Washington Administrative Code
Title 132V - Tacoma Community College
Chapter 132V-22 - Faculty tenure rights and procedures
Section 132V-22-060 - Preliminary procedure relating to the dismissal for cause of a tenured or probationary faculty member
When reason arises to question the fitness of an academic employee, the initial step shall be for the appropriate administrative officer to discuss the matter with him/her in personal conference. At this conference, the academic employee may request the presence of a union representative. The matter may be terminated by mutual consent at this point; but if an adjustment does not result, the case shall be referred to the president of the college. If the president of the college deems that the case warrants dismissal, the dismissal process shall be governed by the following procedure:
[(1)] At least fifteen calendar days prior to the effective date of the dismissal action and at least thirty days prior to the convening of the dismissal for cause committee, the academic employee, who is to be dismissed by the appointing authority, and the union shall be furnished with written notice which shall include grounds for dismissal, a statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction of the president's notice, and information of the employee's right of appeal. The notification shall be furnished directly to the employee during working hours, or shall be mailed by certified return receipt mail to the academic employee's last known address.
[(2)] A dismissal review committee will be established. The dismissal review committee shall be the same [as the] tenure review committee. If the tenure review committee is no longer available the dismissal review committee shall have the same membership as required for a tenure review committee for a probationary academic employee. The members representing the academic employees shall be selected by a majority of the academic employees and department chairmen acting as a body. The president shall deliver to the review committee the statement of charges provided to the employee.
[(3)] Remaining steps in the procedure for dismissal for cause of tenured or probationary faculty members are as specified in WAC 132V-22-200 of these rules.
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13) and 28B.50.852. 81-08-002 (Order 6-81, Resolution No. 81-6), § 132V-22-060, filed 3/19/81; Order 16, § 132V-22-060, filed 12/28/73; Order 15, § 132V-22-060, filed 6/29/73; Order 3, § 132V-22-060, filed 5/29/70.
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules, and deems ineffectual changes not filed by the agency in this manner. The bracketed material in the above section does not appear to conform to the statutory requirement.