Washington Administrative Code
Title 100 - 1989 Centennial Commission
Chapter 100-100 - Centennial commission
Section 100-100-040 - Meetings
Current through Register Vol. 24-24, December 15, 2024
(1) Regular meetings. The commission shall meet at least six times each year at dates and places determined by the commission no later than December of the preceding year. The regular meeting schedule shall be published in the Washington State Register in January each year in accordance with RCW 42.30.075. Notice of any change from such meeting schedule shall be published in the state register for distribution at least twenty days prior to the rescheduled meeting date.
(2) Notice. In addition to the publishing requirements of RCW 42.30.075, twenty days notice of all meetings shall be given by mailing a copy of a notice and a summary of the agenda to each member and to any person who has made written request to the commission.
(3) Special meetings. Special or emergency meetings may be called at any time by the chairman, vice-chairman, a majority of commission members, or by the governor. In such cases, the provisions of RCW 42.30.080 will govern due notification of the time, place, and business to be transacted. A quorum for such special meetings shall consist of ten members or two-thirds of the current membership of the commission, whichever is smaller.
(4) Executive sessions. An executive session may be called by the chairman or a majority of the commission. No official actions taken at executive sessions shall be binding without formal action at a regular or special meeting of the commission. Executive sessions shall deal only with matters authorized by RCW 42.30.110.
(5) Agenda. The agenda shall be prepared by the executive secretary in consultation with the chairman. Items submitted by commission members to the executive secretary at least twenty-five days prior to the commission meetings shall be included on the agenda. Each agenda shall also include provisions for public participation.
(6) Attendance of commission members. Each member of the commission is expected to attend all commission and assigned committee meetings. In the event that a member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, he or she is requested to provide the chairman or the executive secretary with the reasons for the absence. If attendance by a legislative member is not possible, a representative may be sent who will be afforded full speaking privileges but shall not be able to move or second motions or vote. In the event of three consecutive absences of a citizen member from regular meetings as described in subsection (1) of this section, the chairman shall notify the governor of such absences, in writing, with copies to all members.
(7) Voting procedures. Voting procedures for the commission shall be as follows:
(8) Minutes. Insofar as practicable, minutes of all meetings shall be distributed to the members within five days following each meeting.
(9) Public attendance. All regular and special meetings shall be open to the public. All executive sessions shall be closed to the public.
(10) Press releases. All press releases and information concerning commission activities shall be released by the chairman or executive secretary except as otherwise authorized.
(11) Public participation. Any person(s) or organization wishing to make a formal presentation at a meeting of the commission shall notify the executive secretary in writing at least forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting. Such notification shall contain the person's or organization's name, address, and the topic to be presented to the commission. The chairman may establish time limits for such presentation.
(12) The chairman may, at his discretion, recognize anyone in the audience who indicates at the time of the meeting a desire to speak, provided that reasonable time limits for such remarks may be established.
(13) Except as otherwise provided herein, Roberts Rules of Order newly revised, shall serve as parliamentary authority for meetings of the commission or committees thereof insofar as not inconsistent with law.
(14) The Open Public Meetings Act, chapter 42.30 RCW, shall govern the proceedings of the commission.
Statutory Authority: RCW 27.60.010 and 27.60.040. 86-21-084 (Resolution No. 86-2), § 100-100-040, filed 10/17/86. Statutory Authority: Chapter 27.60 RCW. 85-03-011 (Resolution No. 84-2), § 100-100-040, filed 1/4/85.