Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
Contractors must provide adequate staff to comply with all ECEAP performance
(2) Contractors must
require their staff and other persons associated with the contractor that are
considered to be a "subject individual" as defined in WAC
110-06-0020, and who may have
unsupervised access to children, to obtain a fingerprint background check in
compliance with the requirements of
43.216.525 and chapter 110-06
(3) All persons serving in the
role of ECEAP lead teacher must meet one of the following qualifications:
(a) An associate or higher degree with the
equivalent of thirty college quarter credits in early childhood education.
These thirty credits may be included in the degree or in addition to the
degree; or
(b) A valid Washington
state teaching certificate with an endorsement in early childhood education
(pre-K - grade 3) or early childhood special education.
(4) All persons serving in the role of ECEAP
assistant teacher must meet one of the following qualifications:
(a) Employment as an ECEAP assistant teacher
in the same agency before July 1, 1999;
(b) The equivalent of twelve college quarter
credits in early childhood education;
(c) Initial or higher Washington state early
childhood education certificate; or
(d) A current Child Development Associate
(CDA) credential awarded by the Council for Early Childhood Professional
(5) All
persons serving in the role of ECEAP family support staff must meet one of the
following qualifications:
(a) Employment as an
ECEAP family support staff in the same agency before July 1, 1999;
(b) An associate's or higher degree with the
equivalent of thirty college quarter credits in adult education, human
development, human services, family support, social work, early childhood
education, child development, psychology, or another field directly related to
their job responsibilities. These thirty credits may be included in the degree
or in addition to the degree;
(c) A
current home visitor child development associate (CDA) credential from the
council for professional recognition; or
(d) A department-approved credential from a
comprehensive and competency-based program that increases knowledge and skills
in providing direct family support services to families.
(6) All persons serving in the role of ECEAP
health advocate must meet one of the following qualifications:
(a) Employment as an ECEAP family support
aide or health aide in the same agency before July 1, 2014; or
(b) The equivalent of twelve college quarter
credits in family support, public health, health education, nursing, or another
field directly related to their job responsibilities.
(7) The ECEAP health consultant must meet one
of the following qualifications:
(a) Licensed
in Washington state as a registered nurse (R.N.) or physician (M.D., N.D.,
D.O.); or
(b) A bachelor's or
higher degree in public health, nursing, health education, health sciences,
medicine, or related field.
(8) The ECEAP nutrition consultant must meet
one of the following qualifications:
Registered dietitian (RD) credentialed through the Commission on Dietetic
Registration (CDR), the credentialing agency for the Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association); or
(b) Washington state certified nutritionist
under chapter 18.138 RCW.
(9) The ECEAP mental health consultant must
meet one of the following qualifications:
Licensed by the Washington state department of health as a mental health
counselor, marriage and family therapist, social worker, psychologist,
psychiatrist, or psychiatric nurse;
(b) Approved by the Washington state
department of health as an agency affiliated or certified counselor, with a
master's degree in counseling, social work or related field; or
(c) Credentialed by the Washington state
office of the superintendent of public instruction as a school counselor,
social worker, or psychologist.
(10) The ECEAP coach must meet all of the
following qualifications:
(a) Bachelor's
degree in early childhood or related field or a bachelor's degree with the
equivalent of thirty college quarter credits in early childhood education.
These thirty credits may be included in the degree or in addition to the
(b) A minimum of two years
working with young children in a group setting; and
(c) Experience as an early learning coach,
consultant, mentor, or trainer.
(11) Contractors must hire and employ staff
who meet the qualifications for their position.
(a) If the best candidate for the position is
not fully qualified, the contractor must ensure the newly hired staff person is
on a professional development plan (PDP) to fully meet the qualifications of
their role within five years from the date of hire.
(b) Contractors must monitor progress on all
PDPs and ensure staff make adequate yearly progress to meet the required
Equivalent degrees and certificates from other states and countries are
accepted for ECEAP staff qualifications.
Statutory Authority:
43.215.070 and chapter 43.215 RCW. WSR
17-01-083, §
170-100-090, filed 12/16/16,
effective 1/16/17; WSR 15-24-040, §
170-100-090, filed 11/20/15,
effective 1/1/16. Statutory Authority:
43.215.070 and chapter 43.215 RCW.
WSR 14-14-055, §
170-100-090, filed 6/26/14,
effective 7/27/14. WSR 06-18-085, recodified as §
170-100-090, filed 9/5/06,
effective 9/5/06. Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.215 RCW. WSR 06-13-046,
§ 365-170-095, filed 6/16/06, effective 7/17/06. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.63A.060. WSR 99-19-176, § 365-170-095, filed 9/22/99, effective