Washington Administrative Code
Title 357 - Financial Management, Office of State Human Resources Director
Chapter 357-31 - Holidays and leave
- Section 357-31-005 - For the purpose of chapter 357-31 WAC, what days are recognized as holidays?
- Section 357-31-010 - Which employees qualify for holiday compensation?
- Section 357-31-015 - How many hours are general government employees compensated for on a holiday?
- Section 357-31-020 - For general government part-time employees, how is holiday compensation prorated?
- Section 357-31-021 - For part-time higher education employees, how is holiday credit prorated?
- Section 357-31-022 - For part-time higher education employees, how is personal holiday prorated?
- Section 357-31-025 - How many hours are higher education employees compensated for on a holiday?
- Section 357-31-027 - When must a higher education employer allow a part-time employee to use accrued holiday credit?
- Section 357-31-030 - What happens when a holiday falls on an employee's scheduled day off?
- Section 357-31-035 - How is an employee who works on a holiday compensated?
- Section 357-31-040 - What happens when a holiday as identified in WAC 357-31-005 falls on Saturday or Sunday?
- Section 357-31-045 - If an employee resigns or is dismissed or separated during a month in which there is a holiday, will he/she be compensated for the holiday?
- Section 357-31-050 - How is an employee's holiday determined when an employee works a night shift schedule which begins on one calendar day and ends on the next?
- Section 357-31-052 - Is an employee entitled to any unpaid holidays?
- Section 357-31-053 - Within what time frame must an employee notify their supervisor to request an unpaid holiday in accordance with WAC 357-31-052?
- Section 357-31-055 - When does an employee qualify for a personal holiday?
- Section 357-31-060 - How many hours are general government employees compensated for when taking a personal holiday?
- Section 357-31-065 - How many hours are higher education employees compensated for when taking a personal holiday?
- Section 357-31-070 - When is an employer required to approve an employee's request to use a personal holiday?
- Section 357-31-075 - Within what time frame must the personal holiday be taken?
- Section 357-31-080 - What happens if an employee requests to use his/her personal holiday in accordance with the employer's leave procedures and the employer denies the request?
- Section 357-31-090 - Can an employee request to donate or use part of a personal holiday?
- Section 357-31-095 - If an employee donates a personal holiday to another employee and a portion of the personal holiday is returned, can the donating employee use the remaining hours?
- Section 357-31-100 - Must an employer have a policy for requesting and approving leave?
- Section 357-31-105 - How will an unauthorized absence be treated?
- Section 357-31-110 - What happens to an employee's accrued leave when the employee changes employers?
- Section 357-31-115 - How many hours of sick leave does an employee earn each month?
- Section 357-31-120 - Do overtime exempt employees accrue sick leave if they have taken leave without pay during the month?
- Section 357-31-121 - Do overtime eligible employees accrue sick leave if they have taken leave without pay during the month?
- Section 357-31-125 - For general government part-time employees, how is leave accrual prorated?
- Section 357-31-127 - For higher education part-time employees, how is leave accrual prorated?
- Section 357-31-130 - When must an employer allow an employee to use their accrued sick leave?
- Section 357-31-130 - When must an employer allow an employee to use their accrued sick leave?
- Section 357-31-133 - When may an employer allow an employee to use their accrued sick leave?
- Section 357-31-135 - When and how does an employee request the use of sick leave?
- Section 357-31-140 - May an employee use sick leave before it is accrued?
- Section 357-31-145 - When an employee is on vacation leave and a condition listed in WAC 357-31-130 arises, can the employee use sick leave in place of vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-150 - Can an employee be paid for accrued sick leave?
- Section 357-31-155 - Does an employee who separates for any reason other than retirement or death get paid for accrued sick leave?
- Section 357-31-160 - When a former employee is re-employed, is sick leave restored?
- Section 357-31-165 - At what rate do general government employees accrue vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-166 - At what rate do higher education employees accrue vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-170 - At what rate do part-time employees accrue vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-175 - Do employees accrue vacation leave if they have taken leave without pay during the month?
- Section 357-31-180 - When an employee has taken leave without pay during the month is the employee's rate of accrual adjusted for the leave without pay?
- Section 357-31-185 - When and how does an employee request the use of vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-190
- Section 357-31-195 - Can an employee use vacation leave before it is accrued?
- Section 357-31-200 - When must an employer grant the use of vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-205 - What must an employer consider in granting the use of vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-210 - What is the maximum number of hours of vacation leave that an employee may accumulate?
- Section 357-31-215 - When may vacation leave be accumulated above the maximum 280 hours?
- Section 357-31-220 - What must be included in the statement of necessity for excess vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-225 - When employees separate from state service, are they entitled to a lump sum payment of unused vacation leave?
- Section 357-31-230 - When must an employee be granted the use of accrued compensatory time?
- Section 357-31-235 - May an employee use leave if the employee sustains a work-related injury or illness that is compensable under the state workers' compensation law?
- Section 357-31-245 - What happens if an employee uses accrued vacation leave, accrued sick leave, accrued compensatory time, accrued holiday credit, recognition leave, or receives holiday pay during a period when the employee is receiving time loss compensation?
- Section 357-31-247 - May an employee use leave if the employee is approved to receive partial wage replacement for paid family and/or medical leave under Title 50A RCW?
- Section 357-31-248 - May an employee use vacation leave, sick leave, personal holiday, compensatory time, holiday credit, recognition leave, bereavement leave, or holiday pay as a supplemental benefit during a period when the employee is receiving partial wage replacement for paid family and/or medical leave under Title 50A RCW?
- Section 357-31-249 - May a higher education employer deny an employee's request to use accrued leave in accordance with WAC 357-31-248 as a supplemental benefit during a period when the employee is receiving partial wage replacement for paid family and/or medical leave under Title 50A RCW?
- Section 357-31-250 - Are employees entitled to paid bereavement leave?
- Section 357-31-255 - What types of leave may an employee use when absent from work or arriving late to work because of inclement weather?
- Section 357-31-260 - When may an agency head or institution president suspend operations?
- Section 357-31-265 - What is the effect of suspended operations on employees who are not required to work during the closure?
- Section 357-31-270 - When an employer has suspended operations, how are employees who are required to work during the closure affected?
- Section 357-31-275 - What must be included in the employer's suspended operations procedure?
- Section 357-31-280 - How long can operations be suspended?
- Section 357-31-285 - Is an employer required to authorize the absence of an employee for family care emergencies?
- Section 357-31-290 - What qualifies as a family care emergency?
- Section 357-31-295 - What type of leave may employees use for family care emergencies?
- Section 357-31-300 - Is there a limit to how much leave can be used for a family care emergency?
- Section 357-31-305 - Is advance approval required for an employee to take time off for a family care emergency?
- Section 357-31-310 - If an employee is required to report for jury duty service, must the employee be granted a leave of absence with pay?
- Section 357-31-315 - May employees keep compensation received for serving as a member of a jury?
- Section 357-31-320 - If an employee has received a subpoena, must the employee be granted a leave of absence with pay?
- Section 357-31-325 - When must an employer grant leave with pay for other miscellaneous reasons?
- Section 357-31-326 - When may an employer grant leave with pay?
- Section 357-31-327 - When must an employer grant leave without pay?
- Section 357-31-330 - For what reasons may an employer grant leave without pay?
- Section 357-31-335 - How long can an employee remain on leave without pay?
- Section 357-31-340 - When an employee returns from authorized leave without pay, what position will he/she be returned to?
- Section 357-31-345 - How does leave without pay affect a general government employee's seniority date?
- Section 357-31-346
- Section 357-31-347 - Does leave without pay affect a higher education employee's seniority date?
- Section 357-31-350 - How does leave without pay affect a general government employee's seniority date?
- Section 357-31-355 - How does leave without pay affect the duration of an employee's probationary period, trial service period or transition review period?
- Section 357-31-357 - How does leave without pay affect the six-year time period used to qualify for step M?
- Section 357-31-360 - Must employees who have been ordered to required military duty, training, drills, or required to appear for a physical examination be granted paid military leave?
- Section 357-31-370 - In addition to paid military leave, must an employee be granted a military leave of absence without pay?
- Section 357-31-373 - Is an employee whose spouse or registered domestic partner is a member of the armed forces of the United States entitled to take leave from work when the military spouse or registered domestic partner has been called to active duty or when the military spouse or registered domestic partner is on leave from deployment?
- Section 357-31-374 - When must an employer grant a temporary leave of absence for service in an elective office or for legislative service?
- Section 357-31-3745 - How does a temporary leave of absence for service in an elective office or for legislative service impact an employee's probationary period, trial service period, or transition review period?
- Section 357-31-375 - What provisions exist for employees to participate in medical expense plans?
- Section 357-31-380 - What is the purpose of the state leave sharing program?
- Section 357-31-390 - What criteria does an employee have to meet to be eligible to receive shared leave?
- Section 357-31-395 - What definitions apply to shared leave?
- Section 357-31-400 - How much shared leave may an employee receive?
- Section 357-31-403 - May an employer prevent an employee from using shared leave intermittently or on nonconsecutive days?
- Section 357-31-405 - What documentation may an employee seeking shared leave be required to submit?
- Section 357-31-410 - May employees donate leave to employees in other agencies, institutions of higher education, related higher education boards, educational service districts, or school districts?
- Section 357-31-415 - Can donated leave be used for any purpose?
- Section 357-31-420 - What rate of pay is the employee receiving shared leave paid?
- Section 357-31-425 - What types of leave can an employee donate for the purposes of the state leave sharing program?
- Section 357-31-430 - How will shared leave be administered?
- Section 357-31-435 - Must employees use their own leave before using shared leave?
- Section 357-31-440 - How must employees who are receiving shared leave be treated during their absence?
- Section 357-31-445 - What happens to leave that was donated under the state leave sharing program and was not used by the recipient?
- Section 357-31-447 - When must an agency head or higher education institution president approve a shared leave request for an employee?
- Section 357-31-450 - Must an employee who receives shared leave repay the value of the leave that he or she used?
- Section 357-31-455 - What records must an employer maintain pertaining to the state leave sharing program?
- Section 357-31-460 - For what purposes must parental leave be granted?
- Section 357-31-465 - Who qualifies for parental leave?
- Section 357-31-470 - How and when can an employee request to be off work on parental leave?
- Section 357-31-475 - How long can an employee request to be off work for parental leave?
- Section 357-31-480 - Is parental leave in addition to any leave for sickness or temporary disability because of pregnancy and/or childbirth?
- Section 357-31-485 - If an employee's request for parental leave exceeds the provisions of WAC 357-31-525, how and when must an employer respond to an employee's request for parental leave?
- Section 357-31-490 - Will time off for parental leave be paid or unpaid?
- Section 357-31-495 - Will time off for parental leave be designated under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
- Section 357-31-500 - When must disability leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth be granted?
- Section 357-31-505 - How does an employee request disability leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth?
- Section 357-31-510 - Is the employee required to provide the employer with medical certification during disability leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth?
- Section 357-31-515 - Will time off during the period of disability leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth be paid?
- Section 357-31-520 - How does the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and the Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Act interact with the civil service rules?
- Section 357-31-525 - What is an employee entitled to under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993?
- Section 357-31-530 - Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, how is an eligible employee defined?
- Section 357-31-535 - Who designates absences which meet the criteria of the Family and Medical Leave Act?
- Section 357-31-540 - Who chooses if an employee will use paid leave or leave without pay for absences granted under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
- Section 357-31-545 - Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, can an employee request an intermittent or reduced schedule?
- Section 357-31-550 - When an employee returns from an absence designated as FMLA, what position will the employee return to?
- Section 357-31-555 - Must employers continue health insurance benefits when an employee is on leave designated as FMLA?
- Section 357-31-560 - Must the employer have a family and medical leave policy?
- Section 357-31-565 - May employers grant paid leave for purposes of recognition?
- Section 357-31-567 - When must an employer grant the use of recognition leave?
- Section 357-31-570 - What is the purpose of a sick leave pool?
- Section 357-31-575 - Must an agency have a written policy regarding sick leave pools?
- Section 357-31-580 - What criteria does an employee have to meet to be eligible to participate in a sick leave pool?
- Section 357-31-585 - Is participation in a sick leave pool voluntary?
- Section 357-31-590 - When is an employee who participates in a sick leave pool eligible to use sick leave from the pool?
- Section 357-31-595 - Is a participant eligible to use sick leave from a pool if the employee's illness or injury is work-related?
- Section 357-31-600 - Is there a limit to the amount of sick leave a participating employee may withdraw from a sick leave pool?
- Section 357-31-605 - What rate of pay is the participant who withdraws sick leave from the pool paid?
- Section 357-31-610 - How does a part-time participating employee withdraw sick leave credits from a sick leave pool?
- Section 357-31-615 - When a participating employee uses leave from a sick leave pool will he/she be required to recontribute such sick leave to the pool?
- Section 357-31-620 - When an agency has determined that abuse of a sick leave pool has occurred will the employee have to repay the sick leave credits drawn from the pool?
- Section 357-31-625 - When an employee cancels his/her membership in a sick leave pool, can the employee withdraw the days of sick leave he/she had contributed to the pool?
- Section 357-31-630 - Can a participant who moves from one general government position to a different general government position transfer from one sick leave pool to another sick leave pool?
- Section 357-31-635 - What records must an employer maintain pertaining to sick leave pools?
- Section 357-31-640 - What is the purpose of the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-645 - Who will administer the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-650 - What definitions apply to the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-655 - Must employers have a written policy regarding the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-660 - Is participation in the uniformed service shared leave pool voluntary?
- Section 357-31-665 - What criteria does an employee have to meet to be eligible to request leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-670 - How must employees who are receiving leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool be treated during their absence?
- Section 357-31-675 - Is shared leave received under the uniformed service shared leave pool included in the shared leave limits specified in RCW 41.04.665?
- Section 357-31-680 - May employees donating leave direct the donation to a specific individual?
- Section 357-31-685 - What types of leave can an employee donate for the purposes of the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-687 - Must employees use their own leave before receiving shared leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-690 - How much leave may an employee withdraw from the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-695 - How is the maximum shared leave pay, which will be granted from the uniformed service shared leave pool calculated?
- Section 357-31-700 - What documentation is required to verify military salary and status?
- Section 357-31-705 - What rate of pay is paid to the employee receiving leave under the uniformed service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-710 - What happens if the uniformed service shared leave pool does not have sufficient balance to cover all leave requests?
- Section 357-31-715 - May employers establish restrictions on the amount of leave an employee may receive under this section?
- Section 357-31-720 - May an employer establish restrictions on the amount of leave an employee may donate under this section?
- Section 357-31-725 - When an employer has determined that abuse of the uniformed service shared leave pool has occurred will the employee have to repay the shared leave drawn from the pool?
- Section 357-31-730 - When an employee or the employee's family member is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking and the employee is seeking to use accrued leave or unpaid leave what documentation may the employee be required to submit?
- Section 357-31-740
- Section 357-31-745
- Section 357-31-750 - What is the purpose of the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-755 - Who shall administer the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-760 - What definitions apply to the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-765 - Must employers have a written policy regarding the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-770 - Is participation in the veterans' instate service shared leave pool voluntary?
- Section 357-31-775 - What criteria does an employee have to meet to be eligible to request leave from the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-780 - How must employees who are receiving leave from the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool be treated during their absence?
- Section 357-31-785 - Is shared leave received under the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool included in the shared leave limits specified in RCW 4104665?
- Section 357-31-790 - May employees donating leave direct the donation to a specific individual?
- Section 357-31-795 - What types of leave can an employee donate for the purposes of the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-797 - Must employees use their own leave before receiving shared leave from the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-800 - How much leave may an employee withdraw from the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-805 - What documentation may an employee seeking shared leave under the veterans' instate service shared leave pool be required to submit?
- Section 357-31-810 - What rate of pay is paid to the employee receiving leave under the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-815 - What happens if the veterans' instate service shared leave pool does not have sufficient balance to cover all leave requests?
- Section 357-31-820 - May employers establish restrictions on the amount of leave an employee may receive under this section?
- Section 357-31-825 - May an employer establish restrictions on the amount of leave an employee may donate under this section?
- Section 357-31-830 - When an employer and/or the department of veterans' affairs has determined that abuse of the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool has occurred will the employee have to repay the shared leave drawn from the pool?
- Section 357-31-835 - What is the purpose of the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-840 - Who shall administer the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-845 - What definitions apply to the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-850 - Must employers have a written policy regarding the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-855 - Is participation in the foster parent shared leave pool voluntary?
- Section 357-31-860 - Which employees are eligible to request shared leave from the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-865 - How must employees who are receiving shared leave from the foster parent shared leave pool be treated during their absence?
- Section 357-31-870 - May the receiving employee's employer restrict the amount of shared leave an eligible employee may receive, per occurrence, to care for a foster child?
- Section 357-31-873 - Is there a limit to the amount of shared leave an eligible employee may receive, per occurrence, to prepare to accept a foster child in their home?
- Section 357-31-875 - What is the total amount of shared leave an eligible employee may receive under the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-880 - Is shared leave received under the foster parent shared leave pool included in the shared leave limits specified in RCW 4104665?
- Section 357-31-885 - May employees donating leave for the purpose of the foster parent shared leave pool direct the donation to a specific individual?
- Section 357-31-890 - What types of leave may an employee donate to the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-895 - Must employees use their own leave before receiving shared leave from the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-900 - What salary will an eligible employee receive when withdrawing shared leave from the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-905 - What documentation is an employee seeking shared leave under the foster parent shared leave pool required to submit to their current employer?
- Section 357-31-910 - What happens if the foster parent shared leave pool does not have a sufficient balance to cover shared leave requests?
- Section 357-31-915 - May an agency head or higher education president establish restrictions on the amount of leave an employee may donate to the foster parent shared leave pool?
- Section 357-31-920 - When an employer and/or the department of children, youth, and families has determined that abuse of the foster parent shared leave pool has occurred will the employee be required to repay the shared leave drawn from the pool?
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