Washington Administrative Code
Title 136 - County Road Administration Board
Chapter 136-16 - Standards of good practice - Annual road program, construction report, and construction by county forces limits
Section 136-16-042 - Modification of program
The adopted annual program may not be changed, revised or increased except by unanimous vote of the members of the legislative authority who are present when the vote is taken. Such modifications shall be by resolution of the legislative authority and shall list each changed, revised or added project. A copy of such resolution shall be forwarded to the county road administration board within thirty-days of its adoption.
Statutory Authority: Chapter 36.79 RCW. 99-01-021, § 136-16-042, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 36.78.070 and 36.79.060. 96-17-013, § 136-16-042, filed 8/12/96, effective 9/12/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 36.78.070. 90-07-076 (Order 76), § 136-16-042, filed 3/21/90, effective 4/21/90. Statutory Authority: Chapter 36.78 RCW. 80-09-084 (Order 38), § 136-16-042, filed 7/22/80; Order 29, § 136-16-042, filed 8/3/76; Order 21, § 136-16-042, filed 4/19/73.