Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
The following department actions may not be appealed:
(a) The validity or appropriateness of the
department's limiting criteria or the vendor selection criteria for minimum
variety and quantity of WIC approved foods, business integrity, and current
SNAP disqualification or civil monetary penalty instead of
(b) The validity
or appropriateness of the department's selection criteria for competitive price
including, but not limited to, the peer group criteria and the criteria used to
identify above fifty percent vendors;
(c) The validity or appropriateness of the
department's participant access criteria and the department's participant
access determinations;
(d) The
department's determination whether or not to include an infant formula
manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor on the approved infant formula
provider list;
(e) The validity or
appropriateness of the department's prohibition of incentive items;
(f) The department's determination whether to
notify an authorized vendor in writing when an investigation reveals an initial
violation for which a pattern of violations must be established;
(g) The department's determination whether
the authorized vendor had an effective policy and program in effect to prevent
trafficking and that the ownership of the authorized vendor was not aware of,
did not approve of, and was not involved in the violation;
(h) The expiration of the authorized vendor
(i) Disputes regarding
food instrument payments and claims (other than the opportunity to justify or
correct an overcharge or other error);
(j) Disqualification as a result of a
disqualification from SNAP.
(2) Except as provided in WAC
applicant or authorized vendor may file an appeal for the department's decision
to decline an application, terminate a contract, impose a sanction, or other
adverse action.
(3) The request for
appeal must be filed in conformance with the following:
(a) A request for appeal must be filed with
the Department of Health, Adjudicative Service Unit (ASU), P.O. Box 47879,
Olympia, WA 98504-7879, with a copy sent to the department's WIC Nutrition
Program at P.O. Box 47886, Olympia, WA 98504-7886;
(b) The request must be in writing, state the
issue, contain a summary of the applicant or authorized vendor's position on
the issue, and include a copy of the department's notice of adverse
(c) If applicable, a notice
of appearance by the applicant or authorized vendor's attorney;
(d) The request must be filed no later than
twenty-eight days from the date the applicant or authorized vendor receives the
notice unless otherwise specified in the department's notification of adverse
(4) Proceedings
under this chapter shall be in accordance with chapter 246-10 WAC as modified
by the following:
(a) Within thirty days from
the date ASU receives the request for appeal, the ASU or other designee of the
secretary shall approve or deny the request. The notice of approval shall
include a scheduling order setting forth a date, time, and place for a
prehearing conference and the hearing.
(b) Without discovery request by the
appellant, the department shall deliver its record of the decision to the
appellant within thirty days from the issuance of the scheduling
(c) At the time provided in
the scheduling order, the presiding officer shall conduct a telephonic
prehearing conference. Following the prehearing conference, the presiding
officer will issue a prehearing order defining conduct at hearing, which will
establish the procedure for the hearing.
(d) At the time provided in the scheduling
order, the presiding officer will conduct an in-person hearing in which the
appellant and program will each have an opportunity to present its case and
cross-examine adverse witnesses.
(e) The presiding officer shall decide the
case based solely on whether the program has correctly applied federal and
state statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures governing the WIC
program, according to the evidence presented at the review.
(5) If a provision of chapter
246-10 WAC conflicts with a provision of
7 C.F.R.
246.18, the federal regulation shall
Statutory Authority:
43.70.120. 11-23-125, § 246-790-125,
filed 11/21/11, effective 12/22/11.