Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 3, September 23, 2024
A. A letter of transmittal consisting of a
one-page or more letter typed on the submitting firm's letterhead should be
submitted with the Preliminary Engineering Report and should include the
following items:
1. Confirmation of a
submission of the report to the client;
2. Statement of feasibility of constructing
the project; and
3. Identification
of all applicable areawide studies project, drainage basin, service area or
metropolitan area plans with which the project has been coordinated.
B. A title page shall be included
at the beginning of the report and should contain the following information:
1. Title of project and project
2. Municipality, county,
3. Names of officials,
managers, superintendents;
4. Name
and address of firm preparing report;
5. Seal and signature of appropriate
professional in charge of project.
6. Grant number of grant project;
7. If an expansion, existing
certificate or permit number.
C. A table of contents shall be included on
the report and should include such listings as:
1. Section headings, chapter headings and
2. Maps;
3. Graphs;
4. Illustrations, exhibits;
5. Diagrams; and
6. Appendices.
Number all pages; cross reference by page number.
D. A summary of the
findings, conclusions, and recommendations shall be included in the report and
should address the following information:
Findings. Summarize the findings for the client.
a. Population and design flows--present,
design (when), ultimate.
b. Land
use and zoning--portion contributed by residential, commercial, industrial,
greenbelt, etc.
c. Sewage
characteristics and concentrations-portions of total hydraulic, organic, and
solids loading attributed to residential, commercial, and industrial fractions
and description of sewage nondomestic in character.
d. Sewerage system projects--immediate needs
to implement recommended project and deferred needs to complete recommended
projects, including pump station, force mains, appurtenances, etc.
e. Selected process--characteristics of
process and characteristics of output.
f. Receiving waters--existing water quality
and quantity, classifications and downstream water users, and impact of project
on receiving water.
g. Total
proposed project costs considered for each alternative.
h. Changes-alert client to situations that
could alter recommended project.
2. Conclusions. Describe the project as
recommended to client for construction.
3. Recommendations. Summarize step-by-step
actions, for client to follow to implement conclusions:
a. Official acceptance of report;
b. Adoption of recommended project;
c. Submission of report to regulatory
agencies for review and approval;
d. Authorization of engineering services for
approved project (construction plans, specifications, contract documents,
e. Legal services;
f. Enabling ordinances, resolutions, etc.,
g. Adoption of sewer-use
h. Adoption of operating
rules and regulations; and
i. Time
schedules--implementation, construction, completion dates, reflecting any
applicable certificate or permit enforcement actions.
E. An introduction shall be
included in the report and should describe the following:
1. Purpose. Reasons for report and
circumstances leading up to report.
2. Scope. Coordination of recommended project
with area-wide, project, drainage basin, service area or metropolitan area plan
and guideline for developing the report.
3. Background: appropriate past history.
a. Existing area, expansion, annexation,
intermunicipal service ultimate area.
b. Drainage basin, portion covered.
c. Population growth, trends, increase during
design life of facility (graph).
Residential, commercial and industrial land use, zoning, population densities,
industrial types and concentrations.
e. Topography, general geology and effect on
f. Meteorology,
precipitation, runoff, flooding, etc., and effect on project.
g. Existing ordinances, rules and
regulations, including defects and deficiencies, etc.
h. Recommended amendments, revisions, or
cancellation and replacement of local ordinances.
i. Sewer-use ordinance (toxic, aggressive,
volatile, etc., substances).
Surcharge based on volumes and concentration for industrial waste
k. Existing contracts and
agreements (intermunicipal, etc.).
l. Enforcement provision including
inspection, sampling, detection, penalties, etc.
F. The report shall include
investigative considerations, including an existing facilities evaluation that
should address the following as appropriate:
1. Existing sewerage systems:
a. Inventory the existing sewers.
b. Indicate the separation or isolation from
water supply wells.
c. Review the
collection system capacities and adequacy to meet project needs (structural
condition, hydraulic capacity).
Tabulate any necessary pipeline or manhole testing, including gauging and
e. List any existing
points of overflows and required maintenance, repairs and
f. Outline any
necessary rehabilitation, including repair, replacement, and stormwater
separation requirements.
Establish renovation priorities.
Present recommended annual program to renovate sewers.
i. Indicate required annual
2. Existing
a. Area for expansion.
b. Characteristics of terrain (drainage
c. Subsurface
d. Isolation from
habitation (buffer zones).
Isolation from water supply structures.
f. Enclosure of unit operations, odor
control, noise control.
g. Flood
3. Existing
treatment works:
a. Capacities and adequacy
of unit operations (tabulate).
Relationship or applicability, or both, to proposed project.
c. Age and condition.
d. Adaptability to different
e. Structures to be
retained, modified, or demolished.
4. Existing sewage characteristics:
a. Water consumption (from records) (total,
unit, industrial).
b. Sewage flow
pattern, peaks, total, design flow.
c. Physical, chemical, and biological
characteristics, and concentrations.
d. Residential, commercial, industrial,
infiltration fractions, considering organic solids, toxic, aggressive, etc.,
substances (tabulate each fraction separately and summarize).
5. Environmental impact of sewage
on receiving waters:
a. Sewage and industrial
discharges upstream.
b. Receiving
water base flow, min. mean-seven consecutive day drought flow with 10-Year
Return Frequency (7Q10).
Characteristics (concentrations) of receiving waters.
d. Downstream water uses including water
supply, shellfish, recreation, agricultural, industrial, etc.
e. Tabulation of effects on receiving
f. Correlation of treatment
works performance versus receiving water requirements.
G. The report shall include a
proposed facility evaluation that should address the following as appropriate:
1. Sewerage system.
a. Inventory of proposed additions.
b. Isolation from water supply wells,
reservoirs, facilities, etc.
Area of service.
d. Unusual
construction problems.
e. Utility
interruption and traffic interference.
f. Restoration of pavements, lawns,
2. Site
requirements. Comparative advantages and disadvantages as to cost, hydraulic
requirements, flood control, accessibility, enclosure of unit operations, odor
control, landscaping, etc., and isolation with respect to potential nuisances
and protection of water supply facilities.
3. Sewage characteristics.
a. Character of sewage necessary to ensure
amenability to process selected.
Need to pretreat industrial wastewater before discharge to sewers.
c. Portion of residential, commercial,
industrial wastewater fractions to comprise projected growth.
d. Impact of proposed discharge on receiving
waters--reliability requirements.
e. Tabulation of treatment performance versus
receiving water standards.
Listing of effluent limitations.
4. Project alternatives.
a. Describe and delineate (line diagrams)
each alternative.
b. Preliminary
design for cost estimates.
Estimates of project's cost (total) (dated, keyed to construction cost index,
escalated, etc.).
d. Advantages and
disadvantages of each alternative.
e. Individual differences, requirements,
f. Select preferred
g. Justify selection
and present tabulated comparisons.
h. Characteristics of treatment process
i. Operation and
maintenance expenses.
j. Annual
expense requirements (tabulation of annual operation, maintenance, personnel,
debt obligation).
Selected alternative.
a. Construction
b. Adaptability to future
c. Design flow, variances,
and effects on process.
d. Process
functions and system backup.
Sludge management options.
Method of processing of excess combined sewage.
g. Outfall requirements, dispersion,
6. Legal, financing
and other considerations.
a. Necessary
enabling legislation, ordinances, rules, and regulation.
b. Statutory requirements and
c. Contractual
considerations on intermunicipal cooperation.
d. Public information and
e. Effect of state and
federal assistance.
f. Exhibit
conformance with all applicable federal requirements.
H. The report shall include
technical information and design criteria that should address the following as
1. Sewerage system.
a. Design tabulations--flow, size,
velocities, etc.
b. Regulator or
overflow design.
c. Pump station
d. Special
e. Stream
f. System map
(downstream capacity).
2. Treatment works.
a. Criteria selection and basis of design for
principal conventional features and all nonconventional features of the
treatment process.
b. Hydraulic and
organic loadings, minimum, average, maximum, and effect.
c. Dimensions of unit operations features
within treatment process.
d. Rates
and velocities of flow through the treatment process.
e. Detention periods provided for unit
f. Concentration values
projected for influent and effluent flows.
g. Recycle flows and rates within total
treatment process.
h. Chemical
additive control methods.
Physical control methods for rates of flow, etc.
j. A separate tabulation for performance
ratings and treatment efficiencies of unit operations relative to residual
solid and liquid processing.
Sludge management method.
Process configuration, interconnecting piping, processing, flexibility,
m. Hydraulic flow
n. Residual solids or
sludge processing, including dewatering.
o. Unit operations flow diagram with
capacities, etc.
a. Physical and chemical tests
and frequency to control process.
b. Time for testing.
c. Space and equipment
d. Personnel
requirements--number, type, qualifications, salaries, benefits
4. Operation
and maintenance.
a. Routine and special
maintenance duties.
b. Time
c. Tools, equipment,
vehicles, safety, etc.
d. Personnel
requirements--number, type, qualifications, salaries, benefits
e. Processes needing
chemical addition.
f. Chemicals and
feed equipment.
g. Pump stations or
regulator or overflow inspection and repair.
h. Flow gauging.
i. Industrial sampling and
j. Ordinance
k. Equipment
l. Trouble-call
m. Industrial
pretreatment permits.
I. Management systems shall be described in
the report including the following information as appropriate:
1. Personnel-recommended operator
3. Chemicals.
4. Utilities.
5. Outline unusual specifications,
construction materials, and construction methods.
6. Maps, photographs, diagrams (report