Washington Administrative Code
Title 136 - County Road Administration Board
Chapter 136-16 - Standards of good practice - Annual road program, construction report, and construction by county forces limits
Section 136-16-030 - Requirements of listing equipment
In accordance with RCW 36.81.130. The annual program shall also include a list of all major road equipment purchases and repairs contemplated for the year, together with the estimated costs thereof. The total estimated cost of all equipment listed shall be approximately equal to the amount budgeted for equipment purchase in the annual equipment rental and revolving fund budget. The equipment list may include an item for miscellaneous minor equipment in any amount up to ten percent of the estimated total cost. The list may also include a list of alternate or additional items of equipment totaling up to fifteen percent of the basic list cost to allow for unforeseen conditions.
Statutory Authority: Chapter 36.79 RCW. 99-01-021, § 136-16-030, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 36.78.070 and 36.79.060. 96-17-013, § 136-16-030, filed 8/12/96, effective 9/12/96; Regulation 2, § 136-16-030, filed 12/13/67.