Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 3, September 23, 2024
A. The need for
an owner to obtain a permit or modification or reissuance of an existing permit
from the department for a proposed or an existing reclamation system, reclaimed
water distribution system, satellite reclamation system (SRS), or, as
applicable, water reuse, shall be determined in accordance with
Where required, permit coverage for these systems or activities shall be
provided in accordance with
contingent upon receipt of a complete application from the owner. The
application shall contain supporting documentation and information required by
subsections B and C of this section.
B. General information. For projects that
involve water reclamation and the distribution of reclaimed water, the
following information shall be submitted with an application for a permit.
Information required for this subsection may be provided by referencing
specific information previously submitted to the department unless changes have
occurred that require the submission of new or more current information. For
projects that involve exclusively the distribution of reclaimed water,
information for only subdivisions 1, 2, and 5 of this subsection shall be
submitted with an application for a permit.
A description of the design and a site plan showing operations and unit
processes of the proposed project, including and as applicable, treatment,
storage, distribution, reuse and disposal facilities, and reliability features
and controls. Treatment works, reclamation systems and reclaimed water
distribution systems previously permitted need not be included, unless they are
directly tied into the new units or are critical to the understanding of the
complete project. Design approaches shall be consistent with accepted
engineering practice and any applicable state regulations.
2. A general location map, showing
orientation of the project with reference to at least two geographic features
(e.g., numbered roads, named streams or rivers, etc.). A general location map
for a reclaimed water distribution system may be included in the map of a
service area required in accordance with subdivision C 1 a of this
3. Information regarding
each wastewater treatment works that diverts or will divert source water to the
reclamation system to be permitted, including:
a. All unit processes used for the treatment
of wastewater at the facility prior to diversion to the reclamation
b. Any SIUs that indirectly
discharge to the wastewater treatment works; and
c. Analyses of the source water to be
diverted by the facility to the reclamation system.
4. Information regarding the sewage
collection system that diverts or will divert sewage to the SRS to be
permitted, including:
a. The name of the
sewage collection system and the owner of that system;
b. Any SIUs that discharge directly or
indirectly to the collection line from which sewage will be diverted to the
SRS, excluding any downstream SIUs whose discharge has no potential to backflow
to the SRS intake. This information shall include the location of the SIUs and
distance between the SIUs and the SRS along the sewage collection line or
lines; and
c. Characterization of
the sewage to be diverted from the sewage collection system to the SRS at the
point of diversion. Analysis of the sewage may be required where SIUs described
in subdivision 4 b of this subsection discharge to the sewage collection
5. Information
regarding each reclamation system or SRS to be permitted, including:
a. The standards specified in
A to be achieved;
b. Any other
physical, chemical, and biological characteristics and constituent
concentrations that may affect the intended reuse of the reclaimed water with
respect to adverse impacts to public health or the environment; and
c. Designated design flow.
6. For the purpose of determining
any significant adverse impacts to other beneficial uses, information regarding
the VPDES permitted wastewater treatment works or the sewage collection system
that will provide a new or increased diversion of source water to a reclamation
system or SRS for the production of reclaimed water and information, as
applicable, regarding the SRS that includes:
a. The latitude and longitude of the
treatment works discharge location to a surface water or the SRS return
discharge location in the sewage collection system;
b. The mean monthly discharge of the
treatment works or return discharge of the SRS for each month during the most
recent 60 or more consecutive months at the time of application, or where this
information is not available, estimated values for the mean monthly discharge
of the treatment works or return discharge of the SRS for each month during a
period of 12 consecutive months;
The maximum monthly diversion of source water from the treatment works to a
reclamation system or from the sewage collection system to a SRS for each month
during a period of 12 consecutive months;
d. Pertaining only to sewage collection
systems that provide source water, the name of the treatment works at the
terminus of the sewage collection system; and
e. The information specified in subdivisions
6 a, b, and c of this subsection for each increase in source water diverted by
the treatment works or the sewage collection system to a reclamation system or
SRS, respectively, among multiple increases to occur in planned phases, and the
anticipated dates of the phased increases.
7. Information describing measures to be
immediately implemented for the management of wastewater and reclaimed water by
a conjunctive system in the event that primary reuses of reclaimed water
generated by the system cease or fail, and where the system:
a. Relies primarily or completely on water
reclamation and reuse to eliminate wastewater;
b. Relies on:
(1) Irrigation as the primary or only reuse
of reclaimed water, or
(2) One or
more large end users, each consuming a significant volume of reclaimed water,
such that the ability of the conjunctive system to manage wastewater would be
adversely impacted if any such end user were to discontinue receiving reclaimed
water from the conjunctive system; and
c. Does not have the ability to implement two
or more of the options described in
9VAC25-740-110 C
8. Information
required per subdivision 7 of this subsection shall be included in the
reclaimed water management plan described in subsection C of this section where
the conjunctive system is acting as a reclaimed water agent by directly
distributing reclaimed water to an end user or end users, including an end user
that is also the applicant or permittee.
9. Information, if applicable, regarding any
type of proposed reuse not listed in this chapter, by which the department can
evaluate the need to prescribe specific reclaimed water treatment and
monitoring requirements in accordance with
C. Reclaimed water
management (RWM) plan.
1. A RWM plan shall be
submitted in support of a permit application for a new or expanded reclamation
system, SRS, or reclaimed water distribution system acting as a reclaimed water
agent by directly distributing reclaimed water to an end user or end users,
including an end user that is also the applicant or permittee. A RWM plan shall
not be required for a reclamation system that distributes reclaimed water
exclusively for indirect potable reuse. The RWM plan shall contain the
a. A description and map of the
expected service area to be covered by the RWM plan for the term of the permit
for the project (i.e., five years for a VPDES or 10 years for a VPA permit).
The map shall identify all reuses according to reuse categories shown in
A or other categories for reuses that are or shall be authorized pursuant to
B, and their locations within the service area. The map shall also identify and
show the location of all public potable water supply wells and springs, and
public water supply intakes, within the boundaries of the service area. The
description and map of the service area shall be updated by the permittee with
each permit renewal.
b. A current
inventory of impoundments, ponds or tanks that are used for system storage of
reclaimed water and, as applicable, reject water storage under the control of
the permittee, and nonsystem storage located within the service area of the RWM
plan in accordance with
9VAC25-740-110 C
c. A water balance that
accounts for the volumes of reclaimed water to be generated, stored, reused and
discharged (i.e., through a VPDES permitted outfall, back to a sewage
collection system, or otherwise disposed). The water balance shall include
projected volumes of seasonal and annual reclaimed water demand for each reuse
d. An example of service
agreements or contracts to be established by the applicant or permittee with
end users regarding implementation of and compliance with the RWM plan. A
service agreement or contract shall contain conditions and requirements
specified in subdivisions 3 b and c of this subsection and in
that apply to the particular planned reuse of each end user. Terms of the
agreement shall require property owners to report to the applicant or permittee
all potable and nonpotable water supply wells on their property and to comply
with appropriate setback distances for wells where reclaimed water will be used
on the same property. Within the agreement or contract, the applicant or
permittee shall also reserve the right to perform routine or periodic
inspections of an end user's reclaimed water reuses and storage facilities, and
to terminate the agreement or contract and withdraw service for any failure by
the end user to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement or
contract if corrective action for such failure is not taken by the end
e. A description of
monitoring of end users by the applicant or permittee to verify compliance with
the terms of their agreements or contracts. Monitoring shall include, at a
minimum, metering the volume of reclaimed water consumed by end
f. An education and
notification program required in accordance with
g. A cross-connection and
backflow prevention program that:
Evaluates the potential for cross-connections of the reclaimed water
distribution system to a potable water system and backflow to the reclaimed
water distribution system from industrial end users;
(2) Evaluates the public health risks
associated with possible backflow from industrial end users;
(3) Describes inspections to be performed by
the applicant or permittee at the time end users connect to the reclaimed water
distribution system and periodically thereafter to prevent cross-connections to
a potable water system and backflow from industrial end users as determined
necessary through the program evaluation;
(4) Insures that cross-connection and
backflow prevention design criteria specified in
9VAC25-740-110 B
for reclaimed water distribution systems are implemented; and
(5) Requires a backflow prevention device on
the reclaimed water service connection to an industrial end user, unless
evaluation by the cross-connection and backflow prevention program determines
that there is minimal risk to public health associated with possible backflow
from the industrial end user or that there will be no backflow from the
industrial end user capable of contaminating the reclaimed water
h. A description
of how the quality of reclaimed water in the reclaimed water distribution
system shall be maintained to meet and, if determined necessary by the
department, monitored to verify compliance with the minimum standard
requirements specified in
for the intended reuse or reuses of the reclaimed water, excluding CAT
standards. Where monitoring of reclaimed water in the distribution system is
required, monitoring parameters and frequencies shall be determined by the
department on a case-by-case basis.
i. Information specified in subdivision B 7
of this section for conjunctive systems described in subdivision B 8 of this
j. Where the applicant or
permittee is the provider of reclaimed water, the exclusive end user of that
reclaimed water and is not otherwise excluded under
A, information for only subdivisions 1 a, b, and c of this subsection is
2. All
irrigation reuses of reclaimed water shall be limited to supplemental
3. Nutrient management
requirements for irrigation reuse will be established in the RWM plan according
to the concentration of total N and total P in the reclaimed water compared to
biological nutrient removal (BNR) as defined in
a. Except as specified in subdivision 4 of
this subsection, a nutrient management plan (NMP) shall not be required for
irrigation reuse of reclaimed water treated to achieve BNR or nutrient levels
below BNR.
b. For bulk irrigation
reuse of reclaimed water not treated to achieve BNR, a NMP shall be required of
the end user.
(1) Where the applicant or
permittee is the end user, the NMP shall be submitted with the RWM plan to the
department and shall be the responsibility of the applicant or permittee to
properly implement.
(2) Where the
end user is other than the applicant or permittee, the NMP shall be required as
a condition of the service agreement or contract specified in subdivision 1 d
of this subsection between the applicant or permittee and the end user. The end
user shall be responsible for obtaining, maintaining and following a current
NMP; providing a copy of the most current NMP to the applicant or permittee
prior to initiating bulk irrigation reuse of reclaimed water; and providing
proof of compliance with the NMP at the request of the permittee.
c. For nonbulk irrigation reuse of
reclaimed water not treated to achieve BNR, a NMP shall not be required.
However, the RWM plan shall describe other measures to be implemented by the
applicant or permittee to manage nutrient loads by nonbulk irrigation reuse of
reclaimed water not treated to achieve BNR within the service area. These shall
include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) The inclusion of language in the service
agreement or contract specified in subdivision 1 d of this subsection,
explaining proper use of the reclaimed water by the end user for the purpose of
managing nutrients;
(2) Routine
distribution of literature not less than annually, to individual nonbulk
irrigation end users addressing the proper use of reclaimed water for
irrigation in accordance with
A; and
(3) Monthly monitoring of N
and P loads by nonbulk irrigation reuses to the service area of the RWM plan
based on the total monthly metered nonbulk irrigation reuse of reclaimed water
for the service area and the monthly average concentrations of total N and
total P in the reclaimed water. Results of this monitoring shall be included in
the annual report to the department submitted in accordance with
Independent of the reclaimed water nutrient content, a NMP shall be required
for a bulk irrigation reuse site where:
a. A
wastewater treatment works, reclamation system, SRS, or reclaimed water
distribution system and the irrigation reuse site or sites are under common
ownership or management; and
b. In
addition to irrigation reuse:
(1) There is no
option to dispose of the reclaimed water through a VPDES permitted discharge,
(2) There is an option to
dispose of the reclaimed water through a VPDES permitted discharge, but the
VPDES permit does not allow discharge of the full nutrient load under design
flow (e.g., a treatment works with a VPDES permitted discharge implements water
reclamation and reuse in lieu of providing treatment to meet nutrient effluent
limits at design flow).
5. A NMP required per subdivision 4 of this
subsection shall be approved by the Department of Conservation and Recreation
(DCR) and submitted with the RWM plan to the department. The applicant or
permittee shall be responsible for proper implementation of the NMP.
6. If required for a specific irrigation
reuse, the NMP shall be prepared by a nutrient management planner certified by
DCR and shall be maintained current in accordance with the Nutrient Management
Training and Certification Regulations, 4VAC5-15. A copy of the NMP for each
irrigation reuse site shall be maintained at the site or at a location central
to all sites covered by the plan. Another copy shall be provided to and
retained by the applicant or permittee.
7. A site plan is required for each bulk
irrigation reuse site and area of proposed expansion to an existing irrigation
reuse site, displayed on the most current U.S. Geological Survey topographic
maps (7.5 minutes series, where available) and showing the following:
a. The boundaries of the irrigation
b. The location of all
potable and nonpotable water supply wells and springs, public water supply
intakes, occupied dwellings, property lines, areas accessible to the public,
outdoor eating, drinking and bathing facilities; surface waters, including
wetlands; limestone rock outcrops and sinkholes within 250 feet of the
irrigation site; and
c. Setbacks
areas around the irrigation site in accordance with
8. The site plan for a bulk
irrigation reuse site shall be prepared by:
The applicant or permittee for submission with the RWM plan to the department
when the irrigation site is under common ownership or management with a
wastewater treatment works, a reclamation system, SRS, or reclaimed water
distribution system from which it receives reclaimed water for irrigation;
b. The bulk irrigation end user
for submission with the service agreement or contract between the end user and
the applicant or permittee when the irrigation site is not under common
ownership or management with a wastewater treatment works, a reclamation
system, SRS, or reclaimed water distribution system from which it receives
reclaimed water for irrigation.
9. For the addition of new end users or new
reuses not contained in the original RWM plan submitted with the application
for a permit, the permittee shall submit to the department for approval an
amendment to the RWM plan identifying the new end users or new reuses prior to
connection and reclaimed water service to the new end users or initiating the
new reuses. For each new end user or new reuse, the permittee shall also
provide all applicable information required by this subsection. Amendment of
the RWM plan for the addition of new end users or new reuses after the issuance
or reissuance of the permit shall not be considered a modification of the
permit unless the new end users or new reuses will require the addition of
different reclaimed water standards, monitoring requirements and conditions not
contained in the permit.
D. Indirect potable reuse (IPR). For an
application to permit an IPR project, the following additional information
shall be submitted by the applicant or permittee to the department:
1. Identification of the following components
of an IPR project:
a. The reclamation system
that will produce reclaimed water discharged to the water supply source
b. The WSS to which the
reclamation system identified in subdivision 1 a of this subsection will
discharge reclaimed water.
c. The
waterworks that will withdraw water from the WSS identified in subdivision 1 b
of this subsection to produce potable water.
2. Identification of all uses in addition to
IPR of the WSS identified in subdivision 1 of this subsection. Such uses shall
be those deemed acceptable by the Virginia Department of Health or the
Waterworks Regulations (12VAC5-590).
3. A description of multiple barriers to be
implemented by the reclamation system or waterworks, or both, to produce water
of a quality suitable for IPR. Multiple barriers shall include at a minimum:
a. Source control and protection. This
involves the control of contaminants with potential to adversely impact public
health by preventing or minimizing the entry of these contaminants into the
wastewater collection system prior to reclamation or the WSS prior to
withdrawal by the waterworks. Source control and protection shall, at a
minimum, address pretreatment requirements for SIUs in accordance with
E and education requirements in accordance with
A 1, and shall describe other measures to reduce the introduction of
contaminants from domestic sources that may include, but are not limited to,
community collection programs for hazardous wastes and unused
b. Effective and
reliable treatment. This involves the use of treatment processes at both the
reclamation system and the waterworks that, in combination with any natural
attenuation provided by the environmental buffer to be described per
subdivision 3 c of this subsection, shall reliably achieve the water quality
necessary for IPR. A description of reclamation system treatment processes for
IPR may be satisfied by referencing application information submitted in
accordance with subsection B of this section.
c. Environmental buffers and natural
attenuation. This involves the use of an environmental buffer, such as a
surface water used as a WSS, to provide further removal or degradation of
certain contaminants when exposed to naturally occurring physical, chemical,
and biological processes in the environment over time.
d. Monitoring programs. This involves
monitoring at progressive stages of treatment or barriers of the project to
verify that they are working effectively and reliably to achieve the necessary
water quality for IPR.
e. Responses
to adverse conditions. To address those circumstances where the reclamation
system of the IPR project experiences a catastrophic treatment failure that
cannot be corrected by subsequent treatment or barriers, or fails to produce
reclaimed water meeting the standards or limits at the point of discharge to
the WSS, the application for the IPR project shall contain:
(1) A contingency plan that describes all
alternatives to be implemented in lieu of discharging the substandard reclaimed
water to the WSS.
(2) A
notification program for the reclamation system of the IPR project as described
A 2.
4. An
evaluation of the combined effectiveness of all the barriers described in
subdivision 3 of this subsection to achieve the water quality necessary for
5. Any information deemed
necessary by the department to establish reclaimed water standards and
monitoring requirements for the IPR project in accordance with
B. This shall include, but is not limited to, residence or transport times,
mixing ratios, and other applicable modeling of the reclamation system
discharge or contaminants introduced by the discharge to the WSS.
6. A water balance for the reclamation system
that accounts for the volumes of reclaimed water to be generated, stored,
discharged to the WSS, and withdrawn for IPR.
7. Any change by the reclamation system to
provide reclaimed water for other reuses or end users in addition to IPR shall
require submission of a RWM plan in accordance with subdivision C 1 of this
section. The water balance for the RWM plan shall include the water balance
required per subdivision 6 of this subsection for the IPR project.
8. A copy of the contractual agreement
established between the reclamation system and the waterworks of the IPR
project, identifying the responsibilities of each party to implement multiple
barriers described in accordance with subdivision 3 of this subsection, unless
the reclamation system and waterworks are under common ownership or
Statutory Authority: § 62.1-44.15 of the Code of