Washington Administrative Code
Title 132R - Big Bend Community College
Chapter 132R-200 - Policy on personnel files
Section 132R-200-010 - Policy on personnel files
Big Bend Community College shall maintain one personnel file for each employee. This file shall be in the college's human resource office. No other personnel file shall be maintained by any other officer or administrator of the college. This shall not preclude the maintenance of all lawful payroll records by the payroll office nor maintenance of other essential records by appropriate personnel for the operation of the institution.
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 03-15-063, § 132R-200-010, filed 7/14/03, effective 8/14/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 90-02-019, § 132R-200-010, filed 12/26/89, effective 1/26/90; Order 76-30, § 132R-200-010, filed 12/23/76.