Washington Administrative Code
Title 106 - Central Washington University
Chapter 106-141 - Use of Campus Facilities for Expressive Activity
Section 106-141-040 - Limitations on use of campus facilities
Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
Campus or noncampus groups using campus facilities for expressive activities shall be subject to the following rules governing the time, place, and manner of the expressive activity.
(1) Disruption or interference. The expressive activity must not substantially and materially disrupt or interfere with the university's essential academic or administrative functions or with the rights and privileges of the university's students, employees, or invitees.
(2) Hours of activity. Expressive activity on the campus grounds as defined in WAC 106-141-020 must be limited between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Expressive activity in campus buildings must be limited in accordance with the normal hours of operation and other rules applicable to the particular building.
(3) Scheduling conflicts. Campus facilities, including both "grounds" and "buildings" as defined in WAC 106-141-020, are not available for unscheduled expressive activities that conflict with previously scheduled uses of the facility.
(4) Sound amplification. Sound amplification, whether by artificial means or otherwise, must be maintained at a volume that does not substantially and materially disrupt or interfere with the university's essential academic or administrative functions.
(5) Traffic obstruction. The expressive activity must not be conducted in such a manner as to obstruct vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, or other traffic including, but not limited to, access by emergency vehicles or personnel. The activity must not otherwise interfere with access to campus facilities or to other campus activities or events.
(6) Health and safety - Protection of property. The expressive activity must not create health or safety hazards, pose safety risks to others, or cause damage to university property or the property of others. The activity must be conducted in compliance with applicable fire, health, safety, and sanitation regulations.
(7) Advance notice requested. Campus and noncampus groups are requested to notify the university reasonably in advance of a planned or scheduled expressive activity. Such notice does not involve any permit application or approval process. Advance notice is requested for the purpose of avoiding scheduling conflicts and making appropriate security and facility use arrangements. Groups providing the requested notice are encouraged to provide the name and contact information for their group; the date, time and place of the activity; and the estimated number of participants.
(8) Cleanup - Repairs. Campus and noncampus groups using campus facilities for expressive activities are expected to clean up after the activity and return the facilities to their original condition. Reasonable charges may be assessed against responsible parties for the cost of any extraordinary cleanup or for repairing damaged property.
(9) Camping prohibited. There shall be no overnight camping anywhere on or in campus facilities, except as expressly authorized by the university for designated institutional purposes. Camping is defined to include sleeping, cooking, or storing personal belongings, for personal habitation, or the erection of tents or other shelters or structures used for purposes of personal habitation.
(10) Other applicable policies or rules. The expressive activity must otherwise be conducted in compliance with any other applicable university policies and rules, local ordinances, and state or federal law.