
credible. In assessing the commitment, the board may consider whether the
objecting provider has or will provide a bond, letter of credit, or other
indicia of financial commitment guaranteeing the project's
(e) If the board denies
funding to an applicant as a result of a broadband service provider's objection
made under this section, and the broadband service provider does not fulfill
its commitment to provide broadband service in the project area, then for the
following two grant and loan cycles, the board is prohibited from denying
funding to an applicant on the basis of a challenge by the same broadband
service provider, unless the board determines that the broadband service
provider's failure to fulfill the provider's commitment was the result of
factors beyond the broadband service provider's control. The board is not
prohibited from denying funding to an applicant for reasons other than an
objection by the same broadband service provider.
(f) An applicant or broadband service
provider that objected to the application may request a debriefing conference
regarding the board's decision on the application. Requests for debriefing must
be coordinated by the office and must be submitted in writing in accordance
with procedures specified by the office.
(g) An objecting provider may mark any
proprietary business and financial information as confidential that the
objecting provider is willing to defend in court as exempt under chapter 42.56
(a) In evaluating applications and awarding
funds, the board shall give priority to applications that are constructed in
areas identified as unserved.
In evaluating applications and awarding funds, the board may give priority to
applications that:
(i) Provide assistance to
public-private partnerships deploying broadband infrastructure from areas
currently served with broadband service to areas currently lacking access to
broadband services;
Demonstrate project readiness to proceed;
(iii) Construct infrastructure that is open
access, meaning that during the useful life of the infrastructure, service
providers may use network services and facilities at rates, terms, and
conditions that are not discriminatory or preferential between providers, and
employing accountable interconnection arrangements published and available
(iv) Are submitted by
tribal governments whose reservations are in rural and remote areas where
reliable and efficient broadband services are unavailable to many or most
(v) Bring broadband
service to tribal lands, particularly to rural and remote tribal lands or areas
servicing rural and remote tribal entities;
(vi) Are submitted by tribal governments in
rural and remote areas that have spent significant amounts of tribal funds to
address the problem but cannot provide necessary broadband services without
either additional state support, additional federal support, or both;
(vii) Serve economically distressed areas of
the state as the term "distressed area" is defined in RCW 43.168.020;
(viii) Offer new or substantially upgraded
broadband service to important community anchor institutions including, but not
limited to, libraries, educational institutions, public safety facilities, and
health care facilities;
Facilitate the use of telemedicine and electronic health records, especially in
deliverance of behavioral health services and services to veterans;
(x) Provide technical support and train
residents, businesses, and institutions in the community served by the project
to utilize broadband service;
Include a component to actively promote the adoption of newly available
broadband services in the community;
(xii) Provide evidence of strong support for
the project from citizens, government, businesses, and community
(xiii) Provide access
to broadband service to a greater number of unserved households and businesses,
including farms;
(xiv) Utilize
equipment and technology demonstrating greater longevity of service;
(xv) Seek the lowest amount of state
investment per new location served and leverage greater amounts of funding for
the project from other private and public sources;
(xvi) Include evidence of a customer service
(xvii) Consider leveraging
existing broadband infrastructure and other unique solutions;
(xviii) Benefit public safety and fire
preparedness; or
(xix) Demonstrate
other priorities as the board, in collaboration with the office, may prescribe
by rule.
(c) The board
shall endeavor to award funds under this section to qualified applicants in all
regions of the state.
(d) The board
shall consider affordability and quality of service to end users in making a
determination on any application.
(e) The board, in collaboration with the
office, may develop additional rules for eligibility, project reapplications,
project applications, the associated objection process, and funding priority,
as provided under this subsection and subsections (3), (5), (6), (7), and (8)
of this section.
(f) The board, in
collaboration with the office, may adopt rules for a voluntary nonbinding
mediation between incumbent providers and applicants to the grant and loan
program created in this section.
(10) To ensure a grant or loan to a private
entity under this section primarily serves the public interest and benefits the
public, any such grant or loan must be conditioned on a guarantee that the
asset or infrastructure to be developed will be maintained for public use for a
period of at least 15 years.
(a) No funds awarded under this section may
fund more than 50 percent of the total cost of the project, except as provided
in (b) of this subsection.
(b) The
board may choose to fund up to 90 percent of the total cost of a project in
financially distressed areas as the term "distressed area" is defined in RCW
43.168.020, and in areas identified as Indian country as the term "Indian
country" is defined in WAC 458-20-192.
(c) Funds awarded to a single project under
this section must not exceed $2,000,000, except that the board may choose to
fund projects qualifying for the exception in (b) of this subsection up to, but
not to exceed, $5,000,000.
(12) The board shall have such rights of
recovery in the event of default in payment or other breach of financing
agreement as may be provided in the agreement or otherwise by law.
(13) The community economic revitalization
board shall facilitate the timely transmission of information and documents
from its broadband program to the board in order to effectuate an orderly
(a) Emergency public works broadband projects
include construction, repair, reconstruction, replacement, rehabilitation, or
improvement to critical broadband infrastructure that has been made necessary
by a natural disaster or damaged by unforeseen events. To ensure limited
resources are provided as efficiently as possible, the board shall grant
priority to emergency public works projects that replace existing
infrastructure of the provider whose facilities were damaged by the unforeseen
event and shall not provide funds to a new provider to overbuild the existing
provider. The loans or grants may be used to help fund all or part of an
emergency public works broadband infrastructure project less any reimbursement
from any of the following sources:
Federal disaster or emergency funds, including funds from the federal emergency
management agency;
(ii) state
disaster or emergency funds;
insurance settlements; and
litigation. Applicants must reimburse the department any moneys received from
the above listed sources for four years after formal project closeout.
Applicants eligible to receive moneys must use their best efforts to seek
reimbursement in a timely manner.
(b) Eligible applicants for grants and loans
awarded under this subsection are the same as those described in subsection (3)
of this section.
(c) The board has
discretion to waive certain program requirements in subsections (4) through (8)
of this section if the applicant seeking emergency funding is the existing
provider proposing to replace existing infrastructure impacted by the
(d) The board allocates
funds to the emergency program biennially and the program is open until funds
are expended.
(e) Eligible
applicants must apply using the application and process provided by the
(f) Board
deliberations-Emergency loan applications. The board will consider and approve
or disapprove all eligible applications for emergency financial assistance at
regular or special meetings of the board. The applicant will be notified of
meetings at which its application will be considered.
(15) The definitions in RCW 43.330.530 apply
throughout this section unless the context clearly requires
(16) A "proposed
broadband project" in subsections (7) and (8) of this section means a project
that has been submitted as a preapplication to the board.