Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 3, September 23, 2024
A. The
following information shall be included in the Part A permit application for
all solid waste management facilities unless otherwise specified in this
section. All plans and drawings of the Part A application shall be certified by
a professional engineer or professional geologist.
B. The Part A permit application consists of
a letter stating the type of the facility for which the permit application is
made and the certification required in subsection J of this section. The
applicant shall submit the completed DEQ Form SW PTA (Part A Permit Application
Form) and all required information and attachments as detailed in this
C. A key map of the Part A
permit application, delineating the general location of the proposed facility,
shall be prepared and attached as part of the application. The key map shall be
plotted on a seven and one-half minute U.S. Geological Survey topographical
quadrangle. The quadrangle shall be the most recent revision available, shall
include the name of the quadrangle and shall delineate a minimum of one mile
from the perimeter of the proposed facility boundaries. One or more maps may be
utilized where necessary to insure clarity of the information
D. A vicinity map shall
be prepared and attached as part of the application. This vicinity map shall
have a minimum scale of one inch equals 200 feet (1" = 200') and shall
delineate an area of 500 feet from the perimeter of the property line of the
proposed facility. A vicinity map may be prepared with a reduced scale if it
does not fit in a sheet with the required minimum scale and multiple sheets may
be used to meet the requirement of minimum scale. The vicinity maps may be an
enlargement of a U.S. Geological Survey topographical quadrangle or a recent
aerial photograph. Notes may be provided in the map if one or more of the
following are not present within the delineated area. The vicinity map shall
depict the following:
1. All homes, buildings,
or structures including the layout of the buildings that will compose the
proposed facility;
2. The surveyed
boundaries for the property boundary, facility boundary, and waste management
boundary, and the acreages within these boundaries;
3. The limits of the actual disposal
operations within the boundaries of the proposed facility;
4. Lots and blocks taken from the tax map for
the site of the proposed facility and all contiguous properties;
5. The base floodplain, where it passes
through the map area; or, otherwise, a note indicating the expected flood
occurrence period for the area;
Existing land uses and zoning classification;
7. All water supply wells, springs or
intakes, both public and private;
8. All utility lines, pipelines or land-based
facilities (including mines and wells); and
9. All parks, recreation areas, surface water
bodies, dams, historic areas, wetlands areas, monument areas, cemeteries,
wildlife refuges, unique natural areas, or similar features.
E. Any applicant must demonstrate
legal control over the site for the permit life.
F. For solid waste disposal facilities
regulated under Part III (9VAC20-81-100 et
seq.), site hydrogeologic and geotechnical reports by professional geologist or
professional engineer.
1. The site
investigation for a proposed landfill facility shall provide information
regarding the geotechnical and hydrogeologic conditions at the site to allow a
reasonable determination of the usefulness of the site for development as a
landfill. The geotechnical exploration efforts shall be designed to provide
information regarding the availability and suitability of onsite soils for use
in the various construction phases of the landfill including liner, cover,
drainage material, and cap. The hydrogeologic information shall be sufficient
to determine the characteristics of the uppermost aquifer underlying the
facility. Subsurface investigation programs conducted shall meet the minimum
specifications here.
a. Borings shall be
located to identify the uppermost aquifer within the proposed facility
boundary, determine the ability to perform groundwater monitoring at the site,
and provide data for the evaluation of the physical properties of soils and
soil availability. Borings completed for the proposed facility shall be
sufficient in number and depth to identify the thickness of the uppermost
aquifer and the presence of any significant underlying impermeable zone in the
waste management boundary. Impermeable zone shall not be fully penetrated
within the anticipated fill areas, whenever possible. The number of borings
shall be at a minimum in accordance with Table 5.1 as follows:
Table 5.1
Waste Management Boundary
Total Number of Borings
Less than 10
10 - 49
50 - 99
100 - 200
More than 200
24 + 1 boring for each additional 10 acres
The department reserves the right to require additional borings in areas in
which the number of borings required by Table 5.1 is not sufficient to describe
the geologic formations and groundwater flow patterns below the proposed solid
waste disposal facility.
c. In
highly uniform geological formations, the number of borings may be reduced, as
approved by the department.
d. The
borings shall employ a grid pattern, wherever possible, such that there is, at
a minimum, one boring in each major geomorphic feature. The borings pattern
shall enable the development of detailed cross sections through the proposed
landfill site.
e. Subsurface data
obtained by borings shall be collected by standard soil sampling techniques.
Diamond bit coring, air rotary drilling, or other appropriate methods, or a
combination of methods shall be used as appropriate to characterize competent
bedrock. The borings shall be logged from the surface to the lowest elevation
(base grade) or to bedrock, whichever is shallower, according to standard
practices and procedures. In addition, the borings required by Table 5.1 shall
be performed on a continuous basis for the first 20 feet below the lowest
elevation of the solid waste disposal facility or to the bed rock. Additional
samples as determined by the professional geologist or professional engineer
shall be collected at five-foot intervals thereafter.
f. Excavations, test pits, and geophysical
methods may be employed to supplement the soil boring investigation.
g. At a minimum, four of the borings shall be
converted to water level observations wells, well nests, piezometers, or
piezometer nests to allow determination of the rate and direction of
groundwater flow across the site. All groundwater monitoring points or water
level measurement points shall be designed to allow proper abandonment by
backfilling with an impermeable material. The total number of wells or well
nests shall be based on the complexity of the geology of the site.
h. Field analyses shall be performed in
representative borings to determine the in situ hydraulic conductivity of the
uppermost aquifer.
i. All borings
not to be utilized as permanent monitoring wells, and wells within the active
solid waste disposal area, shall be sealed and excavations and test pits shall
be backfilled and properly compacted to prevent possible paths of leachate
migration. Boring sealing procedures shall be documented in the hydrogeologic
2. The
geotechnical and hydrogeologic reports shall at least include the following
principal sections:
a. Field procedures.
Boring records and analyses from properly spaced borings in the facility
portion of the site. Final boring logs shall be submitted for each boring,
recording soils or rock conditions encountered. Each log shall include the type
of drilling and sampling equipment, date the boring was started, date the
boring was finished, a soil or rock description in accordance with the United
Soil Classification System or the Rock Quality Designation, the method of
sampling, the depth of sample collection, the water levels encountered, and the
Standard Penetration Test blow counts, if applicable. Boring locations and
elevations shall be surveyed with a precision of 0.01 foot. At least one
surveyed point shall be indelibly marked by the surveyor on each well. All
depths of soil and rock as described within the boring log shall be corrected
to National Geodetic Vertical Datum, if available.
b. Geotechnical interpretations and report
including complete engineering description of the soil units underlying the
(1) Soil unit descriptions shall include
estimates of soil unit thickness, continuity across the site, and genesis.
Laboratory determination of the soil unit's physical properties shall be
(2) Soil units that are
proposed for use as a drainage layer, impermeable cap, or impermeable liner
material shall be supported by laboratory determinations of the remolded
permeability. Remolded hydraulic conductivity tests require a Proctor
compaction test (ASTM D698) soil classification liquid limit, plastic limit,
particle size distribution, specific gravity, percent compaction of the test
sample, remolded density and remolded moisture content, and the percent
saturation of the test sample. Proctor compaction test data and hydraulic
conductivity test sample data shall be plotted on standard moisture-density
test graphs.
(3) The geotechnical
report shall provide an estimate of the available volume of materials suitable
for use as liner, cap, and drainage layer. It shall also discuss the
anticipated uses of the onsite materials, if known.
c. Hydrogeologic report.
(1) The report shall include water table
elevations, direction, and calculated rate of groundwater flow and similar
information on the hydrogeology of the site. All raw data shall be submitted
with calculations.
(2) The report
shall contain a discussion of field test procedures and results, laboratory
determinations made on undisturbed samples, recharge areas, discharge areas,
adjacent or areal usage, and typical radii of influence of pumping
(3) The report shall also
contain a discussion of the regional geologic setting, the site geology, and a
cataloging and description of the uppermost aquifer from the site investigation
and from referenced literature. The geologic description shall include a
discussion of the prevalence and orientation of fractures, faults, and other
structural discontinuities, and presence of any other significant geologic
features. The aquifer description shall address homogeneity, horizontal and
vertical extent, isotropy, the potential for groundwater remediation, if
required, and the factors influencing the proper placement of a groundwater
monitoring network.
(4) The report
shall include a geologic map of the site prepared from one of the following
sources as available, in order of preference:
(a) Site specific mapping prepared from data
collected during the site investigation;
(b) Published geologic mapping at a scale of
1:24,000 or larger;
(c) Published
regional geologic mapping at a scale of 1:250,000 or larger; or
(d) Other published mapping.
(5) At least two generally
orthogonal, detailed site specific cross sections, which shall describe the
geologic formations identified by the geologic maps prepared in accordance with
subdivision 2 c (4) of this subsection at a scale that clearly illustrates the
geologic formations, shall be included in the hydrogeologic report. Cross
sections shall show the geologic units, approximate construction of existing
landfill cells base grades, water table, surficial features, and bedrock along
the line of the cross section. Cross section locations shall be shown on an
overall facility map.
Potentiometric surface maps for the uppermost aquifer that define the
groundwater conditions encountered below the proposed solid waste disposal
facility area based upon stabilized groundwater elevations. Potentiometric
surface maps shall be prepared for each set of groundwater elevation data
available. The applicant shall include a discussion of the effects of site
modifications, seasonal variations in precipitation, and existing and future
land uses of the site on the potentiometric surface.
(7) If a geological map or report from either
the Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy or the U.S. Geological Survey is
published, it shall be included.
G. For solid waste management facilities
regulated under Part IV (9VAC20-81-300 et seq.) of this
1. A cataloging and description of
aquifers, geological features or any similar characteristic of the site that
might affect the operation of the facility or be affected by that
2. If a geological map
or report from either the Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy or the U.S.
Geological Survey is published, it shall be included.
H. For a new sanitary landfill or for an
increase in daily disposal limit, an adequacy report prepared by the Virginia
Department of Transportation or other responsible agency. As required under
10.1-1408.4A 1
of the Code of Virginia, the report will address the adequacy of transportation
facilities that will be available to serve the landfill, including daily travel
routes and traffic volumes that correlate with the daily disposal limit, road
congestion, and highway safety. The department may determine an adequacy report
is not required for small increases in the daily disposal limit.
I. For a new sanitary landfill or an
expansion of an existing sanitary landfill or an increase in capacity by
expanding an existing facility vertically upward, a Landfill Impact Statement
1. A report must be provided to the
department that addresses the potential impact of the landfill on parks,
recreational areas, wildlife management areas, critical habitat areas of
endangered species as designated by applicable local, state, or federal
agencies, public water supplies, marine resources, wetlands, historic sites,
fish and wildlife, water quality, and tourism. This report shall comply with
the statutory requirements for siting landfills in the vicinity of public water
supplies or wetlands as set forth in §§
10.1-1408.4 and
10.1-1408.5 of the Code of
2. The report will
include a discussion of the landfill configuration and how the facility design
addresses any impacts identified in the report required under subdivision 1 of
this subsection.
3. The report will
identify all of the areas identified under subdivision 1 of this subsection
that are within five miles of the facility.
J. For a new facility or an expansion of an
existing facility, or an increase in capacity by expanding an existing facility
vertically upward, a signed statement by the applicant that he has sent written
notice to all adjacent property owners or occupants that he intends to develop
a SWMF or expand laterally or vertically upward of an existing facility on the
site, a copy of the notice and the names and addresses of those to whom the
notices were sent.
K. The total
capacity of the solid waste management facility.
L. One or more of the following indicating
that the public interest would be served by a new facility or a facility
expansion, which includes:
1. Cost effective
waste management for the public within the service area comparing the costs of
a new facility or facility expansion to waste transfer, or other disposal
2. The facility provides
protection of human health and safety and the environment;
3. The facility provides alternatives to
disposal including reuse or reclamation;
4. The facility allows for the increased
recycling opportunities for solid waste;
5. The facility provides for energy recovery
or the subsequent use of solid waste, or both, thereby reducing the quantity of
solid waste disposed;
6. The
facility will support the waste management needs expressed by the host
community; or
7. Any additional
factors that indicate that the public interest would be served by the
M. For CCR
surface impoundments regulated under Part VIII (9VAC20-81-800 et seq.) of this
chapter, site hydrogeologic and geotechnical reports by a professional
geologist or professional engineer that meet the requirements of
N. For new CCR landfills to be located in
Planning District 8, a map identifying existing residential area and properties
located within one mile of the facility boundary that are not served by
municipal water supply and copies of documentation to satisfy the conditions of
10.1-1402.05 of the Code of
Statutory Authority: §
10.1-1402 of the Code of
Virginia; 42 USC §
6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Parts 257 and