C. SWPPP requirements. In addition to the
requirements of Part III, the following items are applicable:
1. Scrap recycling and waste recycling
facilities (nonsource-separated, nonliquid recyclable materials). The following
SWPPP special conditions have been established for facilities that receive,
process, and do wholesale distribution of nonliquid recyclable wastes (e.g.,
ferrous and nonferrous metals, plastics, glass, cardboard, and paper). These
facilities may receive both nonrecyclable and recyclable materials. This
section is not intended for those facilities that only accept recyclable
materials primarily from nonindustrial and residential sources.
a. Inbound recyclable and waste material
control program. The SWPPP shall include a recyclable and waste material
inspection program to minimize the likelihood of receiving materials that may
be significant pollutant sources to stormwater discharges. Control measures
shall include one or more of the following:
(1) Provide information and education flyers,
brochures, and pamphlets to suppliers of scrap and recyclable waste materials
on draining and properly disposing of residual fluids before delivery to the
facility (e.g., from vehicles and equipment engines, radiators, and
transmissions, oil-filled transformers, and individual containers or drums),
and on removal of mercury switches before delivery to the facility;
(2) Establish procedures to minimize the
potential of any residual fluids from coming in contact with precipitation or
(3) Establish procedures
for accepting scrap lead-acid batteries. Additional requirements for the
handling, storage and disposal or recycling of batteries are contained in the
scrap lead-acid battery program provisions in subdivision 2 f of this
(4) Provide training
targeted for those staff engaged in the inspection and acceptance of inbound
recyclable materials; or
Establish procedures to ensure that liquid wastes, including used oil, are
stored in materially compatible and nonleaking containers and disposed or
recycled in accordance with all requirements under the Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act (RCRA), and other state or local requirements.
b. Scrap and waste material
stockpiles and storage (outdoor). The SWPPP shall describe measures and
controls to minimize contact of stormwater runoff with stockpiled materials,
processed materials, and nonrecyclable wastes. Control measures shall include
one or more of the following:
(1) Permanent or
semipermanent covers;
(2) The use
of sediment traps, vegetated swales and strips, catch basin filters, and sand
filters to facilitate settling or filtering of pollutants;
(3) Diversion of runoff away from storage
areas via dikes, berms, containment trenches, culverts, and surface
(4) Silt
(5) Oil/water separators,
sumps, and dry adsorbents for areas where potential sources of residual fluids
are stockpiled (e.g., automotive engine storage areas); or
(6) Another control measure used to prevent
or reduce the discharge of pollutants to surface waters.
c. Stockpiling of turnings exposed to cutting
fluids (outdoor storage). The SWPPP shall implement measures necessary to
minimize contact of surface runoff with residual cutting fluids. Control
measures shall include one or more of the following:
(1) Storage of all turnings exposed to
cutting fluids under some form of permanent or semipermanent cover. Stormwater
discharges from these areas are permitted provided the runoff is first treated
by an oil/water separator or its equivalent. Procedures to collect, handle, and
dispose or recycle residual fluids that may be present shall be identified in
the SWPPP; or
(2) Establish
dedicated containment areas for all turnings that have been exposed to cutting
fluids. Stormwater runoff from these areas can be discharged provided:
(a) The containment areas are constructed of
either concrete, asphalt, or other equivalent type of impermeable
(b) There is a barrier
around the perimeter of the containment areas to prevent contact with
stormwater run-on (e.g., berms, curbing, and elevated pads);
(c) There is a drainage collection system for
runoff generated from containment areas;
(d) There is a schedule to maintain the
oil/water separator (or its equivalent); and
(e) Procedures are identified for the proper
disposal or recycling of collected residual fluids.
d. Scrap and waste material
stockpiles and storage (covered or indoor storage). The SWPPP shall address
measures and controls to minimize contact of residual liquids and particulate
matter from materials stored indoors or under cover from coming in contact with
surface runoff. Control measures shall include one or more of the following:
(1) Good housekeeping measures, including the
use of dry absorbent or wet vacuum cleanup methods, to contain, dispose, or
recycle residual liquids originating from recyclable containers, or mercury
spill kits from storage of mercury switches;
(2) Prohibiting the practice of allowing
washwater from tipping floors or other processing areas from
(3) Disconnecting or
sealing off all floor drains if necessary to prevent a discharge; or
(4) Another control measure used to prevent
or reduce the discharge of pollutants to surface waters.
e. Scrap and recyclable waste processing
areas. The SWPPP shall include measures and controls to minimize surface runoff
from coming in contact with scrap processing equipment. In the case of
processing equipment that generate visible amounts of particulate residue
(e.g., shredding facilities), the SWPPP shall describe measures to minimize the
contact of residual fluids and accumulated particulate matter with runoff
(i.e., through good housekeeping and preventive maintenance). Control measures
shall include one or more of the following:
(1) A schedule of regular inspections of
equipment for leaks, spills, malfunctioning, worn, or corroded parts or
(2) A preventive
maintenance program for processing equipment;
(3) Removal of mercury switches from the hood
and trunk lighting units, and removal of anti-lock brake system units
containing mercury switches;
Use of dry-absorbents or other cleanup practices to collect and to dispose of
or recycle spilled or leaking fluids, or use of mercury spill kits for spills
from storage of mercury switches;
(5) Installation of low-level alarms or other
equivalent protection devices on unattended hydraulic reservoirs over 150
gallons in capacity. Alternatively, provide secondary containment with
sufficient volume to contain the entire volume of the reservoir;
(6) Containment or diversion structures
(e.g., dikes, berms, culverts, trenches, elevated concrete pads, and grading)
to minimize contact of stormwater runoff with outdoor processing equipment or
stored materials;
(7) Oil/water
separators or sumps;
(8) Permanent
or semipermanent covers in processing areas where there are residual fluids and
(9) Retention and detention
basins or ponds, sediment traps, vegetated swales or strips, to facilitate
pollutant settling and filtration;
(10) Catch basin filters or sand filters;
(11) Another control measure
used to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to surface
f. Scrap
lead-acid battery program. The SWPPP shall address measures and controls for
the proper handling, storage, and disposal of scrap lead-acid batteries.
Control measures shall include one or more of the following:
(1) Segregate scrap lead-acid batteries from
other scrap materials and store under cover;
(2) A description of procedures and measures
for the proper handling, storage, and disposal of cracked or broken
(3) A description of
measures to collect and dispose of leaking lead-acid battery fluid;
(4) A description of measures to minimize
and, whenever possible, eliminate exposure of scrap lead-acid batteries to
precipitation or runoff; or
(5) A
description of employee training for the management of scrap
g. Spill
prevention and response procedures. The SWPPP shall include measures to
minimize stormwater contamination at loading and unloading areas, and from
equipment or container failures. Control measures shall include one or more of
the following:
(1) Description of spill
prevention and response measures to address areas that are potential sources of
fluid leaks or spills;
Immediate containment and cleanup of spills and leaks. If malfunctioning
equipment is responsible for the spill or leak, repairs shall also be conducted
as soon as possible;
(3) Cleanup
procedures shall be identified in the SWPPP, including the use of dry
absorbents. Where dry absorbent cleanup methods are used, an adequate supply of
dry absorbent material shall be maintained on-site. Used absorbent material
shall be disposed of properly;
Drums containing liquids, especially oil and lubricants, shall be stored
indoors, in a bermed area, in overpack containers or spill pallets, or in
similar containment devices;
Overfill prevention devices shall be installed on all fuel pumps or
(6) Drip pans or equivalent
measures shall be placed under any leaking piece of stationary equipment until
the leak is repaired. The drip pans shall be inspected for leaks and potential
overflow and all liquids properly disposed of in accordance with RCRA
requirements; or
(7) An alarm or
pump shut off system shall be installed on outdoor equipment with hydraulic
reservoirs exceeding 150 gallons in order to prevent draining the tank contents
due to a line break. Alternatively, the equipment may have a secondary
containment system capable of containing the contents of the hydraulic
reservoir plus adequate freeboard for precipitation. A mercury spill kit shall
be used for any release of mercury from switches, anti-lock brake systems, and
switch storage areas.
Inspection program. All designated areas of the facility and equipment
identified in the SWPPP shall be inspected at least quarterly. The requirement
for routine facility inspections is waived for facilities that have maintained
an active VEEP E3/E4 status.
Supplier notification program. The SWPPP shall include a program to notify
major suppliers which scrap materials will not be accepted at the facility or
are only accepted under certain conditions.
2. Waste recycling facilities (liquid
recyclable materials).
a. Waste material
storage (indoor). The SWPPP shall include measures and controls to eliminate
contact between residual liquids from waste materials stored indoors and
surface runoff. The SWPPP may refer to applicable portions of other existing
plans such as SPCC plans required under 40 CFR Part 112 . Control measures
shall include one or more of the following:
(1) Procedures for material handling
(including labeling and marking);
(2) A sufficient supply of dry-absorbent
materials or a wet vacuum system to collect spilled or leaked materials
(spilled or leaking mercury should never be vacuumed);
(3) An appropriate containment structure,
(e.g., trenches, curbing, gutters, or other equivalent measures); or
(4) A drainage system, including
appurtenances (e.g., pumps or ejectors, or manually operated valves), to handle
discharges from diked or bermed areas. Drainage shall be discharged to an
appropriate treatment facility, sanitary sewer system, or otherwise disposed of
properly. Discharges from these areas may require coverage under a separate
VPDES permit or industrial user permit under the pretreatment
b. Waste
material storage (outdoor). The SWPPP shall describe measures and controls to
minimize contact between stored residual liquids and precipitation or runoff.
The SWPPP may refer to applicable portions of other existing plans (e.g., SPCC
plans required under 40 CFR Part 112). Discharges of precipitation from
containment areas containing used oil shall also be in accordance with
applicable sections of 40 CFR Part 112 . Control measures shall include one or
more of the following:
(1) Appropriate
containment structures (e.g., dikes, berms, curbing, pits) to store the volume
of the largest single tank, with sufficient extra capacity for
(2) Drainage control
and other diversionary structures;
(3) For storage tanks, provide corrosion
protection, or leak detection systems; or
(4) Dry-absorbent materials or a wet vacuum
system to collect spills.
c. Truck and rail car waste transfer areas.
The SWPPP shall describe measures and controls to minimize pollutants in
discharges from truck and rail car loading and unloading areas. The SWPPP shall
also address measures to clean up minor spills and leaks resulting from the
transfer of liquid wastes. Control measures shall include one or more of the
(1) Containment and diversionary
structures to minimize contact with precipitation or runoff;
(2) Use of dry cleanup methods, wet
vacuuming, roof coverings, or runoff controls; or
(3) Another control measure used to prevent
or reduce the discharge of pollutants to surface waters.
d. Inspections. Inspections shall be made
quarterly and shall also include all areas where waste is generated, received,
stored, treated, or disposed that are exposed to either precipitation or
stormwater runoff. The requirement for routine facility inspections is waived
for facilities that have maintained an active VEEP E3/E4 status.
3. Recycling facilities (source
separated materials). The following SWPPP special conditions have been
established for facilities that receive only source-separated recyclable
materials primarily from nonindustrial and residential sources.
a. Inbound recyclable material control. The
SWPPP shall include an inbound materials inspection program to minimize the
likelihood of receiving nonrecyclable materials (e.g., hazardous materials)
that may be a significant source of pollutants in surface runoff. Control
measures shall include one or more of the following:
(1) Provide information and education
measures to inform suppliers of recyclable materials on the types of materials
that are acceptable and those that are not acceptable;
(2) A description of training measures for
drivers responsible for pickup of recyclable materials;
(3) Clearly mark public drop-off containers
regarding which materials can be accepted;
(4) Rejecting nonrecyclable wastes or
household hazardous wastes at the source; or
(5) Establish procedures for the handling and
disposal of nonrecyclable materials.
b. Outdoor storage. The SWPPP shall include
procedures to minimize the exposure of recyclable materials to surface runoff
and precipitation. The SWPPP shall include good housekeeping measures to
prevent the accumulation of particulate matter and fluids, particularly in high
traffic areas. Control measures shall include one or more of the following:
(1) Provide totally-enclosed drop-off
containers for the public;
Install a sump and pump with each containment pit, and treat or discharge
collected fluids to a sanitary sewer system;
(3) Provide dikes and curbs for secondary
containment (e.g., around bales of recyclable waste paper);
(4) Divert surface runoff away from outside
material storage areas;
(5) Provide
covers over containment bins, dumpsters, roll-off boxes; or
(6) Store the equivalent one day's volume of
recyclable materials indoors.
c. Indoor storage and material processing.
The SWPPP shall include measures to minimize the release of pollutants from
indoor storage and processing areas. Control measures shall include one or more
of the following:
(1) Schedule routine good
housekeeping measures for all storage and processing areas;
(2) Prohibit a practice of allowing tipping
floor washwaters from draining to any portion of the storm sewer system;
(3) Provide employee training on
pollution prevention practices.
d. Vehicle and equipment maintenance. The
SWPPP shall also provide for control measures in those areas where vehicle and
equipment maintenance is occurring outdoors. Control measures shall include one
or more of the following:
(1) Prohibit vehicle
and equipment washwater discharges;
(2) Minimize or eliminate outdoor maintenance
areas, wherever possible;
Establish spill prevention and clean-up procedures in fueling areas;
(4) Avoid topping off fuel tanks;
(5) Divert runoff from fueling
(6) Store lubricants and
hydraulic fluids indoors; or
Provide employee training on proper handling, storage of hydraulic fluids and
Facilities engaged in dismantling ships, marine salvaging, and marine
wrecking-ships for scrap. The following SWPPP special conditions have been
established for facilities that are engaged in dismantling ships, marine
salvaging, and marine wrecking-ships for scrap.
Vessel breaking and scrapping activities. Scrapping of
vessels shall be accomplished ashore beyond the range of mean high tide,
whenever practicable. If this activity must be conducted while a vessel is
afloat or grounded in state waters, then the permittee shall employ control
measures to reduce the amount of pollutants released. The following control
measures shall be implemented during those periods when vessels (ships, barges,
yachts, etc.) are brought to the facility's site for recycling, scrapping, and
storage before scrapping.
a. Fixed or
floating platforms sufficiently sized and constructed to catch and prevent
scrap materials and pollutants from entering surface waters (or equivalent
measures approved by the department) shall be used as work surfaces when
working on or near the water surface. These platforms shall be cleaned as
required to prevent pollutants from entering surface waters and at the end of
each work shift. All scrap metals and pollutants shall be collected in a manner
to prevent releases.
b. There shall
be no discharge of oil or oily wastewater at the facility. Drip pans and other
protective devices shall be required for all oil and oily waste transfer
operations to catch incidental spillage and drips from hose nozzles, hose
racks, drums, or barrels. Drip pans and other protective devices shall be
inspected and maintained to prevent releases. Oil and oily waste shall be
disposed at a permitted facility and adequate documentation of off-site
disposition shall be retained for review by the before upon request.
c. During the storage, breaking, and
scrapping period, oil containment booms shall be deployed either around the
vessel being scrapped, or across the mouth of the facility's wetslip, to
contain pollutants in the event of a spill. Booms shall be inspected,
maintained, and repaired as needed. Oil, grease and fuel spills shall be
prevented from reaching surface waters. Cleanup shall be carried out
immediately after an oil, grease, or fuel spill is detected.
d. Paint and solvent spills shall be
immediately, upon discovery of the spills, cleaned up to prevent pollutants
from reaching storm drains, deck drains, and surface waters.
e. Contaminated bilge and ballast water shall
not be discharged to surface waters. If it becomes necessary to dispose of
contaminated bilge and ballast waters during a vessel breaking activity, the
wastewater shall be disposed at a permitted facility and adequate documentation
of off-site disposition shall be retained for review by the department upon