Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 3, September 23, 2024
A. The
department shall not issue any permit for more groundwater than will be applied
to the proposed beneficial use.
The department shall issue groundwater withdrawal permits to persons
withdrawing groundwater or who have rights to withdraw groundwater prior to
July 1, 1992, in the Eastern Virginia or Eastern Shore Groundwater Management
Area and not excluded from requirements of this chapter by
9VAC25-610-50 based on the
following criteria:
1. The department shall
issue a groundwater withdrawal permit for persons meeting the criteria of
subdivision 1 of
9VAC25-610-90 for the total amount
of groundwater withdrawn in any consecutive 12-month period between July 1,
1987, and June 30, 1992; however, with respect to a political subdivision, an
authority serving a political subdivision or a community waterworks regulated
by the Virginia Department of Health, the department shall issue a groundwater
withdrawal permit for the total amount of water withdrawn in any consecutive
12-month period between July 1, 1980, and June 30, 1992.
2. The department shall issue a groundwater
withdrawal permit for persons meeting the criteria of subdivision 2 of
9VAC25-610-90 for the total amount
of groundwater withdrawn and applied to a beneficial use in any consecutive
12-month period between July 1, 1992, and June 30, 1995.
3. The department shall issue a groundwater
withdrawal permit for persons meeting the criteria of subdivision 4 of
9VAC25-610-90 for the total amount
of groundwater withdrawn in any consecutive 12-month period between July 1,
1983, and June 30, 1993. The department shall evaluate all estimates of
groundwater withdrawal based on projected water demands for crops and livestock
as published by the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, the United States
Natural Resources Conservation Service, or other similar references and
determine whether they are reasonable. In all cases only reasonable estimates
will be used to document a permit limit.
4. The department shall issue a groundwater
withdrawal permit for persons meeting the criteria of subdivision 5 of
9VAC25-610-90 for the amount of
groundwater withdrawal needed to annually meet human consumption needs as
proven in the water conservation and management plan approved by the
department. The department shall include conditions in such permits that
require the implementation of mandatory use restrictions before such
withdrawals can be exercised.
When requested by persons described in subdivisions 1, 2, and 4 of
9VAC25-610-90, the department may
issue groundwater withdrawal permits that include withdrawal amounts in excess
of those that an applicant can support based on historic usage. These
additional amounts shall be based on documentation of water savings achieved
through water conservation measures. The applicant shall demonstrate
withdrawals prior to implementation of water conservation measures, type of
water conservation measure implemented, and withdrawals after implementation of
water conservation measures. The applicant shall provide evidence of withdrawal
amounts through metered withdrawals and estimated amounts shall not be accepted
to claim additional withdrawal amounts due to water conservation. Decreases in
withdrawal amounts due to production declines, climatic conditions, population
declines, or similar events shall not be used as a basis to claim additional
withdrawal amounts based on water conservation.
C. The department shall issue groundwater
withdrawal permits to persons withdrawing groundwater when a groundwater
management area is declared or expanded after July 1, 1992, and not excluded
from requirements of this chapter by
9VAC25-610-50 based on the
following criteria:
1. The department shall
issue a groundwater withdrawal permit to nonagricultural users for the total
amount of groundwater withdrawn in any consecutive 12-month period during the
five years preceding the effective date of the regulation creating or expanding
the groundwater management area.
The department shall issue a groundwater withdrawal permit to agricultural
users for the total amount of groundwater withdrawn in any consecutive 12-month
period during the 10 years preceding the effective date of the regulation
creating or expanding the groundwater management area. The department shall
evaluate all estimates of groundwater withdrawal based on projected water
demands for crops and livestock as published by the Virginia Cooperative
Extension Service, the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service, or
other similar references and determine whether the estimates are reasonable. In
all cases only reasonable estimates will be used to document a permit
3. When requested by the
applicant, the department may issue groundwater withdrawal permits that include
withdrawal amounts in excess of those that an applicant can support based on
historic usage. These additional amounts shall be based on documentation of
water savings achieved through water conservation measures. The applicant shall
demonstrate withdrawals prior to implementation of water conservation measures,
type of water conservation measure implemented, and withdrawals after
implementation of water conservation measures. The applicant shall provide
evidence of withdrawal amounts through metered withdrawals and estimated
amounts shall not be accepted to claim additional withdrawal amounts due to
water conservation. Decreases in withdrawal amounts due to production declines,
climatic conditions, population declines, or similar events shall not be used
as a basis to claim additional withdrawal amounts based on water
D. The
department shall issue groundwater withdrawal permits to persons wishing to
initiate a new withdrawal, expand an existing withdrawal, or reapply for a
current withdrawal in any groundwater management area who have submitted
complete applications and are not excluded from requirements of this chapter by
9VAC25-610-50 based on the
following criteria:
1. The applicant shall
provide all information required in subdivision 2 of
9VAC25-610-94 prior to the
department's determination that an application is complete. The department may
require the applicant to provide any information contained in subdivision 3 of
9VAC25-610-94 prior to considering
an application complete based on the anticipated impact of the proposed
withdrawal on existing groundwater users or the groundwater resource.
2. The department shall perform a technical
evaluation to determine the areas of any aquifers that will experience at least
one foot of water level declines due to the proposed withdrawal and may
evaluate the potential for the proposed withdrawal to cause salt water
intrusion into any portions of any aquifers or the movement of waters of lower
quality to areas where such movement would result in adverse impacts on
existing groundwater users or the groundwater resource. Prior to public notice
of a draft permit developed in accordance with the findings of the technical
evaluation and at the request of the applicant, the results of the technical
evaluation, including all assumptions and input, will be provided to the
applicant for review.
3. The
department shall issue a groundwater withdrawal permit when it is demonstrated,
by a complete application and the department's technical evaluation, to the
department's satisfaction that the maximum safe supply of groundwater will be
preserved and protected for all other beneficial uses and that the applicant's
proposed withdrawal will have no significant unmitigated impact on existing
groundwater users or the groundwater resource. In order to ensure that the
applicant's proposed withdrawal complies with these requirements, the
demonstration shall include compliance with the following criteria:
a. The applicant demonstrates that no other
sources of water supply, including reclaimed water, are practicable.
b. The applicant demonstrates that the
groundwater withdrawal will originate from the aquifer that contains the lowest
quality water that will support the proposed beneficial use.
c. The applicant demonstrates that no pumps
or water intake devices are placed lower than the top of the uppermost confined
aquifer that a well utilizes as a groundwater source or lower than the bottom
of an unconfined aquifer that a well utilizes as a groundwater source in order
to prevent dewatering of a confined aquifer, loss of inelastic storage, or
damage to the aquifer from compaction.
d. The applicant demonstrates that the amount
of groundwater withdrawal requested is the smallest amount of withdrawal
necessary to support the proposed beneficial use and that the amount is
representative of the amount necessary to support similar beneficial uses when
adequate conservation measures are employed.
e. The applicant provides a water
conservation and management plan as described in
9VAC25-610-100 and implements the
plan as an enforceable condition of the groundwater withdrawal
f. The applicant provides
certification by the local governing body that the location and operation of
the withdrawing facility is in compliance with all ordinances adopted pursuant
to Chapter 22 (§
15.2-2200 et seq.) of Title 15.2
of the Code of Virginia.
g. The
department's technical evaluation demonstrates that the area of impact of the
proposed withdrawal will remain on property owned by the applicant or that
there are no existing groundwater withdrawers within the area of impact of the
proposed withdrawal.
In cases where the area of impact does not remain on the
property owned by the applicant or existing groundwater withdrawers will be
included in the area of impact, the applicant shall provide and implement a
plan to mitigate all adverse impacts on existing groundwater users. Approvable
mitigation plans shall, at a minimum, contain the following features and
implementation of the mitigation plan shall be included as an enforceable
permit condition:
(1) The rebuttable
presumption that water level declines that cause adverse impacts to existing
wells within the area of impact are due to the proposed withdrawal;
(2) A commitment by the applicant to mitigate
undisputed adverse impacts due to the proposed withdrawal in a timely
(3) A speedy,
nonexclusive, low-cost process to fairly resolve disputed claims for mitigation
between the applicant and any claimant; and
(4) The requirement that the claimant provide
documentation that the claimant is the owner of the well; documentation that
the well was constructed and operated prior to the initiation of the
applicant's withdrawal; the depth of the well, the pump, and screens and any
other construction information that the claimant possesses; the location of the
well with enough specificity that it can be located in the field; the historic
yield of the well, if available; historic water levels for the well, if
available; and the reasons the claimant believes that the applicant's
withdrawals have caused an adverse impact on the well.
h. The department's technical evaluation
demonstrates that the stabilized effects from the proposed withdrawal in
combination with the stabilized combined effects of all existing lawful
withdrawals will not lower water levels, in any confined aquifer that the
withdrawal impacts, below a point that represents 80% of the distance between
the land surface and the top of the aquifer. Compliance with the 80% drawdown
criteria will be determined at the points where the predicted one-foot drawdown
contour is predicted for the proposed withdrawal.
i. The department's technical evaluation
demonstrates that the proposed groundwater withdrawal will not result in salt
water intrusion or the movement of waters of lower quality to areas where such
movement would result in adverse impacts on existing groundwater users or the
groundwater resource. This provision shall not exclude the withdrawal of
brackish water, provided that the proposed withdrawal will not result in
unmitigated adverse impacts.
4. The department shall also take the
following factors into consideration when evaluating a groundwater withdrawal
permit application or special conditions associated with a groundwater
withdrawal permit:
a. The nature of the use of
the proposed withdrawal;
b. The
public benefit provided by the proposed withdrawal;
c. The proposed use of innovative approaches,
such as aquifer storage and recovery systems, surface water and groundwater
conjunctive use systems, multiple well systems that blend withdrawals from
aquifers that contain different quality groundwater in order to produce potable
water, and desalinization of brackish groundwater;
d. Prior public investment in existing
facilities for withdrawal, transmission, and treatment of
e. Climatic
f. Economic
g. The unique requirements
of nuclear power stations;
Population and water demand projections during the term of the proposed
i. The status of land use
and other necessary approvals; and
j. Other factors that the department deems
When proposed uses of groundwater are in conflict or available supplies of
groundwater are not sufficient to support all those who desire to use them, the
department shall prioritize the evaluation of applications in the following
1. Applications for human consumption
shall be given the highest priority;
2. Should there be conflicts between
applications for human consumption, applications will be evaluated in order
based on the date that the applications were considered complete; and
3. Applications for all uses, other than
human consumption, will be evaluated following the evaluation of proposed human
consumption in order based on the date that the applications were considered
F. Criteria for
review of reapplications for groundwater withdrawal permit.
1. The department shall consider all criteria
in subsection D of this section prior to reissuing a groundwater withdrawal
permit. Existing permitted withdrawal amounts shall not be the sole basis for
determination of the appropriate withdrawal amounts when a permit is
2. The department shall
reissue a permit to any public water supply user for an annual amount no less
than the amount equal to that portion of the permitted withdrawal that was used
by the system to support human consumption during 12 consecutive months of the
previous term of the permit.
G. The department is authorized to utilize
and incorporate comprehensive groundwater, surface water, and aquifer data in
permit decisions. Such data may include information relating to water levels,
flow rates, and water quality.
Statutory Authority: §§
62.1-256 and
62.1-44.15 of the Code of