Washington Administrative Code
Title 132J - Green River College
Chapter 132J-116 - Traffic and parking rules and regulations
Section 132J-116-110 - Right to appeal
Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
(1) When a parking permit has been revoked pursuant to WAC 132J-116-090 or has been denied under WAC 132J-116-100, or when a fine or penalty has been levied under this chapter, such action may be appealed through a brief adjudicative proceeding.
(2) Such an appeal may be made by filing within twenty days of the challenged action a written request for such a proceeding with the vice-president for marketing and student development, or her/his designee, who shall serve as presiding officer.
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 94-04-052, § 132J-116-110, filed 1/31/94, effective 3/3/94; Order 73-4, § 132J-116-110, filed 6/6/73.