Virginia Administrative Code
Section 9VAC5-10-30 - Abbreviations
A -- ampere
act -- actual
AQCR -- Air Quality Control Region
AQMA -- Air Quality Maintenance Area
ASTM -- American Society for Testing and Materials
avg -- average
Be -- Beryllium
Btu -- British thermal unit
°C -- degree Celsius (centigrade)
cal -- calorie
cc -- cubic centimeter
CdS -- cadmium sulfide
cfm -- cubic feet per minute
CFR -- Code of Federal Regulations ( 40 CFR 35 means Part 35 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations; 40 CFR 35.20 means Section 35.20 in Part 35 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations)
CO -- carbon monoxide
CO2 -- carbon dioxide
COH -- Coefficient of Haze (unit of measure for the soiling index)
cu ft -- cubic feet
d -- day
dcf -- dry cubic feet
dcm -- dry cubic meter
dscf -- dry cubic feet at standard conditions
dscm -- dry cubic meter at standard conditions
EPA -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
eq -- equivalents
°F -- degree Fahrenheit
FR -- Federal Register (36 FR 1492, May 3, 1971 means page 1492, dated May 3, 1971, of Volume 36 of the Federal Register - the page indicated is the first page of the referenced material)
ft -- feet
ft2 -- square feet
ft3 -- cubic feet
g -- gram
gal -- gallon
GEP -- good engineering practice
g-eq -- gram equivalents
gr -- grain
HCl -- hydrochloric acid or hydrogen chloride
Hg -- mercury
hp -- horse power
hr -- hour
H2O -- water
H2S -- hydrogen sulfide
H2SO4 -- sulfuric acid
Hz -- hertz
I.D. -- inside diameter
in -- inch
inHg -- inches of mercury
inH2O -- inches of water
J -- joule
K -- Kelvin
k -- 1,000
kg -- kilogram = 103 gram
l -- liter
lb -- pound
lpm -- liter per minute
M -- molar
m -- meter
m3 -- cubic meter
meq -- milliequivalent
Mg -- megagram = 106 gram
mg -- milligram = 10-3 gram
min -- minute
ml -- milliliter = 10-3 liter
mm -- millimeter = 10-3 meter
mol -- mole
mol.wt. -- molecular weight
MSA -- Metropolitan Statistical Area
mV -- millivolt = 10-3 volt
N -- normal
n -- newton
N2 -- nitrogen
ng -- nanogram = 10-9 gram
nm -- nanometer = 10-9 meter
NO -- nitric oxide
NO2 -- nitrogen dioxide
NOX -- nitrogen oxides
O2 -- oxygen
O.D. -- outside diameter
oz -- ounce
Pa -- pascal
PM -- particulate matter; any airborne finely divided solid or liquid material with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 100 micrometers.
PM10 -- particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers
PM2.5 -- particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 2.5 micrometers
ppb -- parts per billion
ppm -- parts per million
psi -- pounds per square inch
psia -- pounds per square inch absolute
psig -- pounds per square inch gauge
°R -- degree Rankine
s -- second
scf -- cubic feet at standard conditions
scfh -- cubic feet per hour at standard conditions
scm -- cubic meter at standard conditions
sec -- second
SO2 -- sulfur dioxide
SO3 -- sulfur trioxide
SOX -- sulfur oxides
sq ft -- square feet
std -- at standard conditions or standard
[MICRO]g -- microgram = 10-6 gram
[MICRO]l -- microliter = 10-6 liter
USC -- United States Code
V -- volt
v/v -- volume per volume
VOC -- volatile organic compound
W -- watt
w.g. -- water gauge
yd2 -- square yard
yr -- year
% -- percent
[OHM] -- ohm
§ -- section
Statutory Authority
§ 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia; Clean Air Act (§§ 110, 112, 165, 173, and 182 and Title V); 40 CFR Parts 51, 61, 63, 70, and 72.