Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
Schools and child care centers shall require on or before the first day of
attendance either a CIS or COE form that documents a child's immunization
status as required by WAC 246-105-050:
(a) For
new enrollees registering for admission into preschool and kindergarten through
grade 12 or a child care center as a requirement of admission;
(b) Annually for continued enrollment in a
child care center; and
(c) Any
child identified as experiencing homelessness under the McKinney-Vento Homeless
Assistance Act 42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq., or in foster care under 20 U.S.C. 6311(g)(1)(E) lacking documentation of immunization status on or before the first
day of attendance must be immediately enrolled and allowed to fully participate
in all school activities.
(2) A school nurse, child care health
consultant, or chief administrator shall use information from the CIS or COE
form to determine the immunization status of a child as: Fully immunized, out
of compliance, conditional, or exempt.
(a) For
enrollees attending under conditional status or an enrollee with an expired
temporary medical exemption, except those identified under subsection (1)(c) of
this section, the following schedule for documenting proof of full immunization
(i) Any doses the child is eligible
to receive based on the requirements established in WAC 246-105-040 must be
administered on or before the first day of attendance. Any additional missing
immunizations must be received within 30 calendar days after the first day of
attendance or after a temporary medical exemption is no longer valid, unless
receipt within such time is inconsistent with the national immunization
guidelines; or
(ii) When the
immunizations are part of a series with recommended intervals between doses,
each additional missing immunization must be received no later than 30 calendar
days past the recommended date of administration of the next dose as
established by the national immunization guidelines.
(b) Failure to document proof of full
immunization consistent with the schedule established in (a) of this subsection
shall result in exclusion of a child from a school or a child care center as
described in WAC 246-105-080.
(3) In maintaining child immunization
records, schools and child care centers shall:
(a) Keep all department-approved forms
described in WAC 246-105-050 for each enrolled child attending their school or
child care.
(b) Keep or be able to
produce within 24 hours a current list of children who are not fully immunized.
This list must be transmitted to the local health department upon
(c) Return the applicable
department-approved CIS or COE or a legible copy of such documents to the
parent if the child is withdrawn from a school or child care center or
transferred from the school. A school or child care center may not withhold
from the parent a child's department-approved CIS or COE for any reasons,
including nonpayment of school or child care center fees.
(d) Provide access to immunization records to
agents of the state or local health department of each child
(4) In
maintaining child immunization records, the chief administrator shall:
(a) Retain records for at least three years
on a child who is excluded from school under this chapter. The record must
include the child's name, address, and date of exclusion.
(b) Submit an immunization status report
under RCW 28A.210.110 at a time and in a manner approved by the department.
Statutory Authority:
28A.210.140. 09-02-003, § 246-105-060,
filed 12/26/08, effective 1/26/09.