5. Map and field studies for avian resources
in Coastal Avian Protection Zones (CAPZ).
The applicant shall consult the "Coastal Avian Protection Zones" map generated
on the department's Coastal GEMS geospatial data system (9VAC15-40-120 C 1) and determine
whether the proposed wind energy project site will be located in part or in
whole within one or more CAPZ.
When a proposed wind energy project site will be located in part or in whole
within one or more Coastal Avian Protection Zones, then the applicant shall
perform avian field studies, or shall rely on existing scientific analysis as
reflected on the CAPZ map, for each zone where the project is located, as
(1) Zone 1: Nearshore waters
extending 1 - 4.83 km (0.62 - 3 mi) from Virginia's ocean-facing shoreline,
excluding the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. In this zone, the relevant avian
species and other avian mitigation factors are: T&E species (migratory
Piping Plovers, Wilson's Plovers, Peregrine Falcons, Gull-billed Terns, and
Roseate Terns); hemispherically important migratory corridor for shorebirds,
seabirds and waterfowl; and hemispherically important migratory staging area
and wintering area for seabirds and waterfowl. The applicant shall either
perform avian field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrence of these
resources, or rely on existing scientific analysis as reflected on the CAPZ
(2) Zone 2: Nearshore waters
that extend from Virginia's ocean-facing shoreline out to 1 km (0.62 mi),
excluding the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. In this zone, the relevant avian
species and other avian mitigation factors are: T&E species (migratory and
breeding Piping Plovers, Wilson's Plovers, Peregrine Falcons and Gull-billed
Terns, and migratory Roseate Terns) and hemispherically important migratory
corridor, migratory staging area, and wintering area for shorebirds, seabirds
and waterfowl. The applicant shall either perform avian field studies regarding
the actual or likely occurrence of these resources or rely on existing
scientific analysis as reflected on the CAPZ map.
(3) Zone 3: Barrier island/seaside lagoon
system, including a 100 m (328 ft) offshore buffer. In this zone, the relevant
avian species and other avian mitigation factors are: T&E species (breeding
and migratory Piping Plovers, Wilson's Plovers, Gull-billed Terns, Peregrine
Falcons and Bald Eagles) and hemispherically important staging area and
wintering area for shorebirds, seabirds, and waterfowl. The applicant shall
either perform avian field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrences
of these resources or rely on existing scientific analysis as reflected on the
CAPZ map.
(4) Zone 4: Southern end
of the Delmarva Peninsula (mainland only), including a 10 km long (6.21 mi)
strip along the western (bayside) fringe of the peninsula that extends from
Wise Point to (and including) Savage Neck. In this zone, the relevant avian
species and other avian mitigation factors are: T&E species (migratory
Peregrine Falcons and breeding and migratory Bald Eagles), the designation as
an Important Bird Area, and hemispherically important migratory staging area
for passerines and other landbirds. The applicant shall either perform avian
field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrence of these resources or
rely on existing scientific analysis as reflected on the CAPZ map.
(5) Zone 5: Delmarva Peninsula, excluding
zones 3 and 4. In this zone, the relevant avian species and other avian
mitigation factors are: T&E species (breeding Bald Eagles) and regionally
to hemispherically important fall migratory staging area for landbirds. The
applicant shall either perform avian field studies regarding the actual or
likely occurrence of these resources or rely on existing scientific analysis as
reflected on the CAPZ map.
(6) Zone
6: Southern end and mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, including the waters off of
the western shore of the Delmarva Peninsula that extend from Wise Point north
to the mouth of Craddock Creek. In this zone, the relevant avian species and
other avian mitigation factors are: migratory staging area and wintering area
for seabirds and waterfowl that may be of hemispheric importance. The applicant
shall conduct aerial transect surveys for waterfowl and seabirds during the
fall migration, spring migration, and wintering seasons to determine the
distribution, density, and relative abundance of these species within this zone
throughout the nonbreeding season.
(7) Zone 7: Lower portions of the James,
York, and Rappahannock Rivers and small tributaries along the south side of the
lower Potomac River. In this zone, relevant avian species and other avian
mitigation factors are: T&E species (breeding Bald Eagles), regionally
important fall migratory staging areas and wintering areas for waterfowl, and
spring migratory staging areas of unknown significance. The applicant shall
conduct aerial transect surveys for waterfowl during the spring migration
season to determine the distribution, density, and relative abundance of these
species within this zone during the spring season. The applicant shall either
perform avian field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrences of
breeding Bald Eagles and waterfowl during the fall and winter seasons or rely
on existing scientific analysis as reflected on the CAPZ map.
(8) Zone 8: Western portions of the
Chesapeake Bay. In this zone, the relevant avian species and other avian
mitigation factors are: migratory staging area and wintering area for seabirds
and waterfowl of unknown significance. The applicant shall conduct aerial
transect surveys for waterfowl and seabirds in the fall migration, spring
migration, and wintering seasons to determine the distribution, density, and
relative abundance of these species within this zone throughout the nonbreeding
(9) Zone 9: Virginia's
northeast sector of the Chesapeake Bay, including all nearshore waters,
marshes, and islands within Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds and all islands and
marshes located along the western fringe of the Delmarva Peninsula from
Craddock Creek north to the Virginia/Maryland border. This zone is recognized
as a migratory staging area and wintering area for seabirds and waterfowl of
unknown significance. The applicant shall conduct aerial transect surveys for
waterfowl and seabirds during the fall migration, spring migration, and
wintering seasons to determine the distribution, density, and relative
abundance of these species within this zone throughout the nonbreeding season.
In this zone, additional relevant avian species and other avian mitigation
factors are: T&E species (breeding Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons) and
the designation as an Important Bird Area. The applicant shall either perform
avian field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrence of these
additional resources or rely on existing scientific analysis as reflected on
the CAPZ map.
(10) Zone 10: Upper
reaches of the James, Rappahannock, and Potomac Rivers. In this zone the
relevant avian species and other avian mitigation factors are T&E species
(breeding Bald Eagles and continentally important Bald Eagle concentration
areas), the designation as Important Bird Areas, and locally to continentally
important waterfowl wintering areas. The applicant shall either perform avian
field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrence of these resources or
rely on existing scientific analysis as reflected on the CAPZ map.
(11) Zone 11: Lower reaches of the Mattaponi
and Pamunkey tributaries. In this zone, the relevant avian species and other
avian mitigation factors are: T&E species (breeding Bald Eagles) and the
designation as an Important Bird Area. The applicant shall either perform avian
field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrence of these resources or
rely on existing scientific analysis as reflected on the CAPZ map.
(12) Zone 12: Outer fringes of the lower,
middle, and northern peninsulas. In this zone, the relevant avian species and
other avian mitigation factors are: T&E species (breeding Bald Eagles). The
applicant shall either perform avian field studies regarding the actual or
likely occurrence of these resources or rely on existing scientific analysis as
reflected on the CAPZ map.
Zone 13: Interior portions of the lower, middle, and northern peninsulas. In
this zone, the relevant avian species and other avian mitigation factors are:
T&E species (breeding Bald Eagles, for which little information currently
exists in this zone). The applicant shall perform ground surveys for breeding
Bald Eagles to determine distribution and abundance of Bald Eagle nests within
the disturbance zone and within.25 mile of the perimeter of the disturbance
(14) Zone 14: Back Bay and
surrounding private lands. In this zone, the relevant avian species and other
avian mitigation factors are: T&E species (breeding Bald Eagles), the
designation as Important Bird Area, and locally to continentally important
migratory staging area and wintering area for waterfowl. The applicant shall
either perform avian field studies regarding the actual or likely occurrence of
these resources, or rely on existing scientific analysis as reflected on the
CAPZ map.