Washington Administrative Code
Title 172 - Eastern Washington University
Chapter 172-122 - General conduct code
Section 172-122-210 - Restriction of access
The president of Eastern Washington University shall be authorized to reasonably restrict the access to any portion of real property or any building or facility thereon or attached thereto, owned by the university by designating the person, persons, or class of persons who is privileged to enter on or into or remain on university-owned real property or buildings or facilities thereon or attached thereto. Additionally, the president may prescribe reasonable hours of occupancy and reasonable conduct during occupancy for those persons or class of persons which are privileged to enter on or into or remain in any building or facility owned by Eastern Washington University.
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). 92-22-001, § 172-122-210, filed 10/21/92, effective 11/21/92.